Journey Through A Living Testimony

Book Description

An inspirational journey of divine reflection and expression from my deepest thoughts through a transformational spiritual insight, encounters and experiences with a strong unwavering belief that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called and when we have nothing left but God, God is enough!

Journey Within Thee

Book Description

A woman is struck with a disease that takes her through many different trials and tribulations. She finds herself fighting in many ways to overcome this disease. This disease affects different parts of her body and this makes it extremely hard to do the things her heart desires. While coping with her problems she is face with many challenges of her family members along her journey. She crossed many bridges but she learned to put all her trust in the Lord along this journey.

My Journey

Book Description

Life has a way of catching us by surprise with courses and pathways that are unpredictable. It is tough enough trying to figure life out while we are doing the "right" things and living the "right" way. Derrick Clark made some bad decisions growing up that took him on a path towards destruction. moving from home to home, life in the streets, and negative influences, he found himself awkwardly navigating a road to extinction because of his decision to become a drug dealer. Although Derrick had challenges growing up, with the help of God, family, and community support, he was able to triumph over his past. His journey became his testimony.

A Journey Through My Deliverance

Book Description

I know that the Word of God says that through our testimonies, lives are saved. This book is a testimony of a journey that was not easy by any means, but with the Lord on my side, I survived. When fighting against spiritual things and demons that come and represent physical illness to keep you from your purpose, God will step in and save.

Giving God the Glory

Book Description

As you begin this journey about my life there is so much that is not included in this book. I chose to write this book in Babel because my life was in disarray. Babel simply means in no particular order and is not necessarily grammatically correct. This journey is based on true incidents in my life. You will visit spiritual travels that seems unbelievable to those who do not understand the spiritual world. The spiritual world was a difficult part of my life. My life as a child was much like that of the story of Caine and Abel. There were many episodes of sibling rivalry during my childhood and adult life. Also my first broken heart is mentioned. I lived through the death threats and doctors placing a sentence on my life. As you travel through this book you will see how I begin to evolve and become a more aggressive person in a spiritual way. In the conclusion of this book where I am just talking about subjects that I think need to be addressed, let it be a blessing for you as you read it.

Let Nothing Stop You

Book Description

After critical analysis of my life, I have come to realise the Lord has been my portion for living. The arm of the Lord is really strong and has saved me, and he is still with me. I have drawn this conclusion due to some awkward situations that befell me and that could have resulted in my untimely death. This is the story of how I became a witch doctor, a boxer, and then a pastor and how it took me two years to travel on foot through Africa to get to Europe to attend Bible college because of my calling from God. I have shared my testimony with some unbelievers who have become new converts in Christ, and the Christians with whom I speak revive their hopes and faith. I love to share my story by speaking on a platform because I am not good at writing. But due to space and time constraints, I have chosen to write it down. Pay attention as I share with you some fascinating moments of my life.

Becoming a Living Testimony

Book Description

ARTavius is something special?At just twenty-four weeks, he was prematurely birthed.At the tender age of three, he was diagnosed with kidney disease.As a teenager, he struggled to find his place in the world?Being on dialysis was a challenge. His struggles overwhelmed him. Maintaining friendships burdened him. Medication, treatments, and mood swings inevitably spun his thoughts to suicide. There was a pivotal moment, while on dialysis. He prayed and made the ultimate promise to God?His grandmother, Shirley Veasey, gave him purpose via encouragement and biblical teachings. Within a few months of the prayer, he was blessed with a kidney transplant?And the trial of his experience, pain, sorrow, and triumph has become a tour de force?In his memoir, Becoming A Living Testimony, ARTavius Veasey shows full transparency. He grants his readers the opportunity to walk with him on his journey. Through the storm of hardships was an unexpected breakthrough. An epiphany?that kidney disease indeed BLESSED his life. Presently, the 30-year-old I AM ART founder is going on 15 years post-transplant. He holds a master's degree and became a gold medalist athlete. His talent and his gift know no bounds. He continues to strive and break more barriers that inspire those of the transplant community, whoever felt they couldn't achieve their dreams due to kidney disease.ARTavius isn't just a name?It's a chef-d'oeuvre: Masterpiece.

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Book Description

"Rosaria, by the standards of many, was living a very good life. She had a tenured position at a large university in a field for which she cared deeply. She owned two homes with her partner, in which they provided hospitality to students and activists that were looking to make a difference in the world. In the community, Rosaria was involved in volunteer work. At the university, she was a respected advisor of students and her department's curriculum. And then, in her late 30s, Rosaria encountered something that turned her world upside down -- the idea that Christianity, a religion that she had regarded as problematic and sometimes downright damaging, might be right about who God was. That idea seemed to fly in the face of the people and causes that she most loved. What follows is a story of what she describes as a train wreck at the hand of the supernatural. These are her secret thoughts about those events, written as only a reflective English professor could."--Back cover.

A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back

Book Description

A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back In 1978, Ivan Tuttle was living a carefree life, going from one party to the next, from one high to anotherwhen his fun, free life was interrupted by a pain in his leg. Doctors told him he had a dangerous blood clot in his legbut Ivan didnt pay much attention to that. He was 26 and felt fine; blood clots were a problem for his grandfather, not him. Until the clock ran out. Ivan Tuttle suddenly found himself dragged down to hell for a horrifying lesson in the reality of eternity. He was spared and even saw Heaven before being sent back to earth with quite a story to tell.