Karma and the Rise of Buddhism in the West

Book Description

In this book I address the need for a critical treatment of karma for practitioners of Buddhism in the West. I discuss the basic meaning of karma and its relevance to western Buddhism. Emphasis is on the impact of the scientific world-view, interest in meditation and attitudes towards reincarnation. A generalized approach provides analysis and constructive terminology for thinking about karma and reincarnation. Terms such as karmic awareness and karmic significance point to an epistemology of karma. "Karmic analysis" extends the meaning of karma to art, history and literature. Karma is shown to be implicit in all cultures.Topics include the significance of death, the nature of action, sin, salvation and blame. Karmic cause and effect is contrasted with scientific causality. A distinction is drawn between the contemplative life and thinking about karma mainly in terms of a set of propositions to be proven as true or false.

Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction

Book Description

This Very Short Introduction introduces the reader to the teachings of the Buddha and to the integration of Buddhism into daily life. What are the distinctive features of Buddhism? Who was the Buddha, and what are his teachings? How has Buddhist thought developed over the centuries, and how can contemporary dilemmas be faced from a Buddhist perspective? Words such as 'karma' and 'nirvana' have entered our vocabulary, but what do they mean? Damien Keown's book provides a lively, informative response to these frequently asked questions about Buddhism.

The New Buddhism

Book Description

This text outlines the development and spread of ancient Buddhism. It describes its journey west and its evolution here, sketching the lives and teachings of some of Western Buddhism's most important figures.

The Awakening of the West

Book Description

The Awakening of the West is an insightful and elegantly written history chronicling the developing relationship between Buddhism and Western culture. As anyone familiar with the work of Stephen Batchelor (best-selling author of Buddhism Without Beliefs) would expect, The Awakening of the West is presented in a fresh and lively way and backed by thorough research. Using the innovative approach of starting with the present and working back in time, Batchelor makes it easy to connect familiar contemporary Buddhist teachers to their historical roots. He breathes life into history by capturing the personalities and times of famous and lesser-known but important Buddhist figures. After absorbing these stories and their context, readers will not only have a greater appreciation of Buddhism as a religion but can gain insights that can help them develop their own discerning wisdom. The Awakening of the West is a unique, engaging and important book for anyone seeking a greater understanding of Buddhism.


Book Description

A master of Tibetan Buddhism cuts through prevalent misconceptions around karma and rebirth to get to the root cause of our suffering—and how we can end it The Buddha’s teaching on karma (literally, “action”) is nothing other than his compassionate explanation of the way things are: our thoughts and actions determine our future, and therefore we ourselves are largely responsible for the way our lives unfold. Yet this supremely useful teaching is often ignored due to the misconceptions found in popular culture, especially oversimplifications that make it seem like something not to be taken seriously. Karma is not simple, as Traleg Kyabgon shows, and it’s to be taken very seriously indeed. In this book, Kyabgon cuts through the persistent illusions we cling to about karma to show what it really is—the mechanics of why we suffer and how we can make the suffering end. He explains how a realistic understanding of karma is indispensable to Buddhist practice, how it provides a foundation for a moral life, and how understanding it can have a transformative effect on the way we relate to our thoughts and feelings and to those around us.

Karma Actions and Their Results

Book Description

Does karma leave any room for self-deter­mination, or are we totally at the mercy of fate? Does personal responsibility exist, or is even that an illusion? These are questions rising when discussing karma. Also in the West there has always been a notion of the interdependence of deeds and their results, reflected in some of our sayings: As you sow, so shall you reap Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Nobody pushes your button except you yourself. Gehlek Rinpoche, using four different characteristics explains how the law of karma works within the individual. In that, the part that ego plays, and our habitual patterns are central issues, rendering the key to freedom from (pre)-determination. The theme is clarified by lovely stories from the Indian and Tibetan tradition.

Westward Dharma

Book Description

The first authoritative volume on the totality of Buddhism in the West, Westward Dharma establishes a comparative and theoretical perspective for considering the amazing variety of Buddhist traditions, schools, centers, and teachers that have developed outside of Asia. Leading scholars from North America, Europe, South Africa, and Australia explore the plurality and heterogeneity of traditions and practices that are characteristic of Buddhism in the West. This recent, dramatic growth in Western Buddhism is accompanied by an expansion of topics and issues of Buddhist concern. The contributors to this volume treat such topics as the broadening spirit of egalitarianism; the increasing emphasis on the psychological, as opposed to the purely religious, nature of practice; scandals within Buddhist movements; the erosion of the distinction between professional and lay Buddhists; Buddhist settlement in Israel; the history of Buddhism in internment camps; repackaging Zen for the West; and women's dharma in the West. The interconnections of historical and theoretical approaches in the volume make it a rich, multi-layered resource.

Westward Dharma

Book Description

"Like seeds on the wind, Buddhist teachings continue to reach new lands. This outstanding book brings to light, in rich detail, the current flowering of Buddhism in the West. Long a world religion, Buddhism is now a global one."—Kenneth Kraft, author of The Wheel of Engaged Buddhism "Westward Dharma deserves a place on the growing bookshelf of contemporary Buddhist studies. Prebish and Baumann broaden our horizons from North America to the wider Western world, exploring key aspects of Buddhism's most recent geographical and cultural expansion."—Paul David Numrich, coauthor of Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America.

The Monk and the Philosopher

Book Description

Jean Francois-Revel, a pillar of French intellectual life in our time, became world famous for his challenges to both Communism and Christianity. Twenty-seven years ago, his son, Matthieu Ricard, gave up a promising career as a scientist to study Tibetan Buddhism -- not as a detached observer but by immersing himself in its practice under the guidance of its greatest living masters. Meeting in an inn overlooking Katmandu, these two profoundly thoughtful men explored the questions that have occupied humankind throughout its history. Does life have meaning? What is consciousness? Is man free? What is the value of scientific and material progress? Why is there suffering, war, and hatred? Their conversation is not merely abstract: they ask each other questions about ethics, rights, and responsibilities, about knowledge and belief, and they discuss frankly the differences in the way each has tried to make sense of his life. Utterly absorbing, inspiring, and accessible, this remarkable dialogue engages East with West, ideas with life, and science with the humanities, providing wisdom on how to enrich the way we live our lives.


Book Description

Does karma leave any room for self-deter­mination, or are we totally at the mercy of fate? Does personal responsibility exist, or is even that an illusion? These are questions rising when discussing karma. Also in the West there has always been a notion of the interdependence of deeds and their results, reflected in some of our sayings: As you sow, so shall you reap Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Nobody pushes your button except you yourself. Gehlek Rinpoche, using four different characteristics explains how the law of karma works within the individual. In that, the part that ego plays, and our habitual patterns are central issues, rendering the key to freedom from (pre)-determination. The theme is clarified by lovely stories from the Indian and Tibetan tradition.