Christ and the Desert Tabernacle

Book Description

The author provides thirteen short chapters on the various facets of the tabernacle constructed in Exodus. In each chapter, he unpacks the symbolism of the tabernacle according to its Old Testament context before connecting to Christ's person and work in the New Testament.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Book Description

The Tabernacle is the greatest of all the Old Testament "types" of Christ. As we look closely at its furniture, its priesthood, and its feast observances, we are afforded a glimpse of God's glory, His grace, and His love for His chosen people. The sacrifices and rituals performed in the Tabernacle in the wilderness only pointed ahead to the time that God would reconcile His people to himself. It is in this study of the Tabernacle that "tangibles become teachable." It is where Old Testament realities that could be touched become New Testament principles that must be put into practice. It is through this study of the Tabernacle that we more fully understand the principle of "the actuality of the old depicts the spirituality of the new." In this study, we get to see Jesus Christ, His purpose and process of redemption, His plan of salvation, and His role as Savior. The Tabernacle is a study of God's masterpiece of typography. To come away from a study of the Tabernacle as an expert in the Tabernacle and still not understand how to approach and worship the Creator, and having not experienced Jesus during your study will basically have been an exercise in futility. The purpose of this study is not to acquire knowledge for the sake of having more knowledge. It is not to make one a Bible scholar on the Tabernacle. Instead, the purpose of this study is to reveal Jesus throughout the Tabernacle and to enhance both one's corporate and individual worship experiences. It is my sincerest hope and prayer that this book will give you a fresh perspective of worship, a better understanding of His holiness, and a renewed respect for the presence of God.

Jesus in the Desert Tabernacle

Book Description

During His last night on Earth, why was Jesus robed in royalty purple, but then was whipped, scorned, and crucified as a common criminal? Who put the purple robe on Him, and why, and how did this action fulfill prophesy? Also, if He was both king and priest, why wasn't He robed in the priesthood blue? Scripture has more references about the Tabernacle of Moses than any other single topic. Confronted with this fact and the symbolism in the colors, measurements, and natural fabrics of this fragile Wilderness Tent Dwelling, the author began to discover and communicate these facts to others. Drawing on an open-eyed vision of the Desert Tabernacle given to her by the Lord, she began searching and writing twenty years later when His Voice came again and said, "Tell them of my Tabernacle. For how can they learn without a teacher?"

Christ in the Tabernacle

Book Description

WHEN God told Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness, according to the pattern which He showed him in the mount, He said: “Speak unto the children of Israel . . . And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:2, 25:8). When the inspired apostle explained the spiritual significance of this, God's dwelling place among His people, Israel, He said to the Hebrew Christians: “We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man” (Hebrews 8:1-2). These words from the New Testament not only give us the Holy Spirit's commentary on the meaning of the tabernacle in the wilderness; but they are the key that unlocks a vast treasure of spiritual truth regarding the “earthly sanctuary” which Moses built, in order that God might dwell among His people. If we would understand the New Testament teaching concerning this Jewish tabernacle, which was “a shadow of good things to come” (Hebrews 10:1), we should compare the Exodus record with the Epistle to the Hebrews, especially chapters eight and nine, which deal with the tabernacle in particular, though primarily with the ministry of Christ, our Great High Priest, in “the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” This comparison of the Old Testament with the New will unfold to us “The Glories of Christ As Foreshadowed in the Jewish Tabernacle.” Yea, it will reveal to us the wonders of the prophetic Scriptures, wherein the Holy Spirit “testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow” (1Peter 1:11). In connection with the typical significance of the Jewish tabernacle, we have one of the many clear proofs that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; whereas the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. And the Triune God gave to Israel the tabernacle, the priesthood, and the offerings, in order that sinful man might recognize the promised Saviour, and understand the significance of His mission and death.

Tabernacle Tour

Book Description

This book details redemption through typical truths in the Tabernacle. In the Tabernacle are spiritual realities that are only revealed in the resurrected all-powerful Christ. (Christian)

The Tabernacle of Moses

Book Description

This insightful work is a theological, historical, and scriptural explanation of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Sinai Wilderness. It is a practical, in-depth, and engaging work that examines in detail the Old Testament Tabernacle and gleans from every aspect of its story, a connection with Jesus Christ. The author has journeyed back into time and takes us along to where he uncovers amazing and revealing connections between the old tabernacle with all its bloodshed, and the work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Golgotha. The Tabernacle of Moses is an intensely transformative work; it reveals long hidden secrets whose discovery introduces our hearts to truth we have never known and pours into our understanding immensely revealing connections that leave no doubt as to why the Tabernacle of Moses was a necessary prerequisite for the work of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Written for both Christians and non-Christians seeking biblical understanding, The Tabernacle of Moses is a guide for greater comprehension of both Old and New Testament scriptures. Through this Old Testament portable sanctuary where God chose to live on earth among His people, we are afforded a close up view of Israels journey from bondage in Egypt to freedom through the Red Sea. As the Israelites moved towards the Promised Land, the book explains how God uses this tabernacle, and ultimately the entire Bible, to teach through types, shadows, and symbolism, the importance of this structure in the development of the religious life of Israel and in the believers life today. This work seeks to help us understand how the redeeming work of Jesus Christ is made possible based on the Tabernacle of Moses.

The Tabernacle's Typical Teaching

Book Description

Algernon James Pollock's classic volume is an exposition of "types" - people, places, objects, events, offices, activities and institutions - connected with the Tabernacle, the Priesthood, the Offerings and the Feasts (particularly as described in the first five books of the Old Testament) which foreshadow their corresponding New Testament "antitypes" - most particularly Christ Himself. The author wrote in a postscript to the first edition: "The reward of this modest volume will be if it whets the appetite of the reader, leading him to desire to know more of these wondrous subjects. The theme is delightful indeed as it leads the heart into contact with Christ, subduing it by a deepening sense of the meaning of the death of Christ, leading out at the same time the affections of the heart to Him to Whom the believer owes everything for time and eternity." Elsewhere he once wrote: "We appeal to our readers, especially young men and women, to give the Bible a fair trial. Read it, study it, and seek earnestly the truth." The publishers commend this book to you as an aid to such study, confident that as you read, your appreciation will grow of the wonder of the One who is indeed the Tabernacle's true Theme, and is Himself the Truth.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Book Description

It has been my happy privilege to read the manuscript of Bruce Corbin's new book, "The Tabernacle In the Wilderness." This gifted writer, who has thrilled thousands with his unusual prophetic messages, has burned out another valuable contribution in the field of Christian literature. I predict that the reading of this book will bless multitudes of serious-minded Bible students. A few years ago Bruce Corbin was stricken with illness and blindness which threatened to end his ministry. Thousands of friends, including myself, prayed that the Lord would spare him and restore his sight. GOD heard and answered and his work has continued. After reading the manuscript of this book, I am convinced that the Heavenly Father spared my friend that he might add this crowning achievement of his ministry. I know that all who read these chapters, will find them to be "Chapters of Blessing." In these pages The Tabernacle comes to life. It lives and breathes a message of GOD's love for men. Everything connected with this ancient unfolding of GOD's plan of salvation and place of worship, every piece of furnishing and all instructions concerning it present the living CHRIST to the understanding and inspire the adoration of the reader. This book is a signal accomplishment, possibly only because of many years of diligent study of the Book of Books. My friend has encompassed in this book a richness of material many authors have expanded into five or six volumes. I believe that thousands will feel indebted to this former foreign missionary for this simple, concise unfolding of the character and ministry of CHRIST, as revealed by GOD to Israel in their wilderness wanderings. After reading these illuminating chapters, one may understand why JESUS in astonishment exclaimed to Nicodemus, "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?" (John 3:10) It is my fervent prayer that GOD will spare Brother Corbin for many years of added service and in the realization of the blessings which have come to those who have been helped by his writings. Already he has much treasure stored "where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt," (Matthew 6:20) and I am sure that this book will constitute another jewel in the heavenly crown.

Beauty in the Desert

Book Description

Deserts can be harsh, but they also are home to rare beauty. Spiritual deserts are difficult, but in God’s hands they can become life transforming. During spiritual deserts, we can find love in God’s dwelling place, the tabernacle, because it offers a blueprint for intimately meeting with Him. Author Eddie Broussard guides readers through the tabernacle, clearly explaining its meaning in light of its New Covenant fulfillment in Christ. Understanding the tabernacle can lead you to have worship that empowers, wisdom that guides, and a knowledge of God that transforms.