Journey Thru America My Quest For Peace Volume One

Book Description

To travel America had been a lifelong dream; I promised myself, that on completing university (which I attended as a mature student studying chemistry), I would pluck up the courage and GO! I meet a white witch of the Wicca cult online and she invites me to stay with her in Virginia in the 'Bible Belt' in September 2002. I live with her for a month where things turn out badly between us; I had bought a second hand car and one morning 'do a runner' and head for Niagara Falls. Canada is too cold for me in October, as is Michigan so I head south through Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas to the Gulf of Mexico, Padre Island and then through the deserts to California. This book is a compilation of the long letters (that became a diary) that I wrote home to my daughter up to February. March to May; California to West Virginia is covered in my second Novel - available now

Journey Thru America My Quest for Peace Volume One

Book Description

Travelling the back roads across America in a seven month, eighteen thousand mile journey brought out survival instincts and a perception of life in Gary that we all possess and rarely experience in this modern world that we live. The result is clearly written in Journey Thru America, My Quest for Peace, in which Gary describes his incredible journey in such a way that the reader experiences the excitement and travelling as if they are experiencing it themselves. Gary speaks his mind of America and American people that is controversial at times and thought provoking.

Journey Thru America The Way Home Volume Two

Book Description

This is the second volume of Gary's incredible journey through America; continuing his adventures from Journey Thru America - My Quest For Peace. The Way Home starts in California in the Giant Redwood forest at Big Sur - Gary prepares for the return journey east across this vast continent. Travelling alone the journey back is filled with excitement and adventure as Gary meets many fascinating and hilarious characters who also travel this huge country.

Journey Thru America My Quest for Peace

Book Description

Travelling the back roads across America on his own in a seven month, eighteen thousand mile journey brought out survival instincts and a perception of life in Gary that we all possess and rarely experience in this modern world that we live.The result is clearly written in; Journey Thru America, My Quest for Peace, in which Gary describes his incredible journey in such a way that the reader experiences the excitement and travelling as if they are experiencing it themselves. Gary speaks his mind of America and American people that is controversial at times and thought provoking.My journey really begins in Virginia, in the 'Bible Belt' of America in September 2002 living with a witch of the Wicca cult called Tigerlilly. Tigerlilly had no appearance of being a witch being blonde and dressing in middle class American clothes. Tigerlilly drove a new metallic silver coloured Dodge car and lived in a trailer on a large trailer park a few miles from the city. By all outward appearances all appeared normal from the outside of her trailer home; with flowers and shrubs surrounding the 60 foot long white trailer. Wooden steps led up to the front door where a large black and white plastic owl stood guard from the top of a railing post. The inside of the trailer also appeared to be middle class American, the lounge was nicely decorated in wheat coloured wallpaper with patterns of dried grass. Pictures of a bearded Jesus were on every wall, tending his flock of white sheep and generally looking holy. The trailer also had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen diner and a room that was dedicated to the worship of her gods. Fierce upright blood coloured dragons about a foot tall stood upon large shiny black columns that flanked the door, guarding the room with its closed door. On entering the strange room a large painting of what appeared to be a merman painted directly upon the facing wall stared with coal black eyes. The lower half of the strange looking man was fishlike with scales of green and a large curved tail. The upper half was human, complete with long black beard and scowling expression. The eyes appeared to fix upon me, the scowling expression making me feel most unwelcome. Strange idols filled the shadowed room along with more dragons of gold and bronze. A large dagger in a decorated brass and copper coloured scabbard lay centrally upon a square of red velvet flanked by wax covered gothic candleholders.“I will hide nothing from you,” said a smiling Tigerlilly. “Our magic is strong – I have cast many spells to bring you here, soon you will meet the coven sisters – and their approval will be needed before we are able to continue”. Not the start I had dreamed of, or planned…..

A Good Find

Book Description

Gary L Beer the popular travel writer delves into the realms of fiction and presents us with a fascinating crime thriller. Three friends go for a cycle ride along the North Kent coast and find a bag of money belonging to local smugglers and drug dealers. The drug dealers are soon hot on their trail to regain their money and the three friends soon find themselves in very serious trouble. With twists and turns a complicated web of deceit amongst the drug dealers is woven and the unconcern they show for the health of their customers in the dangerous substance they sell is portrayed vividly. The gangland life appears very real and one that is shocking and violent and strangely often hilarious.

Belief Of The Reborn

Book Description

Kir considered himself a normal child with a normal childhood and attained good grades at college. On reaching maturity his body suddenly starts to change into something different; a warrior species of alien. Having to leave his home and planet with his parents to save their lives they head out into deep space to find a new home to live; and where Kir learns who he is and who his parents really are.


Book Description

Burying her husband in the garden under the runner bean patch seemed the best idea. At least burying him there she would be able to keep an eye on him. Suzy had not meant to kill him and then she meets her old friend Lewis, would he help her, or make things worse?

Starship Stinedern

Book Description

Set many thousands of years in the future Mankind now inhabits more than one hundred and fifty thousand planets. The planets have long been overcrowded and man needs to expand to survive. Following the earlier great explorations of thousands of years ago when civilisation was prosperous the Starship Stinedern searches for the descendants of those great explorers - if any remain.


Book Description

Patrick receives a telephone call from his long-time friend Aylie inviting him to stay with her for the weekend. The weekend turns into several days and they have an enjoyable time together. Aylie suddenly changes as she suffers a mental breakdown and she puts a strong sedative into Patrick's coffee. Patrick wakes up in total darkness and finds that Aylie has imprisoned him and has chained him up in her basement. Patrick suffers much abuse and torture by Aylie who then permanently maims him. Trapped in her basement the pleasant time becomes a living nightmare as Aylie continues her torture and abuse and with no sign of escape Patrick is driven into the depths of terror and despair.

A Glistening Planet

Book Description

Rumors of a planet that is covered in gold, diamonds and precious metals has been talked about for centuries. Many believe that the planet does exist somewhere in the galaxy and astronomers even refer to it as planet R4591, but most people call it the Glistening Planet. A group of engineers contracted to fit life-support systems to the domes on the planet find that the Glistening Planet is no myth as it glitters and shines as the surface is indeed covered in a fortune of precious metals and gemstones. The engineers find out that there is more to the Glistening Planet than vast wealth and they soon find themselves fighting for their lives. More are on the way to raid the planets' riches as well as an army from a military regime and the engineers know they must get off the Glistening Planet as they know of its location and to remain means certain death.