Jewels of Gujarat: Vishram ‘V.J.’ Jadva Patel

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HE MADE THE WORLD HIS UNIVERSITY “Doing things better, every day” defines his life. A swimmer in the open sea, he has been trekking through places like Kailash, Mansarovar, Mount Kilimanjaro, to name a few and playing tennis for past many years. A certified pilot and diver, he is an avid traveller, travelled to far-offs like Arctic and Antarctica. How does Mr. Vishram Jadva Patel switch to being a builder of some of the most outstanding sites, an industrialist to look up to, an indispensible connect between India and Africa and a charismatic person?

Jewels of Gujarat: Lalitaben Ashabhai Patel

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A LADY OF VALUES From the oppressive times when women weren’t supposed to do more than household work, here’s a lady who did it all and won. Yet, more than anything else, she is a woman that any woman is supposed to be, a mother! An inspirational, amiable and inventive Fiji Indian, she has taught her children what all mothers aspire for but few can inculcate – values. Here’s how she, Lalitaben Ashabhai Patel, the pillar and strength behind all the Patels today, with her vision and courage made the family dream and achieve new horizons every day.

Jewels of Gujarat: Dahyabhai Revabhai Patel

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WHEN PASSION EQUALS SUCCESS He treasures each minute he spent in his native, with his family, companions and teachers. The family man left his loved ones at an early age to anchor their future and let them have a financially fulfilling life. With his passion for innovation, Mr. Dahyabhai Revabhai Patel has created a revolutionary product, which has made him a reckoned name in the world of pharmaceuticals.

Jewels of Gujarat: Rashmi Kirtilal Mehta

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GEM OF GEMS A pioneer in diamond industry, he attaches more value to relationships than materialistic possession. He is often known as 'the humble man with the best network in the world'. He knows what others do not – reading people like none other – and that makes the industry often seek his presence. Frugal with words but rich in ideas, he possesses a rare faculty of understanding that makes him help others without ever asking for anything in return. He sees his life as one dedicated to keeping his parent’s legacy alive because he believes that their blessings have shaped his destiny. Mr. Rashmi Kirtilal Mehta is happiest when youngsters take inspiration from learning of his life.

Jewels of Gujarat: Mafat Vitthalbhai Patel

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STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE, SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW Success eludes those who do not strive for it; however, what makes one strive for it varies. What started with a mere thought would transform into a leading and most-loved Asian-Indian grocery store, he had never thought so. Be it his emotion or his love for his country, Mr. Mafat Vitthalbhai Patel set upon to provide it to all and today his brand is a favourite among all Asians, spreading the love throughout the USA.

Jewels of Gujarat: Hasmukh Kanjibhai Patel

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CONVERTING ASPIRATIONS INTO INSPIRATIONS What can probably be the reason for a man to face it all, struggle and win? Could it be his parents guiding him from above? Or did he inherit it from his grandparents, parents and uncle? It could also be his urge to take their aspirations to a height that would become an inspiration! Mr. Hasmukh Kanjibhai Patel’s success is well-known, but what’s the secret behind it?

Jewels of Gujarat: Bharat Natvar Patel

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A VISIONARY BOSS Still young at the heart, he says that he is his own boss. His is the exceptional case of heart, mind and stars collaborating towards single goal. He dropped out in the last phase of his formal education to venture a new journey, becoming a jack-of-all-trades by cooking, working the front desk and providing maintenance. Today, Mr. Bharat Natvar Patel is no less than a king in the industry.

Jewels of Gujarat: Bimal Sobhagchand Shah

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BUILDING HIS OWN LEGACY Have you ever heard of a near-perfect man? Someone who is a respectful son, loving husband, caring father, great baker and successful businessman? There is one... His active involvement in social work sets him apart; someone who not only takes a legacy forward but believes in making his own. This eminent persona is Mr. Bimal Sobhagchand Shah.

Jewels of Gujarat: Bhupeshchandra Narottambhai Patel

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ONE STEP AHEAD, ALWAYS He was taught family values by his mother and life experiences by his father, and the blend of both made him achieve success. When it comes to spreading knowledge, culture and following scriptures, he is always at the forefront and enhancing togetherness among communities. One step ahead of what he wants, Mr. B.N. Patel believes education is the most powerful weapon to extract the best out of a person.

Jewels of Gujarat: Ramesh Dwarkadas Khagram

Book Description

HUMBLE AND DETERMINED A quiet and well-respected man, who prefers maintaining a low-profile and loves his work, he till date is an active sportsperson. Though he had little interest in the family business when he was young, a trip to Europe transformed and readied Mr. Ramesh Dwarkadas Khagram to challenge the world and become a successful businessman.