Jugovzhodna Slovenija v starejsi Zelezni dobi / South Eastern Slovenia in the Early Iron Age

Book Description

The territory of present-day Slovenia reached one of its economic and cultural peaks in the 1st millennium BC, when the Hallstatt Culture prospered, its achievements being comparable with the most developed cultures in Ancient Europe. This culture arose from Urnfield Culture roots under the influence of the Mediterranean world~they adopted the new technology of iron production, implemented a new social pattern and fully developed their artistic inspiration.

Magdalenska gora

Book Description

The finds and preserved grave groups from its tumulus cemeteries, which are kept in several museums in different countries (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana~Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien~Peabody Museum of Harvard University in Cambridge, USA), give a good insight into the cultural and social processes of the time. Together with notes on the circumstances of find and contents of graves, they represent a valuable source for the study of social structure and differentiation, as well as cultural identity.

Manjša rimska naselja na slovenskem prostoru / Minor Roman settlements in Slovenia

Book Description

Monografija je posvečena manjšim rimskim naseljem, ki ležijo na območju današnje Slovenije, kamor so segale tri velike upravne enote rimske države: Italija ter provinci Norik in Zgornja Panonija. V samostojnih poglavjih je zgoščeno in po skupnem konceptu predstavljenih dvajset naselij različnega tipa in stopnje raziskanosti. Podatki so umeščeni v prostor, podprti s kartami in načrti, vsebinsko primerljivi in jasno ovrednoteni. Vsako poglavje vsebuje podatke o legi naselja in njegovem antičnem imenu, kratko zgodovino raziskav, morebitno obljudenost lokacije v prazgodovini, predstavitev antičnih literarnih virov in epigrafskih spomenikov. Osrednji del je usmerjen v pregled arheoloških ostankov rimske dobe: v topografijo, infrastrukturo, stavbe, grobišča in premične ostanke posebnega pomena. Sledijo podatki o statusu naselja, o družbenem položaju posameznih prebivalcev, njihovih administrativnih ali vojaških funkcijah, poklicih in etnični pripadnosti. Vsako poglavje zaokroža oris zgodovinskega razvoja naselja. Predstavljena so: Fluvio Frigido - Kastra, Ad Pirum, Longatik, Navport, Vipava, Gradišče nad Knežakom, Ulaka, Ig, Mengeš, Karnij, Šmartno pri Cerkljah, Blagovica, Atrans, Šempeter v Savinski dolini, Kolaciona, Zagrad, Slovenska Bistrica, Ančnikovo gradišče, Pretorij Latobikov in Romula. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The book discusses the minor settlements that dotted the territory of present-day Slovenia in the Roman period. This geographically diverse territory was crossed by important lines of communication and divided between three large administrative units of the Roman state: Italy and the provinces of Noricum and Upper Pannonia. Twenty-six authors wrote contributions on individual settlements in a comprehensive and clear manner roughly following a common concept. The presentation of each settlement opens with its location and name in Antiquity, possible habitation traces from prehistory, mentions in ancient literary texts and documents, and recovered epigraphic evidence. The next, main part offers an overview of the archaeological remains from the Roman period: topography, infrastructure, buildings, cemeteries and portable remains of particular significance. This is followed by the information on the status of a settlement, social standing of its inhabitants, their administrative or military functions, as well as professional or ethnical background. All is brought together in an outline of the historical development of each settlement.

Kolišèarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen èas

Book Description

V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati multidisciplinarnih raziskav na koliščarskih naselbinah Stare gmajne, Veliki Otavnik Ib in Blatna Brezovica. Posebna poglavja so posvečena sedimentološkim in dendrokronološkim raziskavam, arheološkim najdbam, med katerimi izstopajo leseno kolo z osjo in ostanki preje, in analizam surovin za glajena kamnita orodja in žrmlje.

Drobci ledenodobnega okolja

Book Description

The monograph Drobci ledenodobnega okolja ("Fragments of Ice Age environments") presents a compilation of seventeen chapters in which experts from different scientific fields discuss specific topics related to the Ice Age in Europe. Ten of them are devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of palaeontological data concerning various large mammal species ranging from mastodon and mammoth to the cave hyena, ibex, cave lion and bears, with the emphasis being placed on the cave bear. Several chapters address the topic of Last Glacial climatic conditions in the Southeastern Alps by studying fossil micromammal and palaeobotanical remains as well as geoarchaeologiocal data. A special article is devoted to a comprehensive review of previous analysis of the bone flute from Divje babe I, but includes also new musicological research findings on the extraordinary technical capabilities of this oldest musical instrument. The concluding chapter presents a study of old manuscripts and printed sources, providing some interesting insights into the discovery of one of the most significant palaeontological sites in Slovenia - the cave of Mokriška jama.The monograph is dedicated to the anniversary of the prominent researcher of the Slovenian Palaeolithic - Ivan Turk. His work, main achievements and selected bibliography are briefly presented in the introductory chapter.

Korinjski hrib in poznoantične vojaške utrdbe v Iliriku / Korinjski hrib and late antique military forts in Illyricum

Book Description

V monografiji so predstavljeni rezultati dveletnih izkopavanj (1982 in 1983) na utrjeni poznoantični višinski naselbini Korinjski hrib nad Velikim Korinjem v Suhi Krajini, kjer so bili raziskani ostanki petih obrambnih stolpov in zgodnjekrščanske cerkve. Naselbina je bila že v začetku prepoznana kot vojaška postojanka in je kot taka predstavljala izjemo v vzhodnoalpskem prostoru. Taka opredelitev je zato vzbudila tudi nekatere dvome o njeni pravilnosti. Omenjene dileme so − poleg geografskega orisa in zgodovine raziskav − predstavljene v uvodnem delu. Sledi obsežen sklop, ki v tekstu in z bogatim slikovnim gradivom predstavi terenske izvide izkopavanj stolpov, cerkve in pripadajočega manjšega grobišča. Obsežno poglavje je posvečeno interpretaciji arhitekturnih ostankov (stolpi, cerkev, utrdba kot celota). V zakjučku je obravnavana še prazgodovinska poselitev ter rezultati strukturnega pregleda danes porušene cerkvice sv. Jurija tik pod utrdbo.

Working with the Past: Towards an Archaeology of Recycling

Book Description

This book invites archaeologists to approach the significant process of recycling within the archaeological record at two different levels: of artefacts and of landscape.

The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research

Book Description

Network research has recently been adopted as one of the tools of the trade in archaeology, used to study a wide range of topics: interactions between island communities, movements through urban spaces, visibility in past landscapes, material culture similarity, exchange, and much more. This Handbook is the first authoritative reference work for archaeological network research, featuring current topical trends and covering the archaeological application of network methods and theories. This is elaborately demonstrated through substantive topics and case studies drawn from a breadth of periods and cultures in world archaeology. It highlights and further develops the unique contributions made by archaeological research to network science, especially concerning the development of spatial and material culture network methods and approaches to studying long-term network change. This is the go-to resource for students and scholars wishing to explore how network science can be applied in archaeology through an up-to-date overview of the field.


Book Description

This handbook has two purposes: it is intended (1) as a handbook of Etruscology or Etruscan Studies, offering a state-of-the-art and comprehensive overview of the history of the discipline and its development, and (2) it serves as an authoritative reference work representing the current state of knowledge on Etruscan civilization. The organization of the volume reflects this dual purpose. The first part of the volume is dedicated to methodology and leading themes in current research, organized thematically, whereas the second part offers a diachronic account of Etruscan history, culture, religion, art & archaeology, and social and political relations and structures, as well as a systematic treatment of the topography of the Etruscan civilization and sphere of influence. 

The Land Between

Book Description

"This is a history of a space - a space between the Panonian plain in the East and the most northernmost bay in the Adriatic in the West, from the eastern Alps in the North and the Dinaridic mountain area in the South. It is also a history of all the different people who lived in this area. The authors show that the Slavs did not settle an empty space and simply replace the Celto-Roman inhabitants of earlier times; they are, on the contrary, presented as the result of reciprocal acculturation. The authors show that the Slovenes made more than two important appearances throughout the entire feudal era; the same holds for later periods, especially for the twentieth century. This book offers a concise and complete history of an area that finally became an integral part of Central Europe and the Balkans."--Pub. desc.