Experimental and Computational Studies of Hydroxyl Radical Kinetics at Very Low Temperatures

Book Description

In this thesis low temperature rate coefficients have been measured for a number of reactions involving the OH radical using a pulsed Laval nozzle apparatus. All these reactions exhibit an energy barrier between reactants and products and in each case this barrier is preceded by either a hydrogen bonded complex ( OH + acetone, OH + DME, OH + methanol) or a weaker Van der Walls complex (OH + acetylene, OH + ammonia). The rate coefficients for these reactions are observed to increase by up to three orders of magnitude between 200 K and 63 K and complimentary Master equation calculations are able to reproduce the complicated temperature dependences that these rate coefficients exhibit. From these master equation calculations, the negative temperature dependencies of the measured rate coefficients are attributed to a mechanism involving the prereaction complex, in most cases including a contribution from quantum mechanical tunnelling. This tunnelling contribution is most especially important in the case of OH + methanol and in this case, hydrogen abstraction products through a 15 kJ mol-1 barrier are observed directly at 79 K on the same timescale as OH loss. The association between an OH radical and its co-reagent to form a weakly bound adduct, is further explored through performing the first proxy method experiments below 200 K. The proxy method is designed to give the high pressure limiting rate coefficient for two associating reactants A and B through measuring the rate coefficients for the A(v=i ) + B reaction. The reactions listed above are revisited and OH vibrational levels up to v = 3 are probed. From these measurements, lower limits for the high pressure limiting rate coefficients of these reactions are obtained at 80 K and the validity of the proxy method is explored in each case.

Reactions of Hydroxyl Radicals with Oxygenated Hydrocarbons in the Gas Phase: A Laser Photolysis/Laser-Induced Fluorescence Study

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Hydroxyl radicals (OH) play a key role in ignition processes and in the atmosphere. Thus, the detailed knowledge of the kinetics of OH reactions is crucial in combustion and atmospheric research. In this work, an experimental approach for time-resolved studies of OH radical reactions at high pressures with pulsed laser photolysis/laser-induced fluorescence was revised and the reactions of dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, and dimethoxymethane with OH radicals were investigated in detail. The results reveal a deeper insight into the reaction processes of ether compounds with OH in general, contributing to a better understanding of the combustion of different biofuels and fuel additives.

A Shock Tube Study of the Reactions of the Hydroxyl Radical with Combustion Species and Pollutants

Book Description

To extend the database of reliable high temperature measurements of OH radicals with hydrocarbons and other fuels and their decomposition products, we undertook, a research program with both experimental and computational tasks. The experimental goal was to design a procedure for measuring, at combustion temperatures, the reaction rate coefficients of OH radicals with fuels and other species of importance in combustion or propulsion systems. The computational effort was intended to refine the semi-empirical thermochemical kinetics/ transition-state-theory (TK-TST) procedures for extrapolating rate coefficients of reactions of OH with combustion species of interest, for predicting rate coefficients for species not studied in the laboratory, and to examine the ability of the theory to predict rate coefficients for different pathways in cases where the reagent possessed nonequivalent H atoms.

Measuring Hydroxyl Radicals During the Oxidation of Methane, Ethane, Ethylene, and Acetylene in a Shock Tube Using UV Absorption Spectroscopy

Book Description

The hydroxyl (OH) radical is a common intermediate species in any hydrogen- or hydrocarbon-based flame. Investigating OH at elevated temperatures and pressures is not a trivial task, and many considerations must be made to fully study the molecule. Shock tubes can provide the experimenter with a wide range of temperatures and pressures to investigate a variety of combustion characteristics including, but not limited to, OH kinetic profiles. Described in this dissertation is the diagnostic used to measure OH within a shock tube using UV absorption spectroscopy from an enhanced UV Xenon lamp passed through a spectrometer. OH absorption was made over a narrow range of wavelengths around 309.551 nm within the widely studied OH X-->A ground vibrational transition region. Experiments have been performed in the shock-tube facility at Texas A&M University using this OH absorption diagnostic. A calibration mixture of stoichiometric H2/O2 diluted in 98% argon by volume was tested initially and compared with a well-known hydrogen-based kinetics mechanism to generate an absorption coefficient correlation. This correlation is valid over the range of conditions observed in the experiments at two pressures near 2 and 13 atm and temperatures from 1182 to 2017 K. Tests were completed using the absorption coefficient correlation on stoichiometric mixtures of methane, methane and water, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene to compare against a comprehensive, detailed chemical kinetics mechanism which considers up through C5 hydrocarbons. Measurements of methane show good agreement in peak OH formation and ignition delay time when compared with the mechanism. Improvements can be made in the shape of the methane-oxygen OH profile, and sensitivity and rate of production analyses were performed with the mechanism to identify key reactions for tuning. Similar results were found for methane-water-oxygen mixtures with no difference in profile shape or ignition delay time noted. There is room for improvement between the mechanism and measured values of OH for ethane-, ethylene-, and acetylene-based mixtures, although interesting pre-ignition features are nonetheless captured relatively well by the mechanism. Uncertainty in the measurement comes from the inherent noise in the photomultiplier tube signal and is ±25-150 ppm for the 2-atm experiments and ±6-25 ppm for the 13-atm experiments. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/149534

A Shock Tube Study of the Reactions of the Hydroxyl Radical with Combustion Species and Pollutants. Progress Report

Book Description

To extend the database of reliable high temperature measurements of OH radicals with hydrocarbons and other fuels and their decomposition products, we undertook, a research program with both experimental and computational tasks. The experimental goal was to design a procedure for measuring, at combustion temperatures, the reaction rate coefficients of OH radicals with fuels and other species of importance in combustion or propulsion systems. The computational effort was intended to refine the semi-empirical thermochemical kinetics/ transition-state-theory (TK-TST) procedures for extrapolating rate coefficients of reactions of OH with combustion species of interest, for predicting rate coefficients for species not studied in the laboratory, and to examine the ability of the theory to predict rate coefficients for different pathways in cases where the reagent possessed nonequivalent H atoms.