Juries, Lay Judges, and Mixed Courts

Book Description

Although most countries around the world use professional judges, they also rely on lay citizens, untrained in the law, to decide criminal cases. The participation of lay citizens helps to incorporate community perspectives into legal outcomes and to provide greater legitimacy for the legal system and its verdicts. This book offers a comprehensive and comparative picture of how nations use lay people in legal decision-making. It provides a much-needed, in-depth analysis of the different approaches to citizen participation and considers why some countries' use of lay participation is long-standing whereas other countries alter or abandon their efforts. This book examines the many ways in which countries around the world embrace, reject, or reform the way in which they use ordinary citizens in legal decision-making.

The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process surveys the topics and issues in the field of criminal process, including the laws, institutions, and practices of the criminal justice administration. The process begins with arrests or with crime investigation such as searches for evidence. It continues through trial or some alternative form of adjudication such as plea bargaining that may lead to conviction and punishment, and it includes post-conviction events such as appeals and various procedures for addressing miscarriages of justice. Across more than 40 chapters, this Handbook provides a descriptive overview of the subject sufficient to serve as a durable reference source, and more importantly to offer contemporary critical or analytical perspectives on those subjects by leading scholars in the field. Topics covered include history, procedure, investigation, prosecution, evidence, adjudication, and appeal.

The Power of the Jury

Book Description

Offering an alternative view of the jury process, this book argues that each stage transforms ordinary citizens, who are oftentimes reluctant to serve on juries, into responsible jurors. Jurors, Nancy S. Marder argues, are not found, but rather they are made and shaped by the jury process. Analysing each stage of this process, from initial summons to post-verdict interview, this book shows how these stages equip jurors with experiences and knowledge that allow them to perform their new role ably. It adopts a holistic approach to the subject of jury reform and suggests reforms that will aid the transformation of citizens into jurors. By studying the jury from the perspective of jurors, it gives readers a better understanding of what takes place during jury trials and allows them to see juries, jurors, and the jury process in a new light.

American Juries

Book Description

This monumental and comprehensive volume reviews more than 50 years of empirical research on civil and criminal juries and returns a verdict that strongly supports the jury system.

The Development of Jury Service in Japan

Book Description

This book presents a comprehensive account of past and present efforts to introduce the jury system in Japan. Four legal reforms are documented and assessed: the implementation of the bureaucratic and all-judge special jury systems in the 1870s, the introduction of the all-layperson jury in the late 1920s, the transplantation of the Anglo-American-style jury system to Okinawa under the U.S. Occupation, and the implementation of the mixed-court lay judge (saiban’in) system in 2009. While being primarily interested in the related case studies, the book also discusses the instances when the idea of introducing trial by jury was rejected at different times in Japan’s history. Why does legal reform happen? What are the determinants of success and failure of a reform effort? What are the prospects of the saiban’in system to function effectively in Japan? This book offers important insights on the questions that lie at the core of the law and society debate and are highly relevant for understanding contemporary Japan and its recent and distant past.

The Jury: a Very Short Introduction

Book Description

"I owe a great debt to the many jurors, judges, lawyers, trial consultants, historians, and academics around the world from whom I have had the pleasure of learning about the jury. Traci Emerson Spackey of the George Washington University Law Library provided extraordinarily creative and effective help in locating images and other sources. Clifford Ando gave valuable recommendations about sources for the ancient world, and Daniela Cammack kindly provided drafts of her now-published article about Athenian juries. Trial lawyer Bobby Burchfield generously gave detailed and deeply knowledgeable comments on the manuscript. Karen Wahl provided expert assistance locating sources. I thank Morgan Reinhardt for allowing me to use her research on jury forepersons, and Anna Offit, her law professor, for guiding me to her and for comparative work on juries. Anna Caraveli and Jonathan Chaves, my colleague at George Washington University, made important suggestions and pointed out places in which non-lawyers needed further explanation of legal concepts. My daughter Anna Lerner provided the perspective of a younger reader and gently let her mother know where improvements would be helpful. For decades, John Langbein has been a constant source of insight about juries. I am grateful to Akhil Amar for first sparking, and then encouraging, my interest in the subject, and for his vibrant work. My husband Craig Lerner gave unceasing encouragement and invaluable advice"--

Who Judges?

Book Description

Who Judges? is the first book to explain why different states design their new jury systems in markedly different ways.

Jury Trial Innovations

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Juries in the Japanese Legal System

Book Description

Trial by jury is not a fundamental part of the Japanese legal system, but there has been a recent important move towards this with the introduction in 2009 of the lay assessor system whereby lay people sit with judges in criminal trials. This book considers the debates in Japan which surround this development. It examines the political and socio-legal contexts, contrasting the view that the participation of ordinary citizens in criminal trials is an important manifestation of democracy, with the view that Japan as a society where authority is highly venerated is not natural territory for a system where lay people are likely to express views at odds with expert judges. It discusses Japan’s earlier experiments with jury trials in the late 19th Century, the period 1923-43, and up to 1970 in US-controlled Okinawa, compares developing views in Japan on this issue with views in other countries, where dissatisfaction with the jury system is often evident, and concludes by assessing how the new system in Japan is working out and how it is likely to develop.

Juries, Lay Judges, and Mixed Courts

Book Description

Offers a comprehensive and comparative picture of how countries around the globe use ordinary citizens to decide criminal cases.