The Kings of Israel and Judah

Book Description

Rawlinson chronicles the history surrounding each king, giving account of the politics, warfare, religion, and culture of the reign. With close reference to the Bible throughout, Rawlinson's study has become an essential part of Old Testament studies and is important tool to aid with the examination of The Books of Kings and Chronicles in particular. In addition to this, Rawlinson provides a close look at the lives of the various kings of Israel and Judah: the events of their reigns; the battles fought; and the effect on the kingdoms of the decisions made by the monarchs.

A History of Ancient Israel and Judah

Book Description

A significant achievement, this book moves our understanding of the history of Israel forward as dramatically as John Bright's A History of Israel, Martin Noth's History of Israel, and William F. Albright's From the Stone Age ot Cristianity did at an earlier period.

An Introduction to the History of Israel and Judah

Book Description

Steering a middle course between those who argue that a history of Israel can no longer be written because the sources that we have prove inadequate, and what now seems to be the extreme conservatism of the old classic, John Bright's History of Israel, this book presents all the problems and where they cannot be resolved, provides the evidence and leaves the reader with the current situation.

Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah

Book Description

This volume of essays draws together specialists in the field to explain, illustrate and analyze this religious diversity in Ancient Israel.

Reconsidering Israel and Judah

Book Description

The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Book Description

This pioneering study wrestles with the perpetual problem of chronology in the Books of Kings. Starting from the conservative assumptions that the courts of Israel and Judah maintained regnal records, and that these for the most part accurately reflect regnal length, the author arrives at a new and persuasive dating for the reigns and their synchronisms. In addition, his chronological scheme includes all points of contact between Israel and Judah and external powers, especially Assyria. The result is one of the most responsible and yet most critical chronologies proposed to date, and will be the standard chronological reference for the next decade, if not longer.

The Lost Tribes of Israel

Book Description

Tudor Parfitt examines a myth which is based on one of the world's oldest mysteries - what happened to the lost tribes of Israel? Christians and Jews alike have attached great importance to the legendary fate of these tribes which has had a remarkable impact on their ideologies throughout history. Each tribe of Israel claimed descent from one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the land of Israel was eventually divided up between them. Following a schism which formed after the death of Solomon, ten of the tribes set up an independent northern kingdom, whilst those of Judah and Levi set up a separate southern kingdom. In 721BC the ten northern tribes were ethnically cleansed by the Assyrians and the Bible states they were placed: in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the city of Medes. The Bible also foretold that one day they would be reunited with the southern tribes in the final redemption of the people of Israel. Their subsequent history became a tapestry of legend and hearsay. The belief persisted that they had been lost in some remote part of the world and there were countless suggestions and claims as to where.

Ephraim and Judah

Book Description

Batya's writings are causing a stir among Believers!. Her concise version of the best-selling classic, Who Is Israel? provides a quick overview of the hot new subject that everyone is talking about. Batya succinctly explains Israel, and the Biblical truths she presents are encouraging a reformation in the Body of Messiah! This Scripture-based book is inspiring Believers everywhere. It is helping Christian and Jews to see both the houses of Israel: Ephraim and Judah (Isa 8:14). It is helping them to understand how each fits into the Father's eternal plan and is thus helping to bring restoration to all Israel. Israel Revealed will encourage you. It will even change your life. It explains the fullness of the Gentiles and the blindness of Israel. If you have felt something is missing in your life, or have an unexplainable love for the Jewish people, or desire to celebrate the feasts of Israel, then this is the book for you. It lifts up Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and shows Him to be the epitome of all that is Israel. The truths that unfold on these pages will enrich your relationship with the God of Israel. They will lead Jewish and non-Jewish Believers -- Judah and Ephraim -- to become the promised one new man. Includes maps, charts, and lists, that help to clarify misconceptions about Israel. Read and be blessed.