
Book Description

Karmamudra is the ancient practice of partnered sexual yoga, a technique for transforming ordinary pleasure, worldly desire, and orgasm into vehicles for spiritual transformation and liberation. A ground breaking book by traditional Tibetan physician and yogi Dr. Nida Chenagtsang offering vital context and instruction, aimed to inform and empower.

Courtesans and Tantric Consorts

Book Description

The wisest teachings of Buddhism say that, like all oppositions, one must move beyond gender. But as Serinity Young shows in this enlightening work, the rhetoric of Buddhist texts, the symbolism of its iconography, and the performative import of its rituals, tell different, and often contradictory, stories. In Courtesans and Tantric Consorts, Serinity Young takes the reader on a journey through more than 2000 years of biographical writings, iconographic depictions, and ritual practices revealing Buddhism's deep struggles with gender. Juxtaposing empowering images of women with their textual repudiation, beginning with the Buddha himself who abandoned his wife; tantric courtesans who are considered necessary to male enlightenment with fertility rituals designed to ensure male offspring; tales of gender-bending gods and goddesses with all male heavens; Serinity Young draws on a vast range of sources to reveal the colourful, and often troubling, mosaic of beliefs that inform Buddhist views about gender and sexuality.

Nejang: Tibetan Self-Healing Yoga

Book Description

Nejang (Tib. ??????????) is a Tibetan healing yoga practice that literally means 'cleaning the energy sites of the body.' It consists of simple breath work, physical exercises, and self-massage designed to improve the function of the sense organs and inner organs, balance the internal energy, open the channels, and relax the mind. It has roots in the Tibetan Buddhist Kalachakra tradition and has been prescribed to patients by Tibetan physicians for centuries.

Naked Awareness

Book Description

In this classic seventeenth-century presentation of the union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, Karma Chagmé, one of the great teachers of both these lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, begins with an overview of the spirit of awakening and the nature of actions and their ethical consequences. Next, drawing from his enormous erudition and profound experience, Chagmé gives exceptionally lucid instructions on the two phases of Dzogchen practice—the "breakthrough" and the "leap-over"—followed by an accessible introduction to the practice of the transference of consciousness at the time of death. The concluding chapters of this treatise present a detailed analysis of Mahamudra meditation in relation to Dzogchen practice. This tour de force of scholarly erudition and contemplative insight is made all the more accessible by the lively commentary of the contemporary Nyingma Lama Gyatrul Rinpoche. Although this book stands alone, it is the concluding section of a single body of teachings by Karma Chagmé, the earlier section published under the title A Spacious Path to Freedom. Karma Chagmé was a major teacher of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and his writings have also become central to the Payul Nyingma order, making him an ideal figure to integrate these two great meditation systems.

The Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa

Book Description

Revised edition of: Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa, 1997.

The Essence of Buddhism

Book Description

A clear and concise introduction to the teachings and philosophies of the three main vehicles of Buddhism—Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana—through a Tibetan lens This comprehensive guide to the Buddhist path from the Tibetan point of view is as accessible as it is complete. Traleg Kyabgon breaks the teachings down conveniently into the three traditional “vehicles,” while never letting us forget that the point of all the Dharma is nothing other than insight into the mind and heart. Along the way he provides vivid definitions of fundamental Buddhist concepts such as compassion, emptiness, and Buddha-nature and answers common questions such as: • Why does Buddhism teach that there is “no self”? • Are Buddhist teachings pessimistic? • Does Buddhism encourage social passivity? • What is the role of sex in Buddhist tantra? • Why is it said that samsara is nirvana? • Does it take countless lifetimes to attain enlightenment, or can it be achieved in a moment?

The Tibetan Book of Health

Book Description

A comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of Sowa Rigpa for both students of Tibetan Medicine and the general public. The first in a special series of texts co-published by SKY Press and Tibet House US Publications.

The Practice of Pure Awareness

Book Description

A respected teacher presents the core and essential wisdom of Tibet and shows us the possibilities of "enlightenment in this present life" through the meditative practice of Pure Awareness. Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience. This fundamentally transformative practice offers the possibility of enlightenment in this present life and invites us into the immensely powerful journey that Tibetan tantric spirituality has to offer. Includes a link to a free download of audio meditations.

Mirror of Light

Book Description

Ati Yoga is the most simple, direct, and profound path to reveal the sky-like nature of our own mind which is clear, vast, and unobstructed by the clouds of afflictive emotions. 'Mirror of Light' contains Dr Nida Chenagtsang's commentaries on the great physician and meditation adept, Yuthok Yonten Gonpo's teachings on this profound practice.

Dakini's Warm Breath

Book Description

A fresh interpretation of the dakini—a Tibetan Buddhist symbol of the feminine—that will appeal to practitioners interested in goddess worship, female spirituality, and Tantric Buddhism The primary emblem of the feminine in Tibetan Buddhism is the dakini, or “sky-dancer,” a semi-wrathful spirit-woman who manifests in visions, dreams, and meditation experiences. Western scholars and interpreters of the dakini, influenced by Jungian psychology and feminist goddess theology, have shaped a contemporary critique of Tibetan Buddhism in which the dakini is seen as a psychological “shadow,” a feminine savior, or an objectified product of patriarchal fantasy. According to Judith Simmer-Brown—who writes from the point of view of an experienced practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism—such interpretations are inadequate. In the spiritual journey of the meditator, Simmer-Brown demonstrates, the dakini symbolizes levels of personal realization: the sacredness of the body, both female and male; the profound meeting point of body and mind in meditation; the visionary realm of ritual practice; and the empty, spacious qualities of mind itself. When the meditator encounters the dakini, living spiritual experience is activated in a nonconceptual manner by her direct gaze, her radiant body, and her compassionate revelation of reality. Grounded in the author's personal encounter with the dakini, this unique study will appeal to both male and female spiritual seekers interested in goddess worship, women's spirituality, and the tantric tradition.