Jewish Christians in Puritan England

Book Description

Among the proliferation of Protestant sects across England in the seventeenth century, a remarkable number began adopting demonstratively Jewish ritual practices. From circumcision to Sabbath-keeping and dietary laws, their actions led these movements were labelled by their contemporaries as Judaizers, with various motives proposed. Were these Judaizing steps an excrescence of over-exuberant biblicism? Were they a by-product of Protestant apocalyptic tendencies? Were they a response to the changing status of Jews in Europe? In Jewish Christians in Puritan England, Aidan Cottrell-Boyce shows that it was instead another aspect of Puritanism that led to this behaviour: the need to be recognised as a 'singular', positively distinctive, Godly minority. This quest for demonstrable uniqueness as a form of assurance united the Judaizing groups with other Protestant movements, while the depiction of Judaism in Christian rhetoric at the time made them a peculiarly ideal model upon which to base the marks of their salvation.

Jewish Christians and Christian Jews

Book Description

The appearance of religious toleration combined with the intensification of the search for theological truth led to a unique phenomenon in early modern Europe: Jewish Christians and Christian Jews. These essays will demonstrate that the cross-fertilization of these two religions, which for so long had a tradition of hostility towards each other, not only affected developments within the two groups but in many ways foreshadowed the emergence of the Enlightenment and the evolution of modern religious freedom.

Christian Zionism and English National Identity, 1600–1850

Book Description

This book explores why English Christians, from the early modern period onwards, believed that their nation had a special mission to restore the Jews to Palestine. It examines English support for Jewish restoration from the Whitehall Conference in 1655 through to public debates on the Jerusalem Bishopric in 1841. Rather than claiming to replace Israel as God’s “elect nation”, England was “chosen” to have a special, but inferior, relationship with the Jews. Believing that God “blessed those who bless” the Jewish people, this national role allowed England to atone for ill-treatment of Jews, read the confusing pathways of providence, and guarantee the nation’s survival until Christ’s return. This book analyses this mode of national identity construction and its implications for understanding Christian views of Jews, the self, and “the other”. It offers a new understanding of national election, and of the relationship between apocalyptic prophecy and political action.

New Israel/New England

Book Description

Examines the history of colonial New England through the lens of its first settlers Judeocentric worldview

Jewish Influence in Christian Reform Movements

Book Description

In his work, Rabbi Newman documents the struggle between Christianity and Judaism. The Rabbi also includes information on Jewish Influence in fomenting the Protestant revolt against the Catholic Church, which led to the freeing of Jews from Church strictures and mainstreaming them into the political and social life of Christendom, particularly in Protestant countries. Newman even takes up the topic of Jewish influence in Puritan New England. All in all, this is an important book for those wishing to understand the mutual antipathies which have beset Christians and Jews.

The Salvation of Israel

Book Description

The Salvation of Israel investigates Christianity's eschatological Jew: the role and characteristics of the Jews at the end of days in the Christian imagination. It explores the depth of Christian ambivalence regarding these Jews, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, through late antiquity and the Middle Ages, to the Puritans of the seventeenth century. Jeremy Cohen contends that few aspects of a religion shed as much light on the character and the self-understanding of its adherents as its expectations for the end of time. Moreover, eschatological beliefs express and mold an outlook toward nonbelievers, situating them in an overall scheme of human history and conditioning interaction with them as that history unfolds. Cohen's close readings of biblical commentary, theological texts, and Christian iconography reveal the dual role of the Jews of the last days. For rejecting belief and salvation in Jesus Christ, they have been linked to the false messiah—the Antichrist, the agent of Satan and the exemplary embodiment of evil. Yet from its inception, Christianity has also hinged its hopes for the second coming on the enlightenment and repentance of the Jews; for then, as Paul prophesized, "all Israel will be saved." In its vast historical scope, from the ancient Mediterranean world of early Christianity to seventeenth-century England and New England, The Salvation of Israel offers a nuanced and insightful assessment of Christian attitudes toward Jews, rife with inconsistency and complexity, thus contributing significantly to our understanding of Jewish-Christian relations.

Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel

Book Description

A collection of essays by several scholars, this book is an important study of the origins of post- and pre-millennialism in English theology. Initially, it is shown how the early Lutherans or reformers of the sixteenth century adopted the traditional Augustinian eschatology, a doctrine concerned with the end of the world or of humankind. It analyses how Luther paved the way for the interpretation of revelation not as heralding an apocalypse, but as an important historical and political event. For many Puritans this meant the collapse of the Papacy, the restoration of the Jews, and the dawn of a period of glory for the Church. This book traces the hopes and fears of Christians presented with the prophesised apocalypse, which was at this time felt to be imminent. It discusses the manner in which dogma was adapted to suit the interpretations of each religious sect, and the impact which historical events such as the thirty years war, exerted on these theologians. This is a clear discussion on the important elements of millennialism, and is particularly interesting set in the context of comparing these deeply religious views with our own modern thoughts upon entering a new millennium.

Our Hands Are Stained with Blood

Book Description

A description of 2,000 years of Christian persecution of the Jews, written by a Jewish Christian who contends that Christians are almost totally ignorant of the Jews' agony throughout the centuries. Pointing to the Jewish origins of Jesus and the apostles, and to positive aspects of Judaism, decries the Christian distortion of Judaism, and the hatred and lies spread against the Jewish people up to the present day. Although he believes that the Jews will eventually come to accept Jesus as the Messiah, Brown calls on Christians to approach Jews with love, and not with hatred. He states that Satan is the author of the spirit of antisemitism, and that Christians must recognize that when they hate Jews they are heeding not God but Satan.

Judaism Without Jews

Book Description

Oliver Cromwell's readmission of the Jews to England in 1656 has traditionally been regarded as a watershed in the history of the Jews in England. As well as providing a critical account of the historiography of readmission as a definitive act of toleration, this book reinterprets Christian philosemitism of the early modern period.