Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory

Book Description

Do you think you have a "bad memory"? Impossible, says Kevin Trudeau, the world's foremost authority on memory improvement training. There are no bad memories, only untrained memories. In order to release our natural memory, Trudeau says, we just need to learn to retrieve what we already know. As founder of the American Memory Institute, Kevin Trudeau has already helped more than one million people do just that. Each Mega Memory lesson in this book takes no more than thirty minutes per day and uses pictures, rather than the laborious word-association techniques of other memory systems, to activate our inborn memory. With this easy-to-follow system, you'll be able to instantly remember names, phone numbers, addresses, financial data, speeches, and schoolwork. Even better, Trudeau's system ensures instant recall and long-term Mega Memory. All you need is the desire to unleash your Mega Memory, and you can reap all these incredible rewards! Labeled with a learning disability at an early age, Kevin Trudeau was convinced his problem was an inability to recall information. He read everything he could on memory improvement. Eventually, he developed his own program for memory retrieval and formed the American Memory Institute. His Mega Memory home study system is the most utilized self-improvement series of all time.

The Weight Loss Cure "they" Don't Want You to Know about

Book Description

This work by a #1 New York Times-bestselling author presents a revolutionary plan that helps readers to reshape their body, get rid of abnormal fat, increase their metabolism, eliminate hunger and food cravings, and reveals why the food industry wants to keep the population fat.

You Can Have an Amazing Memory

Book Description

The 8-time winner of the World Memory Championship shares his life-changing techniques for boosting your own memory power! A Grandmaster of Memory reveals the methods that have brought him success in 8 World Memory Championships. Follow him on his memory journey—and improve your own memory by plugging into his life-changing systems. Inside you’ll learn how to: • Enhance your life by expanding and sharpening your memory • Memorize numbers, lists, speeches, birthdays, cards, facts, names, and faces • Perform targeted memory exercises and measure your progress • Learn how to build your memory to championship level—all at your own pace • Use improved memory to achieve new success in all areas of your life How much easier would your life be if you had a fantastic memory? Make forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, jokes and facts a thing of the past—and have any information you want at your fingertips!

Super Reading Secrets

Book Description

Devised by the man recorded in Guinness as the world's fastest reader--80 pages per minutes--this is the only program that combines the most up-to-date learning techniques and psychological discoveries with proven speed-reading methods and ancient tools like meditation to significantly improve both reading speed and comprehension.

Free Money ""They"" Don't Want You to Know About

Book Description

Reveals government and private grant programs, unclaimed property and bank account reclaiming procedures, and tax refunds and benefits to capitalize on "free" money programs and manage personal finance.

The Sticking Point Solution

Book Description

Businesses can plateau, stall, OR stagnatewithout the owners or key executives even realizing it. A business might be achieving incremental year-on-year growth and yet still be in a situation of stagnation or stall. Why? Because entrepreneurs and ...

The Skeptic's Dictionary

Book Description

A wealth of evidence for doubters and disbelievers "Whether it's the latest shark cartilage scam, or some new 'repressed memory' idiocy that besets you, I suggest you carry a copy of this dictionary at all times, or at least have it within reach as first aid for psychic attacks. We need all the help we can get." -James Randi, President, James Randi Educational Foundation, "From alternative medicine, aliens, and psychics to the farthest shores of science and beyond, Robert Carroll presents a fascinating look at some of humanity's most strange and wonderful ideas. Refreshing and witty, both believers and unbelievers will find this compendium complete and captivating. Buy this book and feed your head!" -Clifford Pickover, author of The Stars of Heaven and Dreaming the Future "A refreshing compendium of clear thinking, a welcome and potent antidote to the reams of books on the supernatural and pseudoscientific." -John Allen Paulos, author of Innumeracy and A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper "This book covers an amazing range of topics and can protect many people from being scammed." -Stephen Barrett, M.D., Featuring close to 400 definitions, arguments, and essays on topics ranging from acupuncture to zombies, The Skeptic's Dictionary is a lively, commonsense trove of detailed information on all things supernatural, occult, paranormal, and pseudoscientific. It covers such categories as alternative medicine; cryptozoology; extraterrestrials and UFOs; frauds and hoaxes; junk science; logic and perception; New Age energy; and the psychic. For the open-minded seeker, the soft or hardened skeptic, and the believing doubter, this book offers a remarkable range of information that puts to the test the best arguments of true believers.

Debt Cures ""They"" Don't Want You to Know About

Book Description

Millions of Americans are being buried alive with outrageous fees, interest rates and penalties. Meanwhile, the credit card companies are making billions of dollars in profits. The CEO of one of the largest credit card companies in America has stated that their only "problem is to squeeze out enough revenue and get customers to sit still for the squeeze." By learning the traps of the consumer lending industry, listeners will know how to avoid them. Trudeau teaches listeners how to fight back, and cure their debt forever.