Just a Seed

Book Description

A little girl throws a seed away. What do you think will happen to that seed?

It Starts With a Seed

Book Description

With lyrical text, enchanting illustrations, and a beautiful fold-out scene to complete the story, this award-winning picture book takes you on a journey through the seasons and years as you follow a seed’s transformation from a seedling to a sapling, then a young tree, until it becomes a large tree with its branches and roots filling the page. As the tree grows, it is joined by well-loved woodland creatures—squirrels and rabbits, butterflies and owls—who make it their home. A rhyming poem builds page on page, echoing the rings of a growing tree. The story culminates with a foldout page showing a mature tree shedding seeds to continue the beautiful cycle of life. At the back, find the full poem and facts about the specific tree, a sycamore. Beautiful and evocative, It Starts With a Seed is a factual story that will touch children with its simple, enchanting message of life and growth. A 2018 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students: K-12 (National Science Teachers Association and the Children's Book Council)

Just One Seed

Book Description

Miguel plants one seed and when all of his family members tell him it won't grow he just tells them to wait and see.

Just One Seed

Book Description

Julie's Seed

Book Description

About the Book Julie's Seed was inspired by the life and antics of our daughter, Julie. She was a lover of nature, even as a small child, preferring to play with bugs and creatures. Watching this child grow convinced me to write a story. Julie even contributed much of the original artwork in the book, as did other family ambers. For 25-30 years, Julie's Seed sat quietly in a file cabinet. Through the encouragement of both wife, Mary, and daughter, Julie, it has now emerged as a published book! About the Author Jerry Hein was born May 14, 1933 (Mother's Day) in Appleton, Wisconsin. He was 8th of 9 children. He is in his 65th year of marriage to Mary, whom he loves and admires. Together they produced wonderful sons and adopted an equally wonderful daughter. He is a Korean War veteran and a now-retired paper coating chemist, having garnered 2 U.S. patents. He held every office in the Coating and Graphic Arts division of TAPPI. He travelled to 331 countries on business. He is a member of the National MENSA society. He has been a facilitator at seminars in Christian living and has operated a coffeehouse for high schoolers. He volunteers at Appleton West High School 3 half days a week as a front door greeter. He wrote a book about his WWII hero brother and has written over 100 limericks. His hobbies have included metal detecting, wood splitting, wine making, sweepstaking, fishing and gardening.

The Seed

Book Description

While in Mexico on vacation with her ailing husband, Larry, Debi Cartwright receives what seems to be an ordinary seed from a poor fisherman named Antonio, along with strict instructions to plant the seed and share its offspring with those in need. Not fully understanding why, Debi complies and plants the seed, giving one to Larry when seeds finally sprout. Larry is miraculously cured and knows he must now share the seed with others. Enter a nameless rich man in need of a miracle himself, who will stop at nothing, including kidnapping and murder, to gain the elusive seed whose healing powers he desires. Because Antonio possesses the seed, he is a prime target. When Antonio goes missing, his son Javier befriends a man named Miguel, whom the nameless rich man hired to kill Antonio. But after learning from Javier about the selfless life Antonio lived, Miguel is racked with guilt and experiences a change of heart, which prompts him to turn himself in to the authorities. He then goes on to share the Word from his prison cell, inspiring countless others with his seeds of hope. Larry Herndon's The Seed tells the story of a healing seed that represents the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. Travel back over two thousand years with Larry and Debi to find the origin of The Seed that heals us all.

World Seed

Book Description

The second book in the World Seed series. Join John Hulett as he continues his journey through the world of NeoLife, bringing his experiences and powers to play in Earth to aid against the coming storm. What exactly does the future hold for mankind?

Just One Seed Big Book

Book Description

Just One Seed Big Book

Seed to Harvest

Book Description

Do you ever wonder why the Bible uses so many references to seeds, plants, and harvest? Or why the first home for humanity was a garden? Does the abundance of foliage all around us perhaps have some wisdom from our maker entwined within its roots? When we compare our lives to the life cycle of plants, we can see similarities that allow us to relate, and in that relationship, there is wisdom and answers. Our world is surrounded by plant life in various stages of their life cycle, from seed form to harvest. There's no mistake that God first created a garden and had us work the ground. God's garden is the world around us! When we sit in the garden, not only are we blessed by God's colorful artistry, but we find wisdom for how to live our lives in abundance, producing fruit for God's harvest. As you read this book, you will discover God's love, his plan, and his purpose for you as you compare yourself to the seed, sprout, leaves, flowers, fruit, and harvest. You will also learn from God's divine design as we study the storms and pests that may hinder growth and stall or completely stop a potential harvest. How can we be prepared to weather the storms in our life? Is there something to be learned from the plants that have survived through drought, storms, and pests? You do not have to be a farmer or gardener to enjoy this book because everything we discuss is all around you! If your thumb isn't even the faintest bit of green you can still gain great wisdom from this book. God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called and that is you! Believe it or not, you are valuable. You are important in God's massive design, and he wants your help with the harvest. This book dives deep into the promises of God and how he planted you specifically with a purpose to enact change in this world, whether big or small, it's all impactful and so are you. 2

I Am Not Just a Seed.

Book Description

A group of different kinds of seeds meet and share their thoughts on how great they are until they get a life lesson from the smallest seed. A seed full of faith. This is the story of the Mustard Seed. Illustrated and written by Nana (Dr. Sallye Beglis Rhodes). If we have faith, we want not because faith is all we need to reach the ear of God. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.