Kingdom Matrix

Book Description

This book questions how the church properly fits into the larger picture of God's activity. It is based upon three solidly biblical yet highly controversial assumptions: 1) At any given moment, I am either building the Kingdom of God or the dominion of Darkness. Period. 2) It is possible to participate in church expansion and unintentionally be an agent for shrinking the Kingdom of God. 3) It is possible to unknowingly value the Kingdom of God before acknowledging the value of its Source: the King. The Kingdom Matrix contais four worldview quadrants that describe the values and preferences of four unique segments of our world Self Seekers Brand Expanders Kingdom Seekers Kingdom Expanders While an intellectual leap for many, this book is illustrated with humorous stories and commonplace examples, making it both an enjoyable and challenging read.

The Kingdom Matrix Expanded Edition

Book Description

Questions how the church properly fits into the larger picture of God's activity. Kingdom Matrix: Expanded Edition is based upon three solidly biblical yet highly controversial assumptions: At any given moment, I am either building the Kingdom of God or the dominion of Darkness. Period. It is possible to participate in church expansion and unintentionally be an agent for shrinking the Kingdom of God. It is possible to unknowingly value the Kingdom of God before acknowledging the value of its Source: the King. Kingdom Matrix: Expanded Edition contains four worldview quadrants that describe the values and preferences of four unique segments of our world: Self Seekers, Brand Expanders, Kingdom Seekers, Kingdom Expanders. While an intellectual leap for many, this book is illustrated with humorous stories and commonplace examples, making it both an enjoyable and challenging read. Updated with a 13 week discussion guide for small groups and church leadership, the wisdom behind Kingdom Matrix has never been more accessible.

Introducing the Kingdom Matrix

Book Description

Kingdom Matrix was written to answer questions about how the church properly fits into the larger picture of God's activity.

Kingdom Matrix

Book Description

One of the evangelical world's greatest areas of both interest and confusion is found in biblical theme of the Kingdom of God. In an era of denominational decline and even hostile skepticism toward 'organized religion', believers are grappling again with Jesus' King-dom concepts. As a result, much deconstruction of the church has taken place with little attention given to what might replace it.

Killed by Religion

Book Description

Things are changing! Are you prepared? How deep, how far, or how spiritual will these changes reach in to your life? 'First of all we must all get our mind wrapped around the fact that we are not human beings. We are immortal spiritual being having a human experience. One might think of it as we spiritual organisms in a physical wrapper somewhat like that gum that comes in the twist wrapper.' It is time to prepare for the inevitable. Killed by Religion will prepare you for your final journey as Dr. Kelley Zellner walks you through the necessary connections. When others want to keep you in the dark, Killed by Religion will be your connection to the light.

Queen of the Matrix - Fiddlers of the Fields

Book Description

A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars & the Matrix movies, the Queen of the Matrix focuses on the ascension of woman and offers powerful ancient metaphysical tools and futuristic insights and will entertain all ages. In book one of this trilogy we find the master field fiddler Tan living on board the Starship Elysium with Rani and those who oversee the merging of the realms. The Starship Elysium has detected an anomaly in the Matrix that has begun to bleed through into future worlds and alter the course of the merging. Now the Queen's light is dimming and the witch must be reborn to close the doors to the darker worlds while Tan seeks to contain the damage. Jasmuheen's next book in this series - the "King of Hearts: The Field of Love" - will focus on the ascension of man, and the third book - "Elysium: Shamballa's Sacred Symphony" - will focus on the ascension of the planet.

Falling for God

Book Description

Falling in love is one of life’s greatest joys. So imagine the endless joy of falling head over heels for God. Falling in love is one of the most magnificent experiences of human life. Remember what it feels like? How it happens? You spend time with that special someone, get to know each other, and then one day find yourselves so intimately connected it is as though your souls have become intertwined. Compare that experience with your current relationship with God. Why doesn’t it feel just as passionate, just as wonderful? Gary Moon believes it can. If you’re not head over heels in love with God, you’re missing out on an incredible experience–but you’re not without hope. Falling for God will inspire you to pursue a passionate, intimate relationship with a God who–even though he doesn’t need anything from you–wants more than anything to be united with you. Through Bible study, personal meditation, and classic spiritual exercises, you’ll discover how to experience this loving connection with the lover of your soul. The journey will take you through honest conversation and active communion to a deeper experience of intimate union with God. Falling for God will move you to embrace an all-out passion for joyful and abundant living.

No Ordinary Work

Book Description

With so many church planters seeking to be successful, many of the ways we measure success can lead to personal disappointment, frustration, comparisons, and even depression. This can result in church planters who quit and churches that close even before they really get started, potentially ruining a witness to an entire community. What if we redefined and clarified the biblical metrics for church planting in a way that replaces frustration with fire, and replaces disappointment with direction? What if we stopped the comparisons to steroid growth and replaced them with a better understanding of kingdom growth? In this lighthearted and encouraging book we will highlight each extraordinary aspect to church planting and detail the biblical metrics that can infuse in each planter a better understanding of success.

The Human Origins

Book Description

There is more to the human origins, development, intelligence, and civilization, than the epic debate Creationism versus Evolution, simply because there is more to the human condition than what authorities and ideologies want you to believe. Therefore, when you study the human origins, you have to search beyond the moment when the first humans had detached from the firmament or previous species, since there are other significant events in humanity’s lifespan and achievement defining its specific timeline. While you have to study everything, otherwise you risk understanding these significant events only from simplistic empirical or ideological perspectives, ending up learning what you already know, while following the crowd throughout unending debates. Since you want the accurate truth, because you already know all theories, beliefs, speculations, and debates regarding the human origins. And this is why, when you study the human origins, you expect to understand everything about the origins of life, the nature and origins of this world, the nature of the human higher self and intelligence, the origins and debut of the human consciousness and human intelligent reasoning, along with all details related to the Creator of this entire world, of Life, and of humanity. Additionally, it is relevant to know how all these affect you personally, and how they affect your family, your genetic line, and your nation, how your family and genetic line originate, where and how it happened, under what circumstances, and with what status and privileges for you, for your family, for your nation, and for the humankind. And this is exactly what we cover throughout this book, in all details and from all perspectives. This book studies the human origins, along with the origins of life, human intelligence, human species, human development, human society, human current civilization along with various past civilizations of Earth, integrating humans, their origins, and their original and current conditions in an elaborate comprehensive model.

The Human Civilization

Book Description

Were there advanced civilizations on Earth, older than what it is currently believed and accepted? Because we keep noticing their traces everywhere, while authorities deny their presence. Are there other civilizations out there among planets and stars? Because we keep seeing their people around here, pursuing their obscure interests, with authorities ignoring everything. Are there nonhuman civilizations on Earth, in parallel with the human civilization? Because they interact from the shadow of the underground with the human civilization, while again, authorities deny systematically their presence. And when authorities are constrained in any way to give an answer, they state vaguely that it is a matter of human survival. And how can humans defend themselves of anyone and anything as they are held in ignorance and denial? Is there life after death? Because countless of people had died and came back to tell their story, and it is always consistent. This implies the existence of higher, extraordinary civilizations in parallel with the human civilization, from above. These higher civilizations could be possible, since their niches of life and existence are accurate and already present within other realities. Science and academia ignore this topic entirely, ridiculing all seekers of higher truth, and forcing them in this manner to stop their research. What can there be more important to know in this world than the meaning of life itself, the meaning of this entire human civilization, along with the meaning of the lives and existence of all humans here in this world and in all higher worlds? Why postponing disclosure if it is imperative for people’s wider existence? Who profits and who loses through this entire coverup? Who exactly controls the current human authority? Why is humanity kept ignorant in what it concerns the most important subject of all, life everywhere, and life eternally, intelligent and civilized life? Because if there are other civilizations on Earth and elsewhere, human or not, if there are other realities up there besides this one, populated and civilized, then people’s ignorance renders them vulnerable when they die and have to go elsewhere. In this manner, once you ignore the kind of realities that may be out there, you might be tricked to go and live in treacherous, dubious, unholy worlds, claiming that they are in fact the holly lands promised to you by your own religion. And so you disappear. Because it is stated in religious records to be careful not to follow false deities. Yet how can you know anything in this domain, if you are kept ignorant the entire time, and probably lied to, misled, and many times tempted with irrelevant material compensations throughout life? This book helps you understand civilizations from a rigorous, comprehensive perspective, including the meaning, interests, agreements, and intentions that civilizations have in the wider world, why individuals form civilizations as an end product of their cumulative lifetime efforts, and furthermore, what meanings these civilizations have in the wider world.