Judge-made EU Copyright Harmonisation

Book Description

Over the last few years, political and academic attention has focused on the future of copyright at the EU level. Following two decades of piecemeal legislative interventions, which have resulted in a limited harmonisation of the copyright laws of EU Member States, a debate has ensued as to the feasibility and desirability of achieving full copyright harmonisation at the EU level. This might be obtained either through a EU copyright code, encompassing a codification of the present body of EU copyright directives, or by way of a regulation (to be enacted pursuant to new Article 118(1) TFEU), aimed at creating an optional unitary copyright title. Thus far, however, no such legislative initiatives have been undertaken. Despite this impasse, the CJEU has notably been acting in a proactive way, inching towards full harmonisation. With its 2009 decision in Case C-5/08 Infopaq, the Court provided a EU-wide understanding of an important principle of copyright: the originality requirement. The CJEU further elaborated upon this in subsequent case law (notably, Case C-393/09 Bezpečnostní Softwarová Asociace, Joined Cases C-403/08 and C-429/08 Murphy, Case C-145/10 Painer, Case C-604/10 Football Dataco and Case C-406/10 SAS). The meaning of originality adopted by the CJEU as a EU-wide standard is akin to that envisaged in continental Member States' copyright laws, thus differing from the loose notion of originality under UK law. As such, an examination as to the implications of CJEU harmonising jurisprudence in this Member State shall be undertaken, with regard to the scope of copyright protection and subject-matter categorisation. Overall, this contribution wishes to assess how, and to what extent, CJEU case law has resulted in de facto EU copyright harmonisation. In addition, it will attempt to foresee the fate of EU copyright in light of copyright reform projects which are currently being discussed in political and academic circles both in the US and Europe.

Originality in EU Copyright

Book Description

'This book guides us expertly through the controversial area of originality, a concept which lies at the very foundation of copyright law, but which has never before been analysed in any depth as a topic in its own right. Originality has however now become a hot topic, given the controversial recent case law of the EU Court of Justice on it, and the manner in which some national courts in the EU are seeking to apply it, which makes this book especially timely.' - Trevor Cook, Bird & Bird LLP, UK

The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law provides a definitive survey of copyright harmonization in the European Union, capturing the essential and relevant issues of this relatively recent phenomenon. Over the past few years, two themes have emerged: on the one hand, copyright policy and legislative initiatives have intensified; on the other hand, the large number of references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has substantially shaped the EU copyright framework and, with it, the copyright framework of individual EU Member States. This handbook is a detailed reference source of original contributions which analyze and critically evaluate the state of EU copyright law with a view to detecting the key trends and patterns in the evolution of EU copyright, weighing the benefits and disadvantages of such evolution. It covers a broad range of topics through clusters focused on: the history and approaches to EU copyright harmonization; harmonization in the areas of exclusive rights, exceptions and limitations, and enforcement; copyright policy and legacy of harmonization. With contributions from a selection of highly regarded and leading scholars in this field, the Routledge Handbook on European Copyright Law is an essential resource for students and scholars who are interested in the field of copyright law.

Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union

Book Description

First released in early 2019, Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union remains the only book exclusively devoted to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the EU copyright field. Fully updated for the new edition, the book explains the Court's role and action in the field of EU copyright law and provides readers with a sense of the direction of the Court's jurisprudence through an exercise of 'tidying up' and rationalizing the rulings issued so far. In his foreword to the first edition, First Advocate General Maciej Szpunar praised the book's 'profound analysis' of the EU copyright protection and CJEU decisions, which in his view, 'unveiled new information, perhaps never considered, even by members of the Court'. The new edition captures all the significant developments in EU copyright law that have occurred since 2019. Aside from macro-events such as the UK's now completed departure from the EU and the adoption of the Digital Single Market Directive (2019/790), seminal judgments have been issued by the CJEU which touch upon all the main foundational aspects of EU copyright. This book is structured in three parts. The first part is about the role of the CJEU as an EU institution. Following a discussion of the impact of CJEU interpretation of EU copyright provisions (notably their pre-emptive effect on individual EU Member States' freedom), the second part is concerned with CJEU action and vision in respect of four key areas of copyright and related rights: the requirements for protection, construction of exclusive rights, exceptions and limitations, and enforcement. The final part focuses on the legacy of CJEU case law broadly intended, having regard to both individual countries' copyright laws (specifically: the UK) and recent EU copyright reform discourse, notably in the context of the DSM Directive. Timely and engaging, Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union provides novel insights into the activity of the CJEU in the copyright field and reflects on the resulting implications for the present and future of EU copyright.

Harmonizing European Copyright Law

Book Description

The European concern with copyright and related rights -- Object, subject, and duration of protection -- Exclusive rights and limitations -- Rights management information and technological protection measures -- Term extension for sound recordings -- Term calculation for co-written musical works -- Orphan works -- The blessings and curses of harmonization -- The last frontier : territoriality.

Harmonising Copyright Law and Dealing with Dissonance

Book Description

øThe highly-regarded authors of this important work explore the constitutional, institutional, and cultural barriers to harmonisation of the copyright laws of the United States and the European Union. They consider these matters in the real world trans

The Competence of the European Union in Copyright Lawmaking

Book Description

This book inquires into the competence of the EU to legislate in the field of copyright, and uses content analysis techniques to demonstrate the existence of a normative gap in copyright lawmaking. To address that gap, it proposes the creation of benchmarks of legislative activity, reasoning that EU secondary legislation, such as directives and regulations, should be based on higher sources of law. It investigates two such possible sources: the activity of the EU Court of Justice in the pre-legislative era and the EU treaties. From these sources, the author establishes concrete benchmarks of legislative activity, which she then tests by applying them to current EU copyright legislation. This provides examples of good and bad practices in copyright lawmaking and also shows how the benchmarks could be implemented in copyright legislation. Finally, the author offers some recommendations in this regard.

Closed Subject-Matter Systems are No Longer Compatible with EU Copyright

Book Description

So far legislative harmonisation of the copyright laws of EU Member States has left general subject-matter categorisation untouched. Yet recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) suggests that under EU law copyright protection should arise any time a work is its author's own intellectual creation. This questions the compatibility of enumerated systems like the UK one with EU law.After recalling that EU legislation does not provide a general definition of 'work', this contribution reviews a number of CJEU decisions and concludes that: first, the Court has de facto harmonised the notion of 'work' under Directive 2001/29/EC (the 'InfoSoc Directive'); secondly, in relevant instances this piece of EU legislation is bound to displace ad hoc directives, like Directive 98/71/EC (the 'Design Directive') and Directive 2009/24/EC (the 'Software Directive'); thirdly, automatic protection under the InfoSoc Directive means - among other things - that this might have stronger harmonisation effects than what has been understood so far. The latter appears confirmed by the Court's increasing reliance on the internal market objective, and diminished tolerance for diverging approaches at the national level in areas affected by the InfoSoc Directive. The article then reviews UK position in relation to subject-matter categorisation and the different legal treatment of the various categories of works. It discusses recent judicial dicta that may pave the way to a new approach to subject-matter categorisation in this Member State, possibly following a specific reference for a preliminary ruling that would ask the CJEU to clarify - once and for all - whether closed systems of copyright-protected works are (still) compatible with EU law.

EU Copyright Law

Book Description

EU Copyright Law is a seminal commentary work from a team of leading experts in the field combining aspects of theory and practice and placing copyright in perspective. It will be an indispensable reference tool for academics, researchers, practitioner

Exceptions in EU Copyright Law

Book Description

Information Law Series Volume 45 In a copyright system characterised by broad and long-lasting exclusive rights, exceptions provide a vital counterweight, especially in times of rampant technological change. The EU’s controversial InfoSoc Directive – now two decades old – lists exceptions in which an unauthorised user will not have infringed the rightholder’s copyright. To reform or not to reform this legal framework – that is the question considered in great depth in this book, providing detailed theoretical and normative analysis of the Directive, the national and CJEU case law arising from it, and meticulously thought-out proposals for change. By breaking down the concepts of ‘flexibility’ and ‘legal certainty’ into a set of policy objectives and assessment criteria, the author thoroughly examines such core aspects of the framework as the following: the justifications for exceptions, e.g., safeguarding the fundamental rights of users; the regimes established in legislation and case law for key exceptions; the need to promote technological development; the importance of avoiding re-fragmentation caused by uncoordinated national legislative responses to technological changes; the legal status of digital technologies that rely on unauthorised uses of copyright-protected works; and the pros and cons of importing a fair use standard modelled after that of the United States. In an invaluable concluding chapter, the author puts forward a set of reform proposals, articulating their advantages and responding to potential objections. In doing so, the chapter also identifies, synthesises and critically examines the various proposals that have been advanced in the academic literature. In its decisive contribution to the debate around the InfoSoc Directive and the rules that guide its implementation, interpretation, and application, this book isolates the contentious structural features of the framework and examines them in a critical fashion. The author’s systematised review of scholarly and policymaking proposals for increasing flexibility and legal certainty in EU copyright law will be welcomed by practitioners in intellectual property law and other areas of economic law, as well as by interested policymakers and scholars.