Kingdom Stewardship

Book Description

In Kingdom Stewardship, Dr. Tony Evans inspires you to broaden your perspective of Christian stewardship. In this encouraging and challenging book, you will learn that stewardship includes how you manage all that God has given you—your time, your talents, and your treasures—to advance God’s kingdom and bring Him glory. While many stewardship books focus on managing financial resources, Tony Evans says that your finances are one small part of a much bigger calling. He teaches that God owns all things, and you are the manager of His assets. When you bring your entire life into alignment under God, you will be blessed with purpose and the abundant life that comes from living by God’s eternal principles.

Stewards in the Kingdom

Book Description

R. Scott Rodin unpacks a theology of the abundant life, which encompasses our world, life and possessions, and appropriately begins with the very being of the Creator.

Kingdom Calling

Book Description

Amy Sherman unpacks Proverbs 11:10--"When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices"--to develop a theology and program of vocational stewardship. Here is practical help for churches, ministries and other faith communities to navigate the complex process of following Jesus in those places where we happen to prosper.

Kingdom Stewardship Group Video Experience Participant's Guide

Book Description

In Kingdom Stewardship, Dr. Tony Evans inspires you to broaden your perspective of Christian stewardship. This encouraging and challenging participant's guide is designed to be used in a group, together with the DVD Group Video Experience and the book. You will learn that stewardship includes how you manage all that God has given you--your time, your talents, and your treasures--to advance God's kingdom and bring Him glory. While many stewardship books focus on managing financial resources, Tony Evans says that your finances are one small part of a much bigger calling. He teaches that God owns all things, and you are the manager of His assets. When you bring your entire life into alignment under God, you will be blessed with purpose and the abundant life that comes from living by God's eternal principles.

Stewardship and the Kingdom of God

Book Description

The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-13 is a unity which teaches faithful stewardship of material possession against an eschatological backdrop. This interpretation is confirmed by examination of the pericope itself and progressively wider levels of context within Luke's Gospel. Chapter one provides a history of recent interpretations of the parable (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) as background for the ensuing study. Detailed exegesis of Luke 16:1-13 itself is found in chapter two. The investigation is broadened in chapter three to include the immediate and broader literary contexts (Luke 15-16 and 9:51-19:44, respectively). Chapter four examines the theological context, in particular the themes of riches and poverty and the kingdom of God. Chapter five summarizes the major conclusions of the book. The book is a thorough summary of the literature on the parable, the central section, and the themes of riches and poverty and eschatology in the third Gospel.

The Lausanne Covenant

Book Description

Financial Stewardship

Book Description

Best-selling author Andrew Wommack shares his personal story of when he was young and strapped financially. God taught him how to have abundance in the area of finances. Andrew discusses the influence of money in our lives and how it is very real. He teaches that Jesus taught more about managing resources than He did on prayer or even faith. He exposes the manipulation that sometimes goes on with Christian ministers and how you can be immune from it. Andrew Wommack's message is clear that even though there are abuses in the body of Christ regarding money, that you can still benefit from the truths in God s Word about finances. He believes that by fixing your heart that you deal with the root cause of financial situations and then money will take care of itself. Once your heart is right, using wisdom in how you spend your money comes naturally.

Living in Financial Victory

Book Description

Have a life of financial victory. “Stewardship? What’s that got to do with me?” you might ask. Tony Evans explains that all we think we own really belongs to God. And when we think of “our” money that way, we can learn to be good stewards, or managers, of what has been entrusted to us. Living in Financial Victory carefully lays out how we should approach the vital topic of money in the areas of: Stewardship — Using what we have to further God’s kingdom agenda Rewards — The blessings and benefits of doing it God’s way Victory — Overcoming debt and financial bondage Tony Evans will help you discover the answers to everyday financial issues by showing you that God has a purpose for your money. Take the journey through this concise and practical book.

Growing Kingdom Wisdom

Book Description

The more responsibilities you take on, the more important wisdom becomes. And yet wisdom seems ever more elusive in a world where values are shaped by short-term successes. Kingdom wisdom—the kind of wisdom sought and celebrated by Solomon and other wise leaders in the Scriptures—is mapped out in this book to set you on a course for real impact in your leadership and the lives of those you lead and mentor.