Prose Fiction of the Cuban Revolution

Book Description

Recipient of the Hubert Herring Memorial Award from the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies for the best unpublished manuscript of 1973, Prose Fiction of the Cuban Revolution is an in-depth study of works by Cubans, Cuban exiles, and other Latin American writers. Combining historical and critical approaches, Seymour Menton classifies and analyzes over two hundred novels and volumes of short stories, revealing the extent to which Cuban literature reflects the reality of the Revolution. Menton establishes four periods—1959–1960, 1961–1965,1966–1970, and 1971– 1973—that reflect the changing policies of the revolutionary government toward the arts. Using these periods as a chronological guideline, he defines four distinct literary generations, records the facts about their works, establishes coordinates, and formulates a system of literary and historical classification. He then makes an aesthetic analysis of the best of Cuban fiction, emphasizing the novels of major writers, including Alejo Carpentier's El siglo de las luces, and José Lezama Lima's Paradiso. He also discusses the works of a large number of lesser-known writers, which must be considered in arriving at an accurate historical tableau. Menton's exploration of the short story combines a thematic and stylistic analysis of nineteen anthologies with a close study of six authors: Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Calvert Casey, Humberto Arenal, Antonio Benítez, Jesús Díaz Rodríguez, and Norberto Fuentes. Several chapters are devoted to the increasing number of novels and short stories written by Cuban exiles as well as to the eighteen novels and one short story written about the Revolution by non-Cubans, such as Julio Cortázar, Carlos Martínez Moreno, Luisa Josefina Hernández, and Pedro Juan Soto. In studying literary works to reveal the intrinsic consciousness of a historical period, Menton presents not only his own views but also those of Cuban literary critics. In addition, he clarifies the various changes in the official attitude toward literature and the arts in Cuba, using the revolutionary processes of several other countries as comparative examples.

Crítica Hispánica

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Don Quixote

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Archival Dissonance in the U.S. Cuban Post-Exile Novel

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Archival Dissonance in the U.S. Cuban Post-Exile Novel documents a body of emergent US Cuban literature published in Spanish and English beyond the scope and historicity of exile. Focusing on the work of Roberto G. Fernández, Ana Menéndez, and Antonio Benítez Rojo, the book proposes that, rather than reinforce US Cuban exile ethnic identity developed between 1960 and the 1980s, or demonstrate a tendency toward cultural assimilation (“Americanization”) over three generations of writers, the discussed historical novels incorporate Caribbean and Latin American archival sources and interpretive frameworks in order to develop a critical and investigative approach to the politics of Cuban exile historiography. Published before the recent apertura between the US and Cuban governments, these post-exile novels anticipate themes of displacement, migration, and social marginalization as common, rather than exceptional, features of modern (and historical) life, as well as such other current (and historical) topics as gender construction and performance, figurations of race, the commoditization of culture, and urban poverty. The post-exile historical novel points to a future for US Cuban narrative and historiography, in part by investigating and featuring dissonances hidden or unacknowledged in previous Cuban exile historical fiction. The literature studied in this book further reinforces a view of two-way migration between Cuba and the United States as a normal phenomenon predating 1959, and, at the same time, as a likely shape of things to come.

Revista de estudios hispánicos

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Major Cuban Novelists

Book Description

These chapters present a general survey of the development of the Cuban novel in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with specific and detailed studies of the works of Alejo Carpentier, Jose Lezama Lima, and Guillermo Cabrera Infante. This study affords a review of how a novelistic tradition took form in Cuba and a more detailed appreciation of some recent outstanding achievements.

The Youth and the Beach

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Emilia Bernal

Book Description

El siguiente trabajo que nos presenta el autor nos lleva por la vida de una autora que según el escritor es una de las más significativas de la literatura cubana: Emilia Bernal, muerta en Estados Unidos en el año mil novecientos sesenta y cuatro. Para demostrar su trascendencia la compara abiertamente con la escritora española Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, monja que se destaco en la época colonial mexicana por sus escritos con gran carga intelectual para una mujer de esa época. Partiendo con los detalles propios biográficos de Bernal, se nos entrega también su carrera en la literatura, sus trabajos más representativos, los que se acompañan con la crítica que se les hizo en su momento de aparición. Así el libro se transforma en una apología a esta escritora a quien quizás no se le había dado la importancia necesaria que el autor le da con este trabajo.