Kinetic Studies of Heterogeneous Water Reactors. Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending September 30, 1962. Report

Book Description

Two experiments were designed and built, in preparation for the measurement of transient steam void formation and extreme pressure pulses during severe power excursions under reactor-like conditions. The preparations for an inpile capsule experiment to be carried out using the KEWB reactor as a source of pulsed neutrons are described. The water-filled capsule, exposed to neutron flux, will contain a uranium-bearing plate. Transient heating of the plate will produce a surface temperature transient which is characteristic of a severe power excursion in a heterogeneous water reactor. Measurements of steam formation rates will be applicable to the destructive transients presently underway in the SPERT-I reactor. The second experiment is an out-of-pile apparatus in which an attempt will be made to create severe pressure transients by causing the temperature of a surface to rise rapidly through the thermodynamic critical point of water. Studies related to boiling-water reactor stability were continued. Transfer function and steam void fraction distribution measurements were made. An analysis indicated that a multi-channel natural circulation boiling system may have two modes of hydrodynamic instability. (M.C.G.).

Kinetic Studies of Heterogeneous Water Reactors. Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending September 30, 1963

Book Description

Additional measurements were made of steam-void fraction, temperatures, and pressures in the KEWB capsule experiment. Analysis of data indicated that friction in the volume transducer piston was large during most of the transients. The dynamic piston friction was reduced to negligible magnitudes. A method for calculating the transient heat flux from the fuel disc was formulated. Boiling stability experiments were begun with a 2-ft-long rod bundle, consisting of a square array of 18 stainless-steel rods 0.25-in. dia, spaced on 0.312-in. centers. The rods are electrically heated in a natural-circulation loop, at one atmosphere pressure. A survey was began on theories and data on hydrodynamic instabilities in natural-circulation boiling systems. Preparation of apparatus for measurement of flow-void transfer functions in a SPERT IA channel was essentially completed. (M.C.G.).