Judy Collins: Time's Enema

Book Description

Judy Collins is the time-travelling menace you were warned about in temporal theory classes. The cosmic chaos magnet who causes disaster wherever and when-ever she goes, though not on purpose. Teaming up with her friends Saara, Opp and Tek she's about to give the cosmos another dose of mayhem. Old friends, new friends, old enemies and new adversaries, no part of causality is safe from Judy's brand of temporal tourism. Worse still are the people she tries to help, those poor wretches. Still at least it's not like things are going to go real bad for her, or the universe...oh, spoke too soon! Will Judy ever graduate to become a full member of the order of Temporal Knights? Will the universe even survive that long? Will new dangers emerge? Will she learn all of the life lessons that she needs to survive? Will no-one think of the timeline? This is the follow up to the book that nobody ever wanted to read!

Hannah & Judy: Twisted Tales

Book Description

Hannah Sinclair AND Judy Collins, together in the same book, being nice to each other. This surely is the end of days, again. The Stelline invasion deepens, their agent makes her move, changing history and destinies. Hannah and Judy fight back, the war for everything will end, hopefully with some of the universe left for everyone to live in. New heroes emerge to join the fight, while others fall - never to rise again. The universe may endure but it will be forever changed by the end of this chapter of its history...

Six Shots: Tales of the Vengeance Cycle

Book Description

Rache is back, for six cases involving her avenging the murder of innocent people by killers that humans won't be able to bring to justice. First she travels to Berlin for the holidays to be with her mother, then she must stop a series of killers in New York, helped and hindered by her friends Mary and Marcy, as well as her colleagues as the Shylock Detective Agency. She has found herself a mentor figure, NYPD's detective Colin Fletcher, who trains Rache to be of some use to people in his city. However, will the agent of vengeance be ready for the final turn of events? Part of the Vengeance Cycle

Ruin: A Tale of the Vengeance Cycle

Book Description

Valerie Ruiz is not the heroine you were expecting. A Brazillian trans woman she's lived in fear and poverty for much of her life. Until Death makes her a deal she can't refuse, to become the instrument of retribution. Calling herself Ruin she starts a crusade to bring murderers to account, in a city where the wealthy can buy the police and the courts. Ruin is helped and hindered by Bandit, a guy with a love for fire... A Tale of the Vengeance Cycle

Curse-Breaker: When the Devil Comes Home

Book Description

Melody Jones is back from the dead! All around the world people are vanishing. Charity Michaels is dying and Erica is worried that a new demon uprising is about to begin. Marcy has a new vampire tribe to contend with and Raff's now a married man. Petra Noir has to go to a new school, while Miso tries or organise a gang of homeless kids. In LA a nameless evil is beginning to make itself known and in the depths the great beast leviathan is about to rise. It's the end of the world, and Libby Hall does not feel fine. Also, Jennifer D'mon turns up unexpectedly to help humanity...

Jen Hunter: Original Sin, Zodiac Girl & Sensei

Book Description

Jen Hunter is not your average bank robber, not after she's betrayed by her friend Chris Cannon. After a chance rooftop encounter she seemingly develops super powers, strength, agility, flying and she starts to make a dent in the criminal organization known as Big Crime. English tourist Sarah Sixpence finally meets her pen pal Choi Mei in Hong Kong. The two young women quickly get involved in a series of strange events each of which sees Mei infused with new powers and a new tattoo on her skin, that can move about it at will. Mei and Sarah discover that Mei is fated to accumulate all the legendary powers of the zodiac animals and become a great super hero. Sarah develops powers of her own along the way, and the two of them move to Mei's uncle's academy to train themselves in kung fu. Back in London Jen is assigned a teacher to instruct her in the way of morality and restraint. Only one candidate is found, Varya Koshmara, who is later revealed to be the legendary warrior Malice Latimer!


Book Description

This is a collection of short stories and novel extracts all featuring trans* characters. Follow the adventures of Erica, Danielle, Onyx, Liam, Xuan Nu, Amber, Ruby, Saffron, Lucy and many more. These are just a few of the many thousands of trans characters that some people with erasure agendas would have you believe don't exist #EndTransErasure

Honor for Aging Parents

Book Description

As an only child, author Judy Collins Hale served as the primary support for both of her aging parents during any illness, medical treatment, or hospitalization. She encountered firsthand many common health concerns for senior citizens. In Honor for Aging Parents, she shares her experiences as a care provider and the information she gleaned from that role. From driving ability to money management and personal hygiene, she offers a look at a host of topics regarding providing care to seniors: understanding the general signs of aging; common health problems for senior adults; honoring the aging with the gift of companionship; staying young at heart; knowing your heritage and roots; independent living versus assisted living; equipment and helpful resources; signs of dementia/Alzheimer’s; basic tips for daily care; the process of dying; grief; and moving forward. In this journal, Hale offers tips, advice, and guidance for those who need to make important decisions about health care, finances, lifestyle changes, and possibly assisted living arrangements as loved ones reach their senior years.