Kiss the Wave

Book Description

"I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages." What does it mean to "kiss the wave?" These words, attributed to nineteenth-century British preacher Charles Spurgeon, speak to the Christian's only hope for perseverance in suffering. What if we can learn to experience the nearness of God in the midst of suffering? What if God intends to work through our trials rather than simply take them away? After living for more than a decade with a debilitating nerve condition in both arms, Dave Furman shows us that God, in his grace, always designs trials for our good—not minimizing the pain, but infusing significance into our suffering. Furman demonstrates that, even when tossed to and fro by stormy waves, God is near . . . and that makes all the difference in the world.

Win the Day

Book Description

The New York Times bestselling author of Chase the Lion reveals seven powerful habits that can help you tackle God-sized goals by turning yesterday’s regrets and tomorrow’s anxieties into fuel for a better today. “This book will change the trajectory of your life.”—John Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and leadership expert Too many people delay, downsize, or shrug off their dreams just because they don’t know where to start, but playing it safe doesn’t account for the massive cost of a life not fully lived. Win the Day is the jump-start you need to go after your goals, one day at a time. You’ll discover how to: 1. Flip the Script: If you want to change your life, start by changing your story. 2. Kiss the Wave: The obstacle is not the enemy; the obstacle is the way. 3. Eat the Frog: If you want God to do the super, you’ve got to do the natural. 4. Fly the Kite: How you do anything is how you’ll do everything. 5. Cut the Rope: Playing it safe is risky. 6. Wind the Clock: Time is measured in minutes; life is measured in moments. 7. Seed the Clouds: Sow today what you want to see tomorrow. As Batterson unpacks each of these daily habits, you’ll see how simple it is to pursue them with focus and dedication—not someday down the road, but now. Transform your perspective of a single day and you’ll discover the potential waiting to be grasped at the beginning of each new sunrise.

Gravity's Kiss

Book Description

A fascinating account, written in real time, of the unfolding of a scientific discovery: the first detection of gravitational waves.

Prairie Dogs Kiss and Lobsters Wave

Book Description

When people meet, they shake hands, hug, smile, and say, "How are you? What's new?" But what about lions and bears and fish? How do they greet one another? In this intriguing picture book Marilyn Singer explores, explains, and describes the extraordinary ways in which animals communicate. When zebras meet, for example, they pull back their lips and chew the air to show that they won't bite each other. Young readers will also be introduced to some of the basic elements of animal behavior, such as why lions are the only wild cats that live in groups. Detailed illustrations by Normand Chartier complete this informative look at the fascinating world of the animal kingdom.

Alive in Him

Book Description

Discover the Immeasurable Love of Christ God's grand plan for the redemption of his creation has been in motion since before time began. The book of Ephesians lays out this glorious vision, revealing what Christ's redemptive work means for the people of God and showing us how we should live in light of that reality. Alive in Him draws us into the main themes in the book of Ephesians, showing us how the blessings we have received in Christ empower our obedience and love for God. Designed to be read alongside an open Bible, Alive in Him helps us apply Paul's letter to our daily lives, reminding us of our purpose on earth and directing our gaze to the love of Jesus Christ—a love that has the power to transform how we live.

Being There

Book Description

Everyone has friends or family who suffer from sickness, disability, depression, or the death of a loved one. Often times, the people who love the hurting also struggle in their own unique ways. They tend to suffer in silence and without much support from others. Writing from the unique perspective of one who needs extra help on a daily basis, Dave Furman offers insight into the support, encouragement, and wisdom that people need when helping others. Furman draws on his own life experiences, examples from the Bible, and wisdom from Christians throughout history to address the heart and ministry of those who are called to serve others. Deeply personal and powerfully pastoral, this book points readers to the strength that only God can provide as they love those who are hurting. Afterword written by Gloria Furman, the author's wife.

Kissing Fish

Book Description

Christianity receives a lot of attention in the media, but the most frequently discussed version represents a type of Christianity that sometimes turns people away from the Church. Kissing Fish presents a postmodern systematic theology of progressive Christianity, a growing movement that reclaims the radical message of the Gospel. This informative, contemplative, and entertaining book will guide you through the beliefs that inspire us to love one another in the transformative way that Jesus proclaimed, including practices that will take your faith to a new level. Kissing Fish is a scholarly yet thoroughly accessible introduction to progressive Christianity. While the intended target audience for this work would seem to be those who have either left the Christian faith or never adopted it at all; the work is filled with pearls of wisdom for all of us, whether associated with Christianity or not. Kissing Fish is a truly remarkable work, serving both as a reminder of the beauty and grace that form the central tenets of the faith, while offering a graceful yet prophetic rebuttal to its more exclusionary tendencies. Kissing Fish is part theological text and part tell-all personal spiritual journey. Imagine a down-to-earth combination of the works of Marcus Borg, Anne Lamott, Jim Wallis, Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Diana Butler-Bass, Brian McLaren, Walter Wink, Wes Howard-Brook, and Donald Miller. A profound romp that informs and inspires.

Missional Motherhood

Book Description

There's no such thing as “just” a mom. Despite the routine tasks and mundane to-do lists, motherhood is anything but insignificant. God has designed motherhood as part of his greater plan to draw people to himself—instilling all women, whether called to traditional mothering or not, with an eternal purpose in nurturing others. In this book, Gloria Furman searches the Scriptures for the mission of God in motherhood. She opens our eyes to God's life-giving promises—promises intended to empower each and every woman as she makes disciples in her home, in her neighborhood, and around the world.

The Wave

Book Description

This novel dramatizes an incident that took place in a California school in 1969. A teacher creates an experimental movement in his class to help students understand how people could have followed Hitler. The results are astounding. The highly disciplined group, modeled on the principles of the Hilter Youth, has its own salute, chants, and special ways of acting as a unit and sweeps beyond the class and throughout the school, evolving into a society willing to give up freedom for regimentation and blind obedience to their leader. All will learn a lesson that will never be forgotten.

Joyfully Spreading the Word

Book Description