June & Justin

Book Description

Justin had made a mistake. A big, life-changing mistake. He already failed June once. He wasn’t there when she needed him, and because of him, their lives will never be the same. June is everything to Justin, and he must be everything to her. He must protect June at all costs. Justin is prepared spend the rest of his life keeping her from getting hurt again. But it seems they are always falling behind, barely keeping one step ahead of the nightmares. There is always one more hazard, just around the corner. -A heartbreaking and intense story of the journey of two children to find themselves and happiness. -Is it possible to rise above your circumstances when you already have two strikes against you? That is the question facing June and Justin, children thrust into circumstances that would defeat many adults. Can they ever hope to live happy, normal lives? Keywords: Young adult books, Between the Cracks series, teen books, juvenile delinquent, parole, drugs, choices, depression, anxiety, addiction, gangs, violence, mental health literature, mental illness, middle school, high school, foster care, homelessness, suicide, in the margins, marginalized, diverse, poverty, streets, custody, friendship, substance abuse, incest, sexual abuse, murder

Justin #1

Book Description

An action-packed basketball series from author LJ Alonge set on the courts of Oakland, CA. Justin has a list of goals stashed under his mattress. Number 1 is "figure out life plans." Number 5 is "earn Zen Master rating in WoW." Nowhere on that list is "play the crew from Ghosttown," but that's the type of trouble that always seems to finds him. The debut title from LJ Alonge's new basketball series pulses with action on and off the court. With wit, humor, and honesty, Justin unfolds over one hot summer.

The Parliamentary Debates

Book Description

Blessed Peacemakers

Book Description

These are the stories of 365 women, men and children worldwide who have acted as peacemakers during the last 2500 years. They include human rights and antiwar activists, scientists and artists, educators and scholars, songwriters and poets, film directors and authors, diplomats and economists, environmentalists and mystics, prophets and policymakers. All sacrified for the dream of peace, some even died for it.