Kearifan Tempatan dan Kelestarian Masa Depan

Book Description

Kearifan Tempatan dan Kelestarian Masa Depan meneroka perihal ilmu kearifan tempatan tentang amalan memelihara dan mengekalkan warisan budaya, sejarah dan persekitaran semula jadi dengan cara memastikan daya maju dan ketersediaan jangka panjangnya untuk generasi akan datang. Kelestarian dalam warisan adalah penting dan meliputi pemeliharaan budaya, tanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar dan faedah ekonomi. Prinsip asas kemapanan dalam warisan boleh meningkatkan kesedaran dan penglibatan masyarakat, mencari kegunaan baharu yang mapan untuk warisan, dan melaksanakan amalan mesra alam untuk melindungi persekitaran semula jadi yang berkaitan dengan tapak warisan. Perbincangan yang diketengahkan dapat dilihat sebagai usaha para penyelidik memelihara dan melestarikan ilmu kearifan tempatan. Melalui integrasi ilmu kearifan tempatan dan teknologi, keseimbangan yang mampu memberikan impak positif kepada masyarakat dapat dicapai dan dinikmati serta terus dipelihara untuk masa depan.


Book Description

This book contains the proceedings of the First International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture (ICEHHA 2021). Where held on 3rd-4th June 2021 in Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia. This conference was held by Universitas Katolik Indonsia Santu Paulus Ruteng. The papers from this conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture (ICEHHA 2021). The presentation of such a multi-discipline conference will provide a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current trends in the fields of Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture. According to the argument, this conference will act as a valuable reference for numerous relevant research efforts in the future. The committee recognizes that the smoothness and success of this conference cannot be separated from the cooperation of numerous stakeholders. As such, we like to offer our profound gratitude to the distinguished keynote speaker, keynote speakers, invited speaker, paper presenters, and participants for their enthusiastic support of joining the First International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture. We are convinced that the contents of the study from various papers are not only encouraged productive discussion among presenters and participants but also inspire further research in the respected field. We are greatly grateful for your willingness to join and share your knowledge and expertise at our conference. Your input was essential in ensuring the success of our conference. Finally, we hope that this conference will serve as a forum for learning in building togetherness, especially for academic networks and the realization of a meaningful academic atmosphere for the development of digital literacy in various fields of life. Thus, we hope to see you all at the second ICEHHA.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Book Description

This book, the conference proceeding, contains invited articles and contributory papers from the 9th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering, organized by Beijing Jiao Tong University in Sanya, China, on December 9–10, 2022. It includes contributions from researchers and practitioners working in the area of energy engineering, hydrogen, hydrogen carriers technology environmental engineering, climate change & global warming, and related fields. The articles cover the topics such as new energy production, storage, transmission, electrolysis, electrolyzes chemical, thermochemical, electrochemical hydrogen, energy environmental protection, and environmental sustainability. The content caters to research scholars, students, industry professionals, companies, government bodies, and policymakers, who work in the field of energy and environmental engineering.

Konservasi Biodiversitas, Teori dan Praktik di Indonesia

Book Description

Konservasi Biodiversitas di Indonesia Di tengah era globalisasi, aspek ekonomi seringkali menjadi fokus utama yang melenakan, menjadikan biodiversitas rentan terhadap tuntutan negara-negara maju yang telah lebih dulu menerapkan standar lingkungan yang tinggi pada hasil produksi mereka. Keadaan ini sering kali memaksa kita untuk mengadopsi kebijakan yang sesuai dengan tuntutan global, padahal banyak aspek mendasar yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Dalam buku "Konservasi Biodiversitas di Indonesia," Jatna Supriatna, seorang ahli konservasi sumber daya hayati dengan pengalaman puluhan tahun, menegaskan pentingnya pendekatan baru yang lebih integratif dan membumi untuk konservasi biodiversitas. Ia menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan inovatif tentang bagaimana mengelola dan memanfaatkan kekayaan hayati Indonesia—yang merupakan salah satu yang tertinggi di dunia—tanpa merusak lingkungan. Jatna mengusulkan penerapan teknologi terkini, pengadopsian kearifan lokal, serta inisiasi kebijakan pemerintah yang pro-lingkungan dan masyarakat. Dengan mengintegrasikan metode keilmuan konservasi yang berkelanjutan, buku ini menunjukkan bahwa bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia dapat berjalan seiring dengan tuntutan global, sambil tetap berpegang pada prinsip pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan. Buku ini menjadi panduan penting bagi semua pihak yang peduli terhadap keberlanjutan biodiversitas Indonesia, sekaligus menawarkan solusi praktis untuk menjaga kekayaan alam tanpa mengorbankan masa depan lingkungan dan masyarakat.

Membalik arus, menuai kemandirian petani

Book Description

Empowering farmers through technology and information for sustainable agriculture in Indonesia; papers of a seminar.

Integrated Rural Development in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Book Description

These proceedings report on an international workshop held in Kupang, in April 2006, to identify opportunities and constraints to improving livelihoods in East Nusa Tenggara using an integrated rural development approach, and to discuss directions for future activities.

Tropical Peatlands

Book Description

Tropical peatlands are found mostly in South East Asia, but also in Africa and in Central and South America. They and peat-swamp forests store large amounts of carbon and their destruction, particularly through the development of plantations for oil palm and other forms of agriculture, releases large quantities of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change. They are also complex and vulnerable ecosystems, home to great biodiversity and a number of endangered species such as the orang utan.The aim of this book is to introduce this little known but important and vulnerable ecosystem in a way that explains its long standing interaction with the global carbon cycle and how it is being destroyed by deforestation and inappropriate development. The authors describe the origin and formation of peat in the tropics, its current location, extent and amount of carbon stored in it, its biodiversity and natural resource functions and key ecological functions and processes. Appropriate hydrology is the key to the development and maintenance of peatlands and the unique aspects of tropical peatland water supply and management are also explored. In the same vein the nutrient dynamics and budgets of this ecosystem are explained in order to show how complex habitats can be maintained mainly by rainwater containing very low concentrations of essential chemical elements. Past and present impacts on tropical peatlands in SE Asia are discussed and the need for restoration and wise use highlighted. Finally, projections are made about the future of this ecosystem as a result of continuing human impacts and climate change.

Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two

Book Description

The Ecology of Papua provides a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge on all aspects of the natural history of western (Indonesian) New Guinea. Designed for students of conservation, environmental workers, and academic researchers, it is a richly detailed text, dense with biogeographical data, historical reference, and fresh insight on this complicated and marvelous region. We hope it will serve to raise awareness of Papua on a global as well as local scale, and to catalyze effective conservation of its most precious natural assets. New Guinea is the largest and highest tropical island, and one of the last great wilderness areas remaining on Earth. Papua, the western half of New Guinea, is noteworthy for its equatorial glaciers, its vast forested floodplains, its imposing central mountain range, its Raja Ampat Archipelago, and its several hundred traditional forest-dwelling societies. One of the wildest places left in the world, Papua possesses extraordinary biological and cultural diversity. Today, Papua’s environment is under threat from growing outside pressures to exploit its expansive forests and to develop large plantations of oil palm and biofuels. It is important that Papua’s leadership balance economic development with good resource management, to ensure the long-term well-being of its culturally diverse populace.