Know about Rahu & Ketu

Book Description

The Rahu and Ketu relate to the lunar nodes. The nodes are only planet which are a direct result of the relationship between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. The aim of this book is to give a detailed analysis of the lunar nodes. The author has tried to get into the aspect of the nodes in terms of their significators, rulership, aspect and timing of the events. Also the author has dealt with the association, combination, transits and the Yogas which result due to the nodes. He has tried to comprehensively deal with all the aspects with respect to Rahu and Ketu including propitiation for them. Rahu and Ketu are dreaded though they are two nodes of the Moon. The axis, there placement, depositors and Yogas are important and influence our actions. This book dwells into various aspects of the two planets that have been researched and analyzed. This book tells about the two Karmic Planets and both the students as well as those pursuing astrology will find it useful.

An Unique and Scientific Study of Rahu and Ketu

Book Description

Astrology is an integral part of Indian culture. It is as old as the vedas. It explains the celestial phenomena and the corresponding terrestrial events. It explains the cause and effect of events. The main basis of astrological thought is that the celestial phenomena effects the life and events on the earth. It does not permit anyone to conclude any event just as an accident. Celestial bodies generate a lot of energy m their movements and astrology shows us how we can use these energies operative m our lives in the best possible way. Astrology is a science which helps the mankind to put their life in the right path. Astrology was tested and experienced for many centuries and it’s knowledge was handed down the ages to new generations. A study of the civilizations flourished m different parts of the world shows that Astrology played an important role m their life. The places where astrology does not flourish are mostly barbarious, lacking in knowledge and they don’t have any communication with the universe. In India, astrology has been considered as the best guide to achieve the fourfold objectives of life and they are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa All the activities of human being are directed towards the achievement of these goals and astrology helps us to achieve them in a organized manner. Astrology has reached this stage after nullifying the criticisms, which it has to face from the beginning itself. Astrology has the seven visible grahas - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn along with the two lunar nodes - Rahu and Ketu . Rahu and Ketu are accepted as grahas in Indian astrology only. They are considered as shadowy - grahas. The details available about Rahu and Ketu are confusing. Astrological texts don’t have a unanimus opmion about Rahu - Ketu. These opinions create confusion in the mind of astrologers as well as astrology followers. So, there is a need of study on Rahu - Ketu. Rahu - Ketu are considered as recent developments by many scholars But, this is not true. Their references are available m vedas itself. So, with a view to give some clear opinion on Rahu - Ketu, I have chosen this subject for study. Further, we know that astrology is the most criticized subject and research in this field are very less. So, I have tried to answer these criticisms and I hope that my study will encourage more researches in this field.

Rahu & Kethu

Book Description

Astronomically, the intersection points of the sun and moon – on their movements in the celestial sphere – are called Rahu and Kethu. They are also called the north node and south node. Rahu and Kethu are unimaginably huge dark shadows in space. During their transit, when their shadow falls on any planet, that planet’s all-effects will be completely altered or diverted by Rahu and Kethu. Rahu and Kethu are solely responsible for a beggar to become a millionaire and a millionaire to become a beggar. This book elaborately discusses the effects of Rahu and Kethu. In the horoscope, how Rahu and Kethu are positioned, how the planets and the houses (Bhavas) are affected by them in the birth chart are all analysed in this book. How and when the natives will be affected? To what extent they will be affected? It is because of the birth chart, the transit movement and the Dhasa Bhukthi of Rahu and Kethu? They are all clearly explained in this book with many birth charts. Kindly read this book thoroughly, analyse it with your known people’s horoscope, and experience the result. It will surely give you goosebumps!


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The 27 Celestial Portals

Book Description

It is common knowledge that the 12 star-signs map the sky and set the stage for the drama of life. This book expands this awareness manifold by revealing that it is the 27 constellations, and not the 12 signs, which truly map the ecliptic and provide the celestial backdrop for affairs on earth. Instead of taking away from the widely recognized meanings and significations of the 12 signs, they enrich them with a whole new depth of perspective and interpretation.

The Key of Life

Book Description

Dr. David Frawley, the well known Vedic scholar, writes of Mr. Trivedi - "India's most insightful young astrologer offers what is probably the longest, most researched and most original book on the Lunar Nodes published in modern times. This book is worthy of serious examination by all students of Astrology and all those interested in the great mysteries of life, death, karma and transformation."

Bhrigu Samhita (Predictive Techniques Deciphered)

Book Description

It gives me immense pleasure to bring forth the second revised edition of my highly cherished work of Bhrigu Samhita, an ancient and unique treatise in predictive astrology. I was equally elated and feel ecstatic for having received encouraging as well as critical responses from the esteemed and avid readers. It deference to their valuable suggestions and also some ambiguity pointed by them, I have revised some part of the chapter on “Basic Astrology” and also brought about improvement and amplifications in certain parts of the analyses of various charts wherein the evolved principles which are specifically important in delineating horoscopes on the format of Bhrigu Samhita are further explained. This was done with a view to make the explanations more cogent in comprehend. This will also address the concern sown by the valued readers in some places of earlier narrations.

Rahu & Ketu Secrets

Book Description

In Hindu astrology, Rahu and Ketu signify the two mathematical points on each side of the moon that have a significant impact on self-experience. The Significance of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology is realized positively and negatively in a person’s life. As a rising node of the moon, Rahu is known to cause spiritual growth and whenever it exists in a chart; the result is luxury and obsession. It’s a powerful node favorable to politicians as it presents opportunities and immense power to ascend in political affairs both justly and unjustly. Rahu also influences criminals, snakes as well as magicians just to mention a few. Rahu has the power to give wealth and make a person popular. At the same time, this shadow planet is likely to cause confusion, despair and emotional inequity. It’s very powerful in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses of a horoscope. Ketu is a shadowy, descending and malefic planet but not as malefic as Rahu. Ketu offers liberation and nonattachment to material desires and worldly ambitions. It provides spiritual knowledge, power to differentiate, self-knowledge as well as wisdom. Whenever present in a chart, it gives a person psychic abilities. A person can perform natural healing, deal with ghosts, evil spirits, and astral forces as well as make them wizards of foods, herbs and spices. Ketu enables a person to blend in naturally among people

Perfect Astrology (Life Events)

Book Description

Vedic Astrology with its many calculations and facets is a precise instrument to predict "Events of your Life". The ancient Vedic system provides a predictive system that can accurately predict "Life Events". Each person is born with a unique set of psychological tendencies and life potentials. This knowledge can help the individual make use of latent potentials and approach life's challenges with greater care and purpose and greater peace, prosperity, and happiness in life. These "Vimshotari Dasa Periods" are unique to the system and give Vedic astrologers a tool to quite accurately predict the trends, changes and life events with amazing precision. Therefore, the readers of this book can get more deeply into past, present and what will happen next in your life with respect to all Events related to human beings. Everything happens to everybody either sooner or later in his life. Knowing the common "Life Events" in advance can help a person to anticipate, prepare and survive himself in better way. Here is a list of some common Life Events, such as, Education; Profession and Careers; Promotion & Transfer; Sudden Rise in Life; Sudden Downfall in Professions; Fame, Name & Popularity; Finance & Wealth; Foreign Travels; Fortune (Luck); Imprisonment; Kingdom (Rajayoga); Longevity (Life-Span); Marriage & Multiple Marriages; Madness & Mental Diseases; Health, Diseases & Operations; Old Age Life; Parent's Danger; Popularity and Downfall in Life; House & Landed Properties; Sanyas; Suicidal Attitude; Travel abroad; Children; Communication Skills; Conveyance/Vehic≤ and Death.


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