Journeys of Transformation

Book Description

Western Buddhist travel narratives are autobiographical accounts of a journey to a Buddhist culture. Dozens of such narratives have since the 1970s describe treks in Tibet, periods of residence in a Zen monastery, pilgrimages to Buddhist sites and teachers, and other Asian odysseys. The best known of these works is Peter Matthiessen's The Snow Leopard; further reflections emerge from thirty writers including John Blofeld, Jan Van de Wetering, Thomas Merton, Oliver Statler, Robert Thurman, Gretel Ehrlich, and Bill Porter. The Buddhist concept of 'no-self' helps these authors interpret certain pivotal experiences of 'unselfing' and is also a catalyst that provokes and enables such events. The writers' spiritual memoirs describe how their journeys brought about a new understanding of Buddhist enlightenment and so transformed their lives. Showing how travel can elicit self-transformation, this book is a compelling exploration of the journeys and religious changes of both individuals and Buddhism itself.

Journey of Transformation

Book Description

The Odyssey

Book Description

Fresh from his triumphs in the Trojan War, Odysseus, King of Ithaca, wants nothing more than to return home to his family. Instead, he offends the sea god, Poseidon, who dooms him to years of shipwreck and wandering. Battling man-eating monsters, violent storms, and the supernatural seductions of sirens and sorceresses, Odysseus will need all his strength and cunning--and a little help from Mount Olympus--to make his way home and seize his kingdom from the schemers who seek to wed his queen and usurp his throne. Award-winning graphic artist Gareth Hinds masterfully reinterprets a story of heroism, adventure, and high action that has been told and retold for more than 2,500 years--though never quite like this. With bold imagery and an ear tuned to the music of Homer’s epic poem, Gareth Hinds reinterprets the ancient classic as it’s never been told before.

Your Daily Journey to Transformation

Book Description

When it comes to experiencing transformation in your life, it's all about taking the first step and that first step is always easier when supportive friends walk along beside you. In this interactive workbook, designed to be a companion study guide to the book Transformation, Jim and Janene Ayer journey with you as you explore an honest assessment of your personal relationship with God, and as you make life-altering discoveries through God's Word, inspiring stories of others' experience and practical wisdom that will move you out of your comfort zone and into a life that is shaped and powered by the Holy Spirit. You are only 12 weeks away from a deeper, more powerful relationship with God that will impact every aspect of your being and result in a transformed existence. Take the first step. Designed to be used individually or in a small group setting.

No One's Easy Daughter

Book Description

No One's Easy Daughter: Our Journeys of Transformation is a shared memoir of thirty-nine women who 'took the veil' together as Franciscan Novices. Their journeys include involvements in social, political and spiritual movements of the past 60 years. In the wondrous ways of inner alchemy, it invites readers into their own transformative journeys.

Journeys of Transformation

Book Description

Compelling exploration of how journeys to a Buddhist culture changed 30 Western writers as they explored the meaning of 'no-self'.

Secure Cloud Transformation

Book Description

All organizations are embarking on a journey to the cloud. Their users are online and taking advantage of productivity tools like SalesForce. Enterprises are in the midst of transitioning to Office 365. This book maps the journey of 16 leading enterprises around the world including Fannie Mae, Siemens, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon itself.

Elevating Your Origins to Love: A Guided Journey of Transformation, Healing & Power

Book Description

Do you think of your life as a mixed bag of random events that have shaped your human experience into an unpredictable hit-or-miss filled with periodic (or frequent) frustration, sadness, anger or regret? What if your life was actually a purposeful journey where each experience and exposure represents an opportunity which your body and mind is designed to use for your benefit and growth? What if you could turn any wrong, whether present or past, into a potent right? What if you could elevate anything from your life experience into a source of love? This book offers a variety of ways to understand our basic human blueprint and neuro-biological wiring, and how your original environment deeply affects the beliefs you come to have about so many aspects of yourself, others, and life. Although your perceptions seem to be concrete reality, by weaving the early years of the human experience - often through Susan’s own very personal stories - you will discover that many of your more limited perceptions are transformations-in-waiting. Because you are powerful with potentials far beyond your beginnings, you have the inherent ability to transform any of the so-called wrongs from your experience, into wise understanding. Your life journey is precious and potent. Within these pages, you will discover ways to love yourself beyond any feelings of trauma, disappointment, guilt, anger or regret you may still carry from your earliest years, and emerge free to express more of the unique and powerful person you came here to be. Within a loving, non-judgmental perspective, you are taken through different states of consciousness in order to understand your life as a journey offering continual opportunities of transformation, healing and power. As you are able to connect your deepest dots, both the past and present become transformed. Long-held limitations and pain, even those passed down through earlier generations, dissolve into joy and renewal. Not just a process of personal elevation, this book offers the potential of transformation for humanity itself.

Leadership as Meaning-Making

Book Description

Based on the author’s 30 years experience of management development and a background in design and psychology, this book takes a fresh look at leadership as a systemic shared phenomenon. It is one aspect of the evolutionary principle of bringing people to maturity as human beings – transforming the immature through purposeful adventure. This is not a “how-to” book of tools and techniques but is a guide to personal development. It plots the territory of the hero’s journey (after Joseph Campbell) through unknown worlds. It explains the metaphorical relationship to personal and collective transformation by means of the cyclic pattern of the hero’s journey, overlaid with the enneagram framework. Succeeding chapters spell out practical details for making the journey towards maturity, which alone makes leadership a viable possibility. Only such purposeful leadership will enable others to make their own equivalent journeys. If such people are engaged in work, then they will be more conscious and more effective. Essentially, the book is intentionally quickly communicates a broad sweep of related ideas that form a philosophy for the development of the inner qualities of effective leadership, applicable in all walks of life. The story of the archetypical hero’s journey is suggested as applying to every individual. The hero’s journey is an allegory for a quest for inner growth. It can rub off onto others through what we call “leadership”. Such leadership is what brings meaning to people’s lives. Thus this book is a counter to the empty manipulative techniques propagated by much of the popular writing on leadership, which pays little attention to transformative interaction. There are exercises at the end of each chapter and additional material is available to readers via the internet.