Publishers, Readers and the Great War

Book Description

Literature is at the heart of popular understandings of the First World War in Britain, and has perpetuated a popular memory of the conflict centred on disillusionment, horror and futility. This book examines how and why literature has had this impact, exploring the role played by authors, publishers and readers in constructing the memory of the war since 1918. It demonstrates that publishers were as influential as authors in shaping perceptions of the conflict, and it provides a detailed analysis of critical and popular responses to war books, tracing the evolution of readers' attitudes to the war between 1918 and 2014. By exploring the cultural legacy of the war from these two previously overlooked perspectives, Vincent Trott offers fresh insights regarding the emergence of a collective memory of the First World War in Britain. Drawing on a broad range of primary source material, including publishers' correspondence, dust jackets, adverts, book reviews and diary entries, and examining canonical authors such as Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon and Vera Brittain alongside long-forgotten texts and more recent autobiographical works by Harry Patch and Henry Allingham, Publishers, Readers and the Great War provides a rich and nuanced analysis of the climate within which First World War literature was written, published and received since 1918.

Kitchener's Last Volunteer

Book Description

Henry Allingham is the last British serviceman alive to have volunteered for active duty in the First World War and is one of very few people who can directly recall the horror of that conflict. In Kitchener's Last Volunteer, he vividly recaptures how life was lived in the Edwardian era and how it was altered irrevocably by the slaughter of millions of men in the Great War, and by the subsequent coming of the modern age. Henry is unique in that he saw action on land, sea and in the air with the British Naval Air Service. He was present at the Battle of Jutland in 1916 with the British Grand Fleet and went on to serve on the Western Front. He befriended several of the young pilots who would lose their lives, and he himself suffered the privations of the front line under fire. In recent years, Henry was given the opportunity to tell his remarkable story to a wider audience through a BBC documentary, and he has since become a hero to many, meeting royalty and having many honours bestowed upon him. This is the touching story of an ordinary man's extraordinary life - one who has outlived six monarchs and twenty-one prime ministers, and who represents a last link to a vital point in our nation's history.


Book Description

What greater pride might a young man feel than to serve shoulder to shoulder with his friends in time of war? To enlist into the army with his pals, chums, mates, filling the ranks of battalions that drew their strength from the local community, from amongst factory workers, miners, shop-workers and tradesmen. In August 1914, what more fitting role was there to play than to answer the country’s call to arms? The past is another country, of course: the world in which these men grew up and the mores that took them to the Western Front might appear innocent and naive today. The Somme battle eviscerated many of these free-spirited battalions. But the raising of this New Army – a purely volunteer army – lives on in the public consciousness, their collective story part of our heritage. Who were these volunteers who poured into recruiting offices, overwhelming the staff? What motivated these men – too often just boys - to join up? How did they feel about one another and the new military regime into which so many ran with enthusiasm, without much thought as to the future? After the success of his previous books, The Somme, The Road to Passchendaele, and 1918, best-selling Great War historian Richard van Emden returns to the beginning of the War with this, his latest volume, including an unparalleled collection of soldiers’ own photographs taken on their privately-held cameras. Drawing on long-forgotten memoirs, diaries and letters written by the men who enlisted, Richard tells the riveting story of Kitchener’s volunteers, before they went to fight.

Of Human Hubris

Book Description

This book jointly chronicles the devastating carnage wrought by World War I and the resultant activities of four inhabitants of the warring countries, they also facing the tragic events suffered by millions of their fellow citizens. The Axis of Germany and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire were pitted against the Allied resources of France, Russia, and Great Britain, fought during a period of four-plus years that would eviscerate several decades of mainly peace and increased prosperity, then most tragically kill or maim millions. A century later, historians continue to debate the question why the outwardly sane, experienced and dedicated leaders plunged their domains into near Armageddon. The Germans believed their DNA mandated God to inherently choose them to be the ultimate leaders of the world, a concept not internally challenged. Franz Joseph, Emperor of the complicit Empire was old, tired and no match for the bombastic German Kaiser Wilhelm and readily convinced to join the Hun in their fight against others. France and Great Britain were bound to a mutual defense pact of Belgium, the gateway for German passageway to directly invade France. Correspondingly, Russia was entangled in a defense alliance with Serbia, a Balkan locale the victim of a surprise 1914 attack by the Empire, setting off the continental conflagration. The isolationist United States adamantly refusing any military involvement, the rationale that it was solely a European problem. Once hostilities broke out, and as time and casualties escalated with no clear winner evident, one side counted the days until America joined in to land the decisive blows, the other doing their best to keep them on the sidelines. Eventually, in 1917, United States President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany, and as both sides had predicted, that became the crucial element for Allied victory and the subsequent restructuring of both Europe and the Middle East. Andre Petit, Jimmy Collins, Friedrich Langer, and Nikolai Popov—none of whom were at any time directly in harm’s way, nonetheless, found their lives significantly affected by the ongoing incessant hostilities their respective countries had chosen. Each man had inherently, differing circumstances due to location and environment. What were the effects on their normal existence? What adjustments did each find necessary, if any? What did the war eventually cost them spiritually and emotionally? Like everyone else, they would not escape the war unscathed despite not ever being in physical danger from the ongoing military battles.

Volunteers on the Veld

Book Description

This book spotlights Britain's “citizen army” to show who these volunteers were, why they enlisted, how they were trained—and how they quickly became disillusioned when they found themselves committed not to the supposed glories of conventional battle but instead to a prolonged guerrilla war.

The Story of Lord Kitchener

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