Jewels of Gujarat: Morari ‘Bapu’ Prabhudas Hariyani

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A BARD OF TOGETHERNESS Having spent most of his childhood with his grandparents, he had learnt making rosaries of Tulsi from his grandmother, while his grandfather used to teach him five hymns of Ram Charit Manas daily. So much did he like to imbibe those hymns in him that he would recite them while his way towards school and back. Reciting Ram Kathas for beyond 50 years across the globe now, he spreads the message of truth, love and compassion. For him, Ram Charit Manas is not merely a book, it is the essence of India and its culture.

Jewels of Gujarat: Dinesh Manilal Zaveri

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COVERING THE WORLD WITH PEARLS Exploring the unexplored lands more than once, Mr. Dinesh Manilal Zaveri showed grit to dig the pearls from a country near the Pacific Ocean. Choosing a nation that has seen devastation quite often to come back to life more determined and unwavering, he learnt to remain resolute and strong-minded, facing all odds with his humbleness and polite nature, growing manifold to finally establish a legacy that his next generation embraced deliberately.

Jewels of Gujarat: Niranjan Shamalbhai Shah

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STRENGTHENING INDO–US RELATIONS Engineer and business executive, Mr. Niranjan Shamalbhai Shah has accumulated many accomplishments over the years but his greatest challenge was when he was a child with a Bombay-dream, but no money for his college education. Yet he took a leap of faith, crossed thousands of miles and achieved the American-dream. Several years later, with hard-work and family support, he decided to bring his birth and adopted countries closer. Tough, yet he did it! How, he shares.

Jewels of Gujarat: Vithalbhai Devsibhai Dhaduk

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PASSIONATELY FOLLOWING THE PURPOSE The worst times of his life has taught him to be more determined. Growing up in scarcity, he learned to reach out to many. The biggest shock of his life helped him to understand the purpose of his life. His simplicity and humility make everyone respect him. One of the most recognised names among the Gujarati diaspora in the USA, Dr. Vithalbhai Devsibhai Dhaduk is a fervent Gujarati at heart. His day remains incomplete without dhokla and chiwda. So, what keeps him going? “The desperate desire to find the cure...” But why?

Jewels of Gujarat: Keshavlal Chandaria

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LIVING FOR GIVING A philanthropist par excellence and an exceptional community leader, Mr. Keshavlal Chandaria is a nonagenarian, reputed as someone to go to whenever help is needed. A poet and a master of 12 languages, his work with the Rotary Club of Toronto since 1977 has helped many across the globe. He is a prime example of those who have, against all odds, clawed their way to the commanding heights and are making a remarkable contribution to the economy.

Jewels of Gujarat: Jayantilal Vershi Gada

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BEHIND THE SCENES Dr. Jayantilal Vershi Gada is practical, peace-loving, transparent and a man of words. Though work is closest to his heart, Rome was not built in a day. It, in fact, is hard-work, commitment and following of the heart for years that he could grow beyond expectations. So much love has he for his work that he went back to rejoin the company after retirement realising after-retirement life to be ‘too boring’.

Jewels of Gujarat: Sunita Lyn Williams

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MAKING INDIA PROUD She is a born genius, who works hard with utter devotion and has set records on her two flights to the International Space Station. So successful is she, yet humility is her closest acquaint. A humanitarian, Mrs. Sunita Lyn Williams, lovingly called Suni, loves pets and thus dreamt of being a veterinarian but ended up being an astronaut, someone who holds the record for total cumulative spacewalk time by a female astronaut with 50 hours and 40 minutes, becoming a role model for young girls in Science and Technology.

Jewels of Gujarat: Hasmukh Kanjibhai Patel

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CONVERTING ASPIRATIONS INTO INSPIRATIONS What can probably be the reason for a man to face it all, struggle and win? Could it be his parents guiding him from above? Or did he inherit it from his grandparents, parents and uncle? It could also be his urge to take their aspirations to a height that would become an inspiration! Mr. Hasmukh Kanjibhai Patel’s success is well-known, but what’s the secret behind it?

Jewels of Gujarat: Chandrika ‘Rika’ & Manahar ‘Manu’ Shah

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UNITED TO BE THE CHANGE Smt. Chandrika ‘Rika’ and Shri. Manahar ‘Manu’ Shah, both grouped up in different cities but had similar values and dreams. They came to the USA, the land of opportunities, to build a life together and for a brighter future for themselves. Together, they ended up opening a business which provided opportunities to thousand others like them who had immigrated to the USA. This non-violent and compassionate couple worked hard to achieve the success they have today and swore to give the world all they can. The husband and wife believe that God has blessed them so that they can donate and help others.

Jewels of Gujarat: Bimal Sobhagchand Shah

Book Description

BUILDING HIS OWN LEGACY Have you ever heard of a near-perfect man? Someone who is a respectful son, loving husband, caring father, great baker and successful businessman? There is one... His active involvement in social work sets him apart; someone who not only takes a legacy forward but believes in making his own. This eminent persona is Mr. Bimal Sobhagchand Shah.