Reasonableness and interpretation

Book Description

The 2002 issue of the Yearbook concerns the notion of reasonableness in philosohical, legal and economic domains. After going back over the main definition of the concept of reasonable in greek philosophy, the analysis carried out in this volume deals with the role played by the notion of reasonableness in practical philosophy and namely according to hermeneutical view of it. With regard to legal field, the notion of reasonableness is a core notion in constitutional law and it assumes specific meanings in private, criminal, international, and administrative law. Reasonableness turns out to be crucial with regard to many topics, such as interpretation of rights, balancing of fundamental rights, and interpretation of standards.

Argumenta philosophica 2016/1

Book Description

Objetividad y certeza en la interpretación - Mauricio Beuchot Time, eternity, history: Dante, Petrarch, Machiavelli - Remo Bodei Por un realismo no naturalista - Markus Gabriel Philosophy of the emerging world - Yves Charles Zarka Ugly, creepy, disgusting, and other modes of abjection - Slavoj Žižek

Dialogue and the New Cosmopolitanism

Book Description

Dialogue and the New Cosmopolitanism: Conversations with Edward Demenchonok stands in opposition to the doctrine that might makes right and that the purpose of politics is to establish domination over others rather than justice and the good life for all. In the pursuit of the latter goal, the book stresses the importance of dialogue with participants who take seriously the views and interests of others and who seek to reach a fair solution. In this sense, the book supports the idea of cosmopolitanism, which—by contrast to empire—involves multi-lateral cooperation and thus the quest for a just cosmopolis. The international contributors to this volume, with their varied perspectives, are all committed to this same quest. Edited by Fred Dallmayr, the chapters take the form of conversations with Edward Demenchonok, a well-known practitioner of international and cross-cultural philosophy. The conversations are structured in parts that stress the philosophical, anthropological, cultural, and ethical dimensions of global dialogue. In our conflicted world, it is inspiring to find so many authors from different places agreeing on a shared vision.

Imagine Math 7

Book Description

Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, new forms. Imagine building mathematical models that make it possible to manage our world better, imagine solving great problems, imagine new problems never before thought of, imagine combining music, art, poetry, literature, architecture, theatre and cinema with mathematics. Imagine the unpredictable and sometimes counterintuitive applications of mathematics in all areas of human endeavour. This seventh volume starts with a homage to the Italian artist Mimmo Paladino who created exclusively for the Venice Conference 2019 ten original and unique works of art paper dedicated to the themes of the meeting. A large section is dedicated to the most recent Fields Medals including a Homage to Maryam Mirzakhani including a presentation of the exhibition on soap bubbles in art and science that took place in 2019. A section is dedicated to cinema and theatre including the performances by Claire Bardainne & Adrien Mondot. A part of the conference focused on the community of mathematicians, their role in literature and even in politics with the extraordinary example of Antanas Mockus Major of Bogotá. Mathematics in the constructions of bridges, in particular in Italy in the Sixties was presented by Tullia Iori. A very particular contribution on Origami by a mathematician, Marco Abate and an artist, Alessandro Beber. And many other topics. As usual the topics are treated in a way that is rigorous but captivating, detailed and full of evocations. This is an all-embracing look at the world of mathematics and culture. The world, life, culture, everything has changed in a few weeks with the Coronavirus. Culture, science are the main ways to safeguard people's physical and social life. Trust in humanity's creativity and ability. The motto today in Italy is Everything will be fine. This work is addressed to all those who have an interest in Mathematics.


Book Description

As War Ends

Book Description

For decades a bitter civil war between the Colombia government and armed insurgent groups tore apart Colombian society. After protracted negotiations in Havana, a peace agreement was accepted by the Colombian government and the FARC rebel group in 2016. This volume will provide academics and practitioners throughout the world with critical analyses regarding what we know generally about the post-war peace building process and how this can be applied to the specifics of the Colombian case to assist in the design and implementation of post-war peace building programs and policies. This unique group of Colombian and international scholars comment on critical aspects of the peace process in Colombia, transitional justice mechanisms, the role of state and non-state actors at the national and local levels, and examine what the Colombian case reveals about traditional theories and approaches to peace and transitional justice.

The Civil Sphere in Latin America

Book Description

Social thinkers have criticized Latin American development as incomplete, backward, and anti-modern. This volume demonstrates that, while often deeply compromised and fragmented, Latin American civil spheres have remained resilient, institutionally and culturally, generating new oppositional movements, independent journalism, rebellious intellectuals, electoral power, and critical political parties. In widely different arenas, dissidents have employed the coruscating language of the civil sphere to pollute their oppressors in the name of justice. In the 1970s and 1980s, political thinkers heralded the resurrection of Latin American civil society, envisioning a new world of freedom and stability. Corruption, inequality, racism, and exclusion become pressing and urgent 'social problems', not despite the promises of democracy, but because of them. The premise of this volume is that Latin American civil spheres are powerful, even as they are compromised, creating challenges to anti-civil culture and institutions that trigger social reform. It is the first of three volumes that place civil sphere theory in a global context.

La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribución a La Crítica

Book Description

En Bolivia, el 9 de abril de 1952, despus de tres das de combates los trabajadores derrotaron al ejrcito nacional, arrebataron el poder poltico a la oligarqua e impusieron un gobierno al servicio del pueblo. Naci la Revolucin Nacional, una de las tres ms grandes realizadas en Latinoamrica durante el Siglo XX. El ensayo La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribucin a la Crtica demuestra que novellas publicadas durante el perodo pre revolucionario, provocaron cambios ideolgicos en las conciencias de los lectores populares, y de ese modo contribuyeron a la Revolucin Nacional Boliviana. Otras novelas escritas durante los aos del gobierno revolucionario, procuraron crear una conciencia en favor de una revolucin socialista. Al hacerlo instauraron un nuevo subgnero novelstico: La novela revolucionaria boliviana. El ensayo est enfocado en el anlisis dialctico de dos categoras: Historia y novela. Ofrece referencias conceptuales formuladas por tericos (Karl Marx, Georg Lukcs, Gerald Genette y Robert Jauss) que privilegian una crtica literaria basada en las interconexiones entre el desarrollo social y la cosmovisin que se expresa en las novellas que refl ejan, de uno u otro modo, dicha realidad. El ensayo precisa que la novella boliviana posee la capacidad de tomar de la vida de los trabajadores sus experiencias ms esenciales, y las expresa artsticamente. Siendo lo ms relevante el propsito de ayudarles a convertirse de una clase en s a una clase para s. El mrito del ensayo del Dr. Guido J. Arze es haber sabido demostrar que las novellas revolucionarias bolivianas ayudaron a promover la lucha armada liberadora, usndolas como vehculos de concientizacin, y con ello consagraron un nuevo subgnero: La novella revolucionaria boliviana. Novela que difi ere en cuanto a su funcin de sus semejantes las novelas de la Revolucin Mexicana y de la Revolucin Cubana.

The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Development

Book Description

This Handbook inverts the lens on development, asking what Indigenous communities across the globe hope and build for themselves. In contrast to earlier writing on development, this volume focuses on Indigenous peoples as inspiring theorists and potent political actors who resist the ongoing destruction of their livelihoods. To foster their own visions of development, they look from the present back to Indigenous pasts and forward to Indigenous futures. Key questions: How do Indigenous theories of justice, sovereignty, and relations between humans and non-humans inform their understandings of development? How have Indigenous people used Rights of Nature, legal pluralism, and global governance systems to push for their visions? How do Indigenous relations with the Earth inform their struggles against natural resource extraction? How have native peoples negotiated the dangers and benefits of capitalism to foster their own life projects? How do Indigenous peoples in diaspora and in cities around the world contribute to Indigenous futures? How can Indigenous intellectuals, artists, and scientists control their intellectual property and knowledge systems and bring into being meaningful collective life projects? The book is intended for Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists, communities, scholars, and students. It provides a guide to current thinking across the disciplines that converge in the study of development, including geography, anthropology, environmental studies, development studies, political science, and Indigenous studies.