Keys to the Apostolic and Prophetic

Book Description

"Finally, a sane Biblical examination of the role of the apostolic and prophetic written by Pentecostal authors. This book is a gift to the charismatic and Spirit-filled community, as well as providing others keen insight into the contemporary functioning of these ministries." Dr. George O. Wood, Chairman, World AG Fellowship " "A full and richly textured master class in these vital elements of Spirit-led Christianity for today's church." Joseph Castleberry, Ed.D., President, Northwest University - Are you unclear about what godly apostolic ministry should look like? - Do you wonder why the prophet's chair is empty? - Have you been troubled by false apostles and prophets who care more about their title than an authentic call? Scripture and practical application meet in this valuable guide on the apostolic and prophetic functions in today's church. At a time when aberrations and misunderstandings are rampant in these two ministry areas, the authors provide keys for discerning the genuine from the false. They chart a path forward for the full recovery of God's authentic gifts to the church. Discover and grow in the Holy Spirit's flow of the prophetic and apostolic anointings.

Prophetic Key

Book Description

In these end times, the Lord is raising up prophets of a higher caliber - prophets like Samuel of old, whose words never dropped to the ground, but every word came to pass. These are prophets who wield the power to root out, destroy, and put into place new kingdoms on this earth. For such a time as this, a new breed of prophets are being raised in the wilderness. The price for such power? Humility, the way of the cross, and bearing the same nails and crown of thorns that were on Jesus. The fire is hot, but for those willing to go through it, the power to change the world awaits you. "To whom much is given, much is required." With each page, you will feel the weight of the Church being put on your shoulders. Up until now, it has been about your calling as a prophet, but from this point on, you will come to a newfound reality that this is about the calling of the Church, to the world. You will discover that as you step into prophetic office, the real work has only begun. Standing with the authority, the anointing and all the power vested in you, you will look out and see a Bride that needs healing and a foundation that is cracked. Here is where you will decide what kind of prophet you will be. However, you will not be left to your own devices. Here are some key points that Apostle Colette takes you through: - What qualifies you for prophet office - How to recognize the prophetic child - Prophetic ministry and marriage - getting it right - What prophetic office looks like - Transitioning from prophetic ministry to office - Authority vs. anointing - How to increase your anointing As the final and last book of the Prophetic Field Guide Series, Apostle Colette circles you back to the child warrior that started this journey in the first place. With a scroll in hand, she hands you the responsibility that you have been called and trained to carry. Are you ready to join the ranks of the mighty men in the trenches of this new move?

Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary

Book Description

God is continually speaking and revealing certain key truths and phrases of revelation, and whether we are new believers or ministry leaders, the language of revelation and truth can empower us to become part of Gods restoration. But first we must understand this language. The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church is a necessary tool for all who desire to be part of Gods present-day apostolic and prophetic movement. With over five hundred well-researched, comprehensive entries, it offers an insightful way to learn about the revelations needed for the body of Christ to fully embrace the model of the church seen in the book of Acts. Learn phrases and words central to the language of revelation: Transfer of wealth, seven mountain kingdoms, anointing, impartation, activation, signs and wonders, prophets in the marketplace, Elijah company of prophets, apostolic covering, Joshua assignment, and much, much more. Also unlock vital words of the Bible in these fields: Eschatology: Armageddon, rapture, end times, millennial kingdom, Antichrist, and great tribulation. Apostolic terms: deliverance, healing, apostolic order, commissioning, and ordination. Prophetic terms: open doors, Gods timing, Gods release, prophetic warfare, and prophetic praise. Movements: apostolic and prophetic movement, kings and priests movement, saints movement, glory movement, new wine movement, and kingdom now movement. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: special faith, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy, and discerning of spirits. Works of the Holy Spirit: demonstration of power, power evangelism, holy laughter, and slain in the spirit. Key Hebrew and Greek terms: parakletos, sozo, kabod, hoius, tecknon, and apokulupsis. Common but misunderstood terms: grace, salvation, calling, and deliverance. The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary is needed for todays church, and it promises to be unique, relevant, and full of revelation.

Realms of the Prophetic

Book Description

Speak forth Heaven’s secrets!Since the beginning of time, God’s desire has been to share Heavenly secrets with His friends. These hidden truths are freely given to every believer as they operate in the gift of prophecy!The prophetic anointing allows you to hear God’s voice, speak forth His words, and release His power into the...

Receiving Personal Prophecy

Book Description

There have been a lot of lessons he has learned from years of ministry and surrounding himself with prophetic people. Bill has been asked many questions o how to see that personal prophecy come to pass. Bill Vincent is releasing this book, Receiving Personal Prophecy, to answer those questions. This book is Volume Two of Bill's prophetic book series. You can get Volume One, Increasing Your Prophetic Gift, if you would like to learn to flow in a deeper level of prophetic. Receiving Personal Prophecy is for everyone who has been around the prophetic and has ever received a prophetic Word. Bill talks about mostly personal prophetic ministry where some one singles you out and prophesies to you personally. This also will be a great tool for receiving a Word for a Church, City, Country or so on. This book has the basic guidelines and the strategies for bringing your Words to pass.

Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God

Book Description

Author of the "Prophets" series, Dr. Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instruction in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets work together. Find out God's end-time plans for the Church!

Apostolic and Prophetic Fires

Book Description

helping to define the meaning of apostolic and prophetic ministries

Seven Keys for a Successful Apostolic Ministry

Book Description

Many believers today often wish they had lived in the days of the majors players of the New Testament apostolic movement, such as Paul, Peter, Barnabas, James and others; the simple reason being they envy their achievements and what God did through them. Has God changed? Is not the God who was with them the same God who is with us today? Will He not do with us today what He did with them? Does it not depend on how much we avail ourselves and our willingness to participate in what God is doing? He is an unchanging God. These are the best days to be alive. God's gifts and callings are not on pause, you and I can be an instrument of God's glory and have access to the keys that can unlock our purpose in our generation. Those that went before us made an impact in their time. Their legacy was due to their embrace of their apostolic mandate. They knew the power of prayer, unity, evangelism, prophecy apostolic teaching, waiting and giving. They worked toward establishing the kingdom of heaven by using the key ingredients that are found in this book. As you take time to sift through this book, you'll come to discover what God is doing in our time. Respond to your assignment, get hold of these keys and enter in, do not procrastinate.

Restoring Apostolic Authority

Book Description

The church as we know it is in complete disarray the leaders have become prideful and arrogant and the sheep sit senseless beaten into a state of disarray through fear and intimidation. The gifts are being abused and they are being used out of order and everyone is ministering for attention, engagements and money. Is this what Christ died for? So the arrogant and prideful lay waste to people whose love for God is being manipulated in order to control who they are and what they should become. Restoring Apostolic Authority is a tool of wisdom that the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit although it may be short in length it is big in wisdom and revelation.

Setting the Atmosphere for the Day of Worship

Book Description

Whether you're starting your first church, or know you need to re-evaluate your current ministry, the collection of checklists and step-by-step walkthroughs in Setting the Atmosphere for the Day of Worship will provide many "Aha! moments for crafting your church's ultimate worship experience.The practical insights gained from decades of study and pastoral experience, provide a holistic framework from which churches can critique their vision and practices from a wide spectrum of practical, service-related topics. The process will help you achieve greatly desired outcomes for each aspect of your worship services, and you will be empowered to act intentionally toward excellence in ministry.Setting the Atmosphere for the Day of Worship is also a practical, approachable, and direct blueprint for church planters, and will be a great help before the launch. You will also find this book will help you most effectively steward your God-given resources to reach many more people with the life-changing message of Christ.