Jewels of Gujarat: Manhar 'M.P.' Parbhu Rama

Book Description

Dreams Work, If You Do It’s not your education, but your love for work that really matters. How many among us dare to walk on the path our destiny chooses for us? Not many; but those who do so, achieve their goals. Mr. Manhar 'M.P.' Parbhu Rama was one of the few who walked the path his heart chose for him. May be slow, but he found his way to success and has stayed there ever since!

Jewels of Gujarat: Rashmi Kirtilal Mehta

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GEM OF GEMS A pioneer in diamond industry, he attaches more value to relationships than materialistic possession. He is often known as 'the humble man with the best network in the world'. He knows what others do not – reading people like none other – and that makes the industry often seek his presence. Frugal with words but rich in ideas, he possesses a rare faculty of understanding that makes him help others without ever asking for anything in return. He sees his life as one dedicated to keeping his parent’s legacy alive because he believes that their blessings have shaped his destiny. Mr. Rashmi Kirtilal Mehta is happiest when youngsters take inspiration from learning of his life.

Jewels of Gujarat: Dinesh Manilal Zaveri

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COVERING THE WORLD WITH PEARLS Exploring the unexplored lands more than once, Mr. Dinesh Manilal Zaveri showed grit to dig the pearls from a country near the Pacific Ocean. Choosing a nation that has seen devastation quite often to come back to life more determined and unwavering, he learnt to remain resolute and strong-minded, facing all odds with his humbleness and polite nature, growing manifold to finally establish a legacy that his next generation embraced deliberately.

Jewels of Gujarat: Sunita Lyn Williams

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MAKING INDIA PROUD She is a born genius, who works hard with utter devotion and has set records on her two flights to the International Space Station. So successful is she, yet humility is her closest acquaint. A humanitarian, Mrs. Sunita Lyn Williams, lovingly called Suni, loves pets and thus dreamt of being a veterinarian but ended up being an astronaut, someone who holds the record for total cumulative spacewalk time by a female astronaut with 50 hours and 40 minutes, becoming a role model for young girls in Science and Technology.

Jewels of Gujarat: Shrikant Ghanshyambhai Shah

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THE SHRI ADHERENT Mr. Shrikant Shah left India with a monthly salary of Rs. 750 to settle in a new country, where fate brought him to realise the true aim of his life. In his efforts, he successfully ventured out on his own, which he credits to his deity, Lord Shri Krishna. How did he reach the top? “I never say ‘no’ to anyone in need, I always am determined towards my work. I trusted Him for help.”

Jewels of Gujarat: Keshavlal Chandaria

Book Description

LIVING FOR GIVING A philanthropist par excellence and an exceptional community leader, Mr. Keshavlal Chandaria is a nonagenarian, reputed as someone to go to whenever help is needed. A poet and a master of 12 languages, his work with the Rotary Club of Toronto since 1977 has helped many across the globe. He is a prime example of those who have, against all odds, clawed their way to the commanding heights and are making a remarkable contribution to the economy.

Jewels of Gujarat: Ramesh Dwarkadas Khagram

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HUMBLE AND DETERMINED A quiet and well-respected man, who prefers maintaining a low-profile and loves his work, he till date is an active sportsperson. Though he had little interest in the family business when he was young, a trip to Europe transformed and readied Mr. Ramesh Dwarkadas Khagram to challenge the world and become a successful businessman.

Jewels of Gujarat: Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani

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THE RICHEST, THE SIMPLEST The world knows India's richest and most influential man is quiet, modest and shy! A technocrat and management expert par excellence, he could always see far into the future and pinpoint the businesses that would change the face of his company profile. The biggest difference in him and other businesspeople is his ability to understand what is must, desirable and avoidable. This quality alone has made Mr. Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani the richest and most influential figure in India

Jewels of Gujarat: Lavjibhai Dungarbhai Daliya

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THE MAESTRO OF HEARTS He hails from a village so small you probably have never heard the name of. People recognise him by not his name but the title he has earned. Rightly called Badshah, meaning the king, he feels and works for the needy. We ask him why do people call him so, when innumerable understand their needs and work for them. Lavjibhai Dungarbhai Daliya, the Badshah, himself shares...

Jewels of Gujarat: Jaysukhbhai Odhavjibhai Patel

Book Description

HOLDING CORE FAMILY VALUES From being a social welfare person to a man knowing the importance of every single penny, he owes it all to his father. Despite having a rich ancestral background, his father opted to live with nominal capital and followed the path of simplicity and hard-work. He has done a lot for women empowerment and believes, they prove to be a valuable asset everywhere. No other person than Mr. Jaysukhbhai Odhavjibhai Patel could understand the value of time. No other person than him utilises time better than him.