Jesus Christ - Quantum Physicist

Book Description

Does modern natural science suggest the existence of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit? How can we explain eternity and Heaven? Who is the Holy Spirit? Physicist Dirk Schneider beckons his readers to follow him on an enthralling journey of discovery over the course of which he comes up with an entirely new theory. In order to be able to explain the world we live in from the perspective of quantum physics, the existence of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is apparently a necessity. Schneider's analysis uncovers surprising and easy-to-understand congruencies between the results of physics experiments and statements made in the Bible. What's more: the phenomena of quantum physics are easier to understand with the assistance of Biblical statements than they are without the Bible. Table of Contents 1. A long nightmare begins 2. A case of hay fever changes the fate of the world 3. How to alter the course of the past 4. What does "eternity" mean? 5. Why New York is a neighboring city of San Francisco 6. What is omnipresence? 7. The most magnificent experiment of all times 8. What do the terms "God" and "Heaven" mean? 9. Does the moon exist even if no one is looking? 10. The secret of the Holy Spirit 11. Jesus Christ-the Son of God

The Physics of Heaven

Book Description

Some of the most influential and prophetic voices of the Spirit-empowered movement have joined together to help you start hearing the sounds of heaven and discover how natural elements—sound, light, energy, vibration and even quantum physics—are supernaturally bringing Heaven to Earth. Featuring contributions from Bill and Beni Johnson, Larry Randolph, Jonathan Welton, Bob Jones, Cal Pierce, David Van Koevering, and Ray Hughes, The Physics of Heaven features revelatory segments such as: · Recovering Spiritual Inheritance · Sound of Heaven · Angelic Encounters · Quantum Mysticism · Authentic versus Counterfeit Unlock Heaven’s healing energy, tap into the frequency of God’s Kingdom, and access a new realm of divine encounters today! “If you are tired of being a settler, existing on the shores of tradition and riskless living, this book is for you. But beware, because once you get a taste of these authors’ insights into light, sound, vibration and quantum physics and you discover how God has written His personal story into creation, you are destined to see the Almighty all around you.” - from the foreword by Kris Vallotton

The Physics of Christianity

Book Description

A highly respected physicist demonstrates that the essential beliefs of Christianity are wholly consistent with the laws of physics. Frank Tipler takes an exciting new approach to the age-old dispute about the relationship between science and religion in The Physics of Christianity. In reviewing centuries of writings and discussions, Tipler realized that in all the debate about science versus religion, there was no serious scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs. So Tipler embarked on just such a scientific inquiry. The Physics of Christianity presents the fascinating results of his pioneering study. Tipler begins by outlining the basic concepts of physics for the lay reader and brings to light the underlying connections between physics and theology. In a compelling example, he illustrates how the God depicted by Jews and Christians, the Uncaused First Cause, is completely consistent with the Cosmological Singularity, an entity whose existence is required by physical law. His discussion of the scientific possibility of miracles provides an impressive, credible scientific foundation for many of Christianity’s most astonishing claims, including the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Incarnation. He even includes specific outlines for practical experiments that can help prove the validity of the “miracles” at the heart of Christianity. Tipler’s thoroughly rational approach and fully accessible style sets The Physics of Christianity apart from other books dealing with conflicts between science and religion. It will appeal not only to Christian readers, but also to anyone interested in an issue that triggers heated and divisive intellectual and cultural debates.

Quantum Glory

Book Description

Quantum Glory explores the intriguing intersection between the two realities of quantum mechanics and the glory of God. Quantum Glory consists of page after page of revelation as to the glory of God and the wonders of the universe. Part One explores the subatomic world, revealing its exceptionally intricate divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. InPart Two, the author explains how the glory of God invades our physical universe to bring about miracles of divine healing. Quantum Glory is packed with revelation that will blow your mind! But more than that, it is designed to equip you in supernatural ministry so that you can also release the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven! Prepare to have your world turned upside down!

The Quantum Love of God

Book Description

The book reveals that the science of Quantum Physics can bring clarity and understanding of the love of God and how He can have complete knowledge of all things yet not hinder free will. The Quantum Love of God is what makes Christianity completely different and unique from all the other religions in the world because it is the only religion where Jesus Christ, who is love Himself, comes to dwell within each willing heart when He is invited to. The book takes an insightful look at Quantum Physics and separates the objective science of Quantum Physics from the subjective mystical and spiritual interpretations and then compares them with what the Bible has to say on this subject. The book does not attempt to combine the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics with Christian doctrine to show that theology and science fit together very comfortably, or to prove scientifically that God exists.


Book Description

For centuries, scientific discoveries have turned previous thinking upside down. New information comes to light that leaves even those in the scientific community scratching their heads, especially when new findings contradict long-held beliefs. Like Newton's explanation of gravity or Magellan's voyage around the world, the knowledge of relativity and quantum physics changed everything we thought we knew about our surroundings and unlocked undreamed-of possibilities. In this book, author Mark Hicks puts the work of brilliant minds such as Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, and Werner Heisenberg into understandable language and shows the benefits their discoveries have brought us, including television, cell phones, and computers. While both religious scholars and scientists throughout history have seen each other as a threat to their pursuit of the truth, today's physics confirms exactly what the Bible says about the nature of God and His creation. They agree! Surprise: The Union of Quantum Physics, Relativity, and the Bible clearly connects science and faith in language everyone can understand. So even if you don't consider yourself knowledgeable about science or math, get ready to learn some amazing new things about the world around you and the God who created it! Mark Hicks has been a practicing attorney for eighteen years. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Oral Roberts University and a graduate of Regent University School of Law, where he worked with the American Center for Law and Justice.

God and the New Physics

Book Description

Argues that the discoveries of twentieth-century physics--relativity and the quantum theory--demand a radical reformulation of the fundamentals of reality and a way of thinking, that is closer to mysticism than materialism.

The Physics and Philosophy of the Bible

Book Description

Albert Einstein taught that imagination is more important than knowledge, probably having come to this conclusion through a realization that almost all science represents belieffaithas opposed to knowledge. It should come as no surprise, then, that scienceespecially modern physics with its theories of relativity and quantum mechanicshas revolutionized thinking about the likelihood of the existence of God. In The Physics and Philosophy of the Bible, author and physician James Frederick Ivey explains how science, particularly quantum mechanics and relativity, aided by Platos philosophy and the history of Jewish people, can be utilized in order to virtually prove that God exists, that he is unique, and that he is the biblical deity. Ultimately an exploration of Christian philosophy and apologeticsincluding discussions of Christian history, secular retorts, the intersection of science and faith, and the relationship between physics and ultimate truthThe Physics and Philosophy of the Bible demonstrates that apologists are very close to the non-necessity of having to deal with whether God exists or not. From Platos earliest philosophical insights to the most groundbreaking discoveries in contemporary physics, we can find the fingerprints of God that prove He is with us. And. God seeks us just as we seek him, for he desires cognitive individuals with whom he can enjoy mutual love and intimacy.

Prayer, Quantum Physics and Hotel Mattresses

Book Description

God’s creation is so intimately intertwined that we cannot separate the visible from the invisible. The unseen—thoughts, emotions, and matters of the Spirit—has dramatic impact on the seen—the stuff we deal with every day. Prayer, Quantum Physics, and Hotel Mattresses strives to integrate the visible and invisible aspects of life: prayer, representing the spiritual and relational side of life; quantum physics, representing the fundamental and scientific aspects of ultimate reality and the physical world in which we live; and hotel mattresses, representing the everyday stuff and situations to which we apply our faith. You will learn: • Science and the Bible are not in competition—they are totally different but complementary, and they stand side by side as two of the most significant revelations of God. • God wants to be intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, not just our worship on Sunday mornings. • There is an intimately spiritual nature in your everyday life. • How to better understand the physical world and enter into a deeper intimacy with the Creator God.