Juegos multiculturales

Book Description

Analiza, desde diversas perspectivas, el estado de la cuestion relativo a las implicaciones de una sociedad multicultural en la ensenanza de la Educacion Fisica.

Juegos multiculturales

Book Description

Este libro rescata 225 juegos pertenecientes a la tradición oral de diferentes culturas de la tierra. El criterio para la recogida y posterior selección de los mismos se fundamenta en su destacado componente motriz; luego, se han recogido aquellos juegos que en un sincretismo lúdico recrean desde la corporeidad al unísono, el gesto, la acción y el texto. Asimismo, el formato homogéneo en el cual se presentan permite una rápida comprensión de cada uno de ellos y una posterior búsqueda; para así poder llevar a cabo, si se desea, en los distintos ámbitos de la enseñanza –formal y no formal- una amplia acción divulgativa de los juegos seleccionados.En un mundo en el que coexisten, cada vez más, diferentes culturas en una misma sociedad, Juegos multiculturales constituye un recurso didáctico para una educación basada en el respeto a la diversidad y pensada para todo el alumnado.

Multicultural Partnerships

Book Description

This is a must-have, research-based guide for all schools serving culturally diverse elementary and middle grade students and their communities. It's filled with fun, practical, highly effective strategies for raising awareness and engaging all families in their children's education — a sure path toward increased student success! Get detailed examples and step-by-step guidelines for implementing successful... Multicultural Family Nights Workshops for Parents Curriculum Connections Much of the reproducible material is also provided in Spanish - giving educators an even broader reach!

Juegos de calle multiculturales

Book Description

Este libro reúne unos doscientos juegos multiculturales de más de sesenta países estructurados por continentes con el objetivo de ofrecer nuevos recursos lúdicos al educador. Presentados en operativas fichas, es un trabajo interesante para la práctica de la animación sociocultural.

Cooperative Learning in Physical Education

Book Description

Cooperative Learning is a dynamic instructional model that can teach diverse content to students at different grade levels, with students working together in small, structured, heterogeneous groups to master subject content. This book defines Cooperative Learning in physical education and examines how to implement Cooperative Learning in a variety of educational settings. As the only text to provide international perspectives of Cooperative Learning in physical education, this book is important reading for any student, researcher or teacher with an interest in physical education, sport education, sport pedagogy, curriculum development or methods for learning and teaching.

International Games

Book Description

"Through International Games: Building Skills Through Multicultural Play, you can build motor skills and open kids' eyes to the cultures and traditions of other countries at the same time. This book features 67 games from 38 countries. The games can be used in a physical education curriculum or as part of an interdisciplinary unit."--BOOK JACKET.

The Bible of Festival Planning

Book Description

The book is a prime illustration of the difficulties and trials of putting on a festival. Often, what can go wrong does go wrong, so one needs to be aware of all the eventualities in Festival Planning, both planned and unplanned. The authors have spent many hours developing and inserting Gant charts (step by step tasks in pull out sections) to assist future festival planners should you "volunteer" to chair a festival for your church, school, or civic organization. The goal of the book is to make your efforts financially successful, the children happy, and end on target which should ultimately please your pastor, minister, or civic head.