Karate, Kobudo & Te, Self-Defence Applications Decoded

Book Description

More than an instruction manual for serious martial-art trainees, teachers and researchers, "Karate, Kobudo & Te, Self-Defence Applications Decoded", is a book on self-defence for everybody from any background. It is often said that confidence in oneself is gained through knowing practical self-defence; however, personal self-defence needs to move with the times. Following suggestions from the publisher and interested readers, this work is the amalgamation of two previous books by the author on decoding practical self-defence. Both former books are reproduced herein as Part One and Part Two, with some upgrading of the original text, the addition of a General Foreword and the revamping of the Epilogue Notes. In an ever-changing and challenging world, this two-in-one, united arrangement works extremely well for those wishing to learn self-defence against empty-hand attacks, aggressive groups, as well as those armed with blades.

Okinawan Te

Book Description

Okinawan te is an ancient martial art that has empty-hand applications & a bladed-weaponry system. Frequently referred to simply as te, it became the underlying attribute of karate & gave this newer, popular martial art its effectiveness as a flexible & healthful method of self-defence against attackers. Modern-day karate in general has lost much of the original te on which it was founded. Yet, whenever the topic of self-defence is discussed, or when people feel a need to learn a martial art that will protect them if attacked in the street, they generally think of taking up karate, without being aware of its deeper origins. Within these pages then is the serious martial artists chance to study, learn, train in & put into practice the almost lost methods of Okinawan te, here decoded into effective self-defence methods that, while saving life & limb, will help to create all-round health.

Karate, Kobudo & Te, Self-Defence Decoded (Book Two)

Book Description

As suggested by the title, Karate, Kobudo & Te, Self Defence Decoded (Book Two) Knives to Swords & Halberds, details the cold, hard facts of how to neutralize attackers armed with bladed weapons. Yet, this work also shows how to restrain one's actions in such circumstance. It thus gives a balanced format, explaining the moral implications of retaliatory violence that might cause life-changing injuries. Following on from (Book One) in the series, the how-to-do, format looks into aspects of self-defence as they pertain to preservation of life, primarily against bladed attacks. However, in order to protect oneself from the most prevalent dangers of life, namely ill health & disease, keeping fit with martial-art training & conditioning, within a group of respectful fellow trainees, has proven itself throughout the centuries. If vigour is the key to self-defence, the fierceness of ki energy, its explosive magma, when thrust to the surface in defiance, will overwhelm and cut through all in its path.

Karate, Kobudo & Te, Self-Defence Decoded (Book One) Fists to Clubs & Staves

Book Description

TRAIN, READ, LEARN, RESEARCH & BE WISE! Self-defence is the vital tip of the iceberg of martial arts training, the hardened stabbing end that will win through. "KARATE, KOBUDO & TE, Self-Defence Decoded (Book One) Fists to Clubs & Staves", deals directly with these aspects as they pertain to preservation of life and our loved ones. The book details the cold, hard facts of how to aggressively maim and kill, or conversely how to avoid, hold back and control. It answers, why we train like we do and the necessity of 'standing up to he bully' who uses fists, or wields blunted implements. It outlines the results of training and describes how the applications are adaptable to attack situations, be they by individuals or groups, in the open air or in enclosed spaces. All the while however, the concerns for health and the duty-of-care for others is underlined.

KARATE, KOBUDO & TE, Self Defence Decoded (Book One & Book Two) COLLECTOR'S EDITION

Book Description

FIND CONFIDENCE in SELF-DEFENCE Culture is a transient beast; it is ever-changing and always evolving into new 'traditions'. Martial culture and values are no less so and are constantly being upgraded with the varying conditions of society. Likewise, personal self-defence needs to move with the times. Following suggestions from the publisher and interested readers, this work is the amalgamation of two previous books by the author in the "Karate, kobudo & Te" series "(Book One & Book Two)" on decoding self-defence for everyone. It puts the science thereof into dual perspective. Both former books are reproduced herein as Part One and Part Two, with some editing of the original text, the addition of a General Foreword and the revamping of the Epilogue Notes. It is believed that this two-in-one, united arrangement will be extremely helpful for those wishing to learn practical self-defence in an ever-changing and challenging world. The work is also an invaluable textbook for serious martial-arts' teachers, researchers and trainees, as well as for those who seek better personal protection in the street.

Okinawan Te

Book Description

Self-defence is the vital tip of the iceberg of martial arts, the hardened stabbing end that will win through. ' Okinawan Te: Self-Defence Applications Decoded (book One)' deals directly with these aspects as they pertain to Okinawan te. The book has the cold, hard facts of how to how to maim and kill, or conversely how to hold back and control. It answers, why we train like we do and how to defend our lives. It shows the results of training and how the applications are adaptable to any street attack situation, while still having concerns for health and a duty-of-care for others. READ, LEARN & BE WISE!

Karate Uncovered (Fact & Fiction, Wisdom & Magic)

Book Description

Explosively direct: Always one to stand his ground for technical reality and historical fact, this work reflects the quality and sheer scale of information in the author's previous works. Poignant questions are asked, debates are raised and down-to-earth, enlightening answers are given. Much of what is considered to be tradition by many a karate-ka is shown to be not necessarily the case. If you think the closed-fist punch is standard fair, read the facts. If you have been taught that karate is an ancient Japanese art founded on violence, reconsider the fiction. If you think karate training is for self-development, absorb the wisdom. If you seek the truth about zen, enjoy the magic. Packed with until now undisclosed information, this book leads the way for the mature karate-ka to discover those hidden treasures that lie beneath the surface. Fifty years of training will give any teacher insights and Mark D Bishop has more than most to offer. Read, absorb, be enriched & uncover your true self, through karate