Kingdom Economics

Book Description

Nearly half of the parables taught by Jesus and over 2300 scriptures in the bible address the subject of stewardship and the economy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Managing the resources entrusted to us on earth is one of the most important "life skills", profoundly affecting our relationships, marriages, and the transfer of Kingdom wealth to future generations. In Kingdom Economics, the author explores many of the practical principles and spiritual laws that emanate from heaven's unshakable economy. This compact, easy to read book is a goldmine of lessons learned, applied truths, and a roadmap to a life of financial freedom and personal development.

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy

Book Description

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy will give you a clear understanding of the economic times in which we live. It will also provide you with practical, Kingdom solutions for everyday life. The practical solutions offered in this compelling book will give you a roadmap that will enable you to flourish in the days ahead by finding God's wisdom and insight.

Kingdom Economics

Book Description

Kingdom Economics is about the money, finance and economic principles of the Promised Land and how they are often diametrically opposed to the "world system." We have to return to biblically-rooted Kingdom Economics and seek out principles of sustainable transformation. Beyond the knowing of principles, we must learn the ways of God, recognize good and bad practices, and learn to write culture-changing policies that fuel the movement.

Kingdom Economics

Book Description

...tell them the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. In the beginning God created... Before the foundation of time God created and put into motion all the natural and spiritual laws that govern everything on earth and in the universe. Knowing, understanding and walking in these laws will always position you to continually experience His best in your life, thus entering into His rest. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 In the world there are certain laws and principles that govern economics, such as the law of supply and demand. In the Kingdom of God there are also certain laws and principles governing economics. Some are parallel to the world's laws and some are opposing. Jesus devoted a significant part of His ministry to teaching about money matters and economic principles. In this book Dr. LaHay discusses Kingdom Principles for Living and the impact they've had in the Kingdom and in his life. "The final will and testament signed with the blood of the Lamb has been executed. Through His Word, who is Jesus (John 1:14), and through His divine power all of our needs have already been met. Jesus declared "It is finished," so come on in -the water is fine! Kingdom Economics: God's Way of Doing Things will take you on a journey through Kingdom economic principles found throughout God's word and how they apply to everyday life. This book examines God's Way of Doing Things including: Renewing Your Thinking - The Key to Kingdom Living Kingdom Laws That Govern Sowing and Reaping Becoming a "Practitioner" of the Word Pursue God, Not Things, and Things Will Pursue You Demand and Supply in the Kingdom LINE UP YOUR LIFE WITH THE WORD OF GOD AND THE WORD OF GOD WILL LINE UP WITH YOUR LIFE. "We all have a choice as to how we will see this world, through our eyes or through God's. In recounting his experiences, the author demonstrates why God's view is the best choice. With an honest tone and a humble manner the author blesses his readers in allowing them to learn from his mistakes. God is glorified; readers edified." - Xulon Press

American Sugar Kingdom

Book Description

Engaging conventional arguments that the persistence of plantations is the cause of economic underdevelopment in the Caribbean, this book focuses on the discontinuities in the development of plantation economies in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic in the early twentieth century. Cesar Ayala analyzes and compares the explosive growth of sugar production in the three nations following the War of 1898--when the U.S. acquired Cuba and Puerto Rico--to show how closely the development of the Spanish Caribbean's modern economic and social class systems is linked to the history of the U.S. sugar industry during its greatest period of expansion and consolidation. Ayala examines patterns of investment and principal groups of investors, interactions between U.S. capitalists and native planters, contrasts between new and old regions of sugar monoculture, the historical formation of the working class on sugar plantations, and patterns of labor migration. In contrast to most studies of the Spanish Caribbean, which focus on only one country, his account places the history of U.S. colonialism in the region, and the history of plantation agriculture across the region, in comparative perspective.

Kingdom Economics Volume One

Book Description

Kingdom Economics - Volume One provides insight into money management from a biblical perspective. Every leader in the christian community is encouraged to read this book. You will be enlighten and gain greater perspective pertaining to the subject matter.

Kingdom Economics

Book Description

The bible makes it very clear and there is no confusion about the desire of God for us to prosper. What is the prosperity of the soul? The prosperity of the soul is the renewal of the mind where you come into conformity with the fullness of the image, the character of Christ. That is what the bible calls the prosperity of the soul. The bible says in 1 Peter 1:9] Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. So the prosperity of the soul is coming to a point where the word of God is so engrafted in you. Colossians 3: [16] says "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord". so the prosperity of the soul is to come to that point where the word of God becomes your priority. Where the word of God becomes your investment. You're growing spiritually. Spiritual growth is not how many hours you pray in tongues. You measure your spiritual growth by how much you are conforming to the nature and the ways of God. The bible says that as we behold, we're transformed. So if by January till now, you can trace a notable transformation that you now understand the ways of God, you understand the Kingdom of God and the system of this Kingdom, you understand the nature of your king, you understand the revelation, promises and the responsibilities that come with this kingdom, and that you can relate intimately with the spirit of God who is the governor of this Kingdom, then you can say you're growing. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper. Read This Book and Be Blessed

Wealth Dominators

Book Description

Did you know there is an economy where there are never any recessions, never any slow-downs or financial crises and bailouts? This is an economic system where you can be wealthy and not lose your family or your peace in the process. What is this place? This is the economy of the kingdom of God. Wealth Dominators will help you discover how to operate in this economy and begin to dominate your wealth according to the kingdom of God. If you are tired of being worried and afraid about your future Wealth Dominators will provide excellent insight into how to get out from under the oppressive economic system that many of us live in and never realize what is really going on. It's your choice: dominate or be dominated.

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy

Book Description

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy will give you a clear understanding of the economic times in which we live, but also provide you with practical, Kingdom Solutions for everyday life.

The Kingdom's Economy

Book Description

Does the subject of money and the church leave you frustrated? If it does, you are not alone! Due to his own frustrations as a pastor, author Francis P. Martin began an extensive scriptural study, looking for an answer to this source of contention for church leadership, church members, and non-churchgoers alike. As a result,The Kingdom's Economy: A Guide to Proper Givingwas born. Through biblical analysis and the successful implementation of these principles in his own vibrant and prospering church, Martin demonstrates how obedient tithing brings blessings. He challenges readers to imagine a church without an offertory time or fundraising schemes, recognizing that while tithing is fundamental to financing the church, there are many churches remaining malnourished. 'I have always taught that God gives generous people more to be generous with. Few understand this principle of 'kingdom economics' better than Pastor Francis Martin, especially as it relates to the tithe. This is a must-read for all Christians, especially pastors. It will revolutionize the finances of the church.' Jim Darnell Bible Teacher and Pastor