Knowledge Acquisition: Selected Research and Commentary

Book Description

What follows is a sampler of work in knowledge acquisition. It comprises three technical papers and six guest editorials. The technical papers give an in-depth look at some of the important issues and current approaches in knowledge acquisition. The editorials were pro duced by authors who were basically invited to sound off. I've tried to group and order the contributions somewhat coherently. The following annotations emphasize the connections among the separate pieces. Buchanan's editorial starts on the theme of "Can machine learning offer anything to expert systems?" He emphasizes the practical goals of knowledge acquisition and the challenge of aiming for them. Lenat's editorial briefly describes experience in the development of CYC that straddles both fields. He outlines a two-phase development that relies on an engineering approach early on and aims for a crossover to more automated techniques as the size of the knowledge base increases. Bareiss, Porter, and Murray give the first technical paper. It comes from a laboratory of machine learning researchers who have taken an interest in supporting the development of knowledge bases, with an emphasis on how development changes with the growth of the knowledge base. The paper describes two systems. The first, Protos, adjusts the training it expects and the assistance it provides as its knowledge grows. The second, KI, is a system that helps integrate knowledge into an already very large knowledge base.

Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition

Book Description

Currently, both fields are moving towards an integrated approach using machine learning techniques to automate knowledge acquisition from experts, and knowledge acquisition techniques to guide and assist the learning process.

Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems

Book Description

Building an expert system involves eliciting, analyzing, and interpreting the knowledge that a human expert uses when solving problems. Expe rience has shown that this process of "knowledge acquisition" is both difficult and time consuming and is often a major bottleneck in the production of expert systems. Unfortunately, an adequate theoretical basis for knowledge acquisition has not yet been established. This re quires a classification of knowledge domains and problem-solving tasks and an improved understanding of the relationship between knowledge structures in human and machine. In the meantime, expert system builders need access to information about the techniques currently being employed and their effectiveness in different applications. The aim of this book, therefore, is to draw on the experience of AI scientists, cognitive psychologists, and knowledge engineers in discussing particular acquisition techniques and providing practical advice on their application. Each chapter provides a detailed description of a particular technique or methodology applied within a selected task domain. The relative strengths and weaknesses of the tech nique are summarized at the end of each chapter with some suggested guidelines for its use. We hope that this book will not only serve as a practical handbook for expert system builders, but also be of interest to AI and cognitive scientists who are seeking to develop a theory of knowledge acquisition for expert systems.

Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems

Book Description

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 7th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (EKAW `93), held in Toulouse and Caylus, France, in September 1993. Traditionally the EKAW workshops deal with the various aspects of knowledge acquisition as a crucial topic in artificial intelligence as well as in computer science, engineering in general, and cognitive science. EKAW `93 had ist emphasis on knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based systems; besides the scientific workshop on the inter- disciplinary topic of knowledge acquisition there also was offered an open day as a users' forum open to the public. This proceedings contains the best papers presented at the scientific workshop after they had been selected by an international program committee consisting of leading experts in the field. The volume includes two surveys by Guy Boy and Brian Gaines and is divided in two main parts: the first part on problem solving models has sections on building steps, support tools, and comparison of approaches; the second part on life cycle and methodologies is divided in sections on refinement, methodologies, workbenches, and elicitation techniques.

Knowledge-Based Systems

Book Description

Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) are systems that use artificial intelligence techniques in the problem solving process. This text is designed to develop an appreciation of KBS and their architecture and to help users understand a broad variety of knowledge based techniques for decision support and planning. It assumes basic computer science skills and a math background that includes set theory, relations, elementary probability, and introductory concepts of artificial intelligence. Each of the 12 chapters are designed to be modular providing instructors with the flexibility to model the book to their own course needs. Exercises are incorporated throughout the text to highlight certain aspects of the material being presented and to stimulate thought and discussion.

Exemplar-Based Knowledge Acquisition

Book Description

Exemplar-Based Knowledge Acquisition: A Unified Approach to Concept Representation, Classification, and Learning covers the fundamental issues in cognitive science and the technology for solving real problems. This text contains six chapters and begins with a description of the rationale for the design of Protos Approach, its construction and performance. The succeeding chapters discuss how the Protos approach meets the requirements of representing concepts, using them for classification, and acquiring them from available training. These chapters also deal with the design and implementation of Protos. These topics are followed by a presentation of examples of the application of Protos to audiology and evaluate its performance. The final chapters survey related work in the areas of case-based reasoning and automated knowledge acquisition and the contributions of Protos approach. This book will be of great value to psychologists, psychiatrists, and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence.

Knowledge-based Systems in Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

AM: discovery in mathematics as heuristic search. Example: discovering prime numbers. Agenda. Heuristics. Concepts. Results. Evaluating AM. Appendixes. Concepts. Heuristics. Trace. Bibliography. Teiresias: applications of meta-level knowledge. Explanation. Knowledge acquisition. Strategies. Conclusions. References.

Current Trends in Knowledge Acquisition

Book Description

Knowledge acquisition has become a major area of artificial intelligence and cognitive science research. The papers in this book show that the area of knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based systems is still a diverse field in which a large number of research topics are being addressed. However, several main themes run through the papers. First, the issues of integrating knowledge from different sources and K.A. tools is a salient topic in many papers. A second major topic in the papers is that of knowledge modelling. Research in knowledge-based systems emphasises the use of generic models of reasoning and its underlying knowledge. An important trend in the area of knowledge modelling aims at the formalisation of knowledge models. Where the field of knowledge acquisition was without tools and techniques years ago, now there is a rapidly growing body of techniques and tools. Apart from the integrated workbenches already mentioned above, several papers in this book present new tools. Although knowledge acquisition and machine learning have been considered as separate subfields of AI, there is a tendency for the two fields to come together. This publication combines machine learning techniques with more conventional knowledge elicitation techniques. A framework is presented in which reasoning, problem solving and learning together form a knowledge intensive system that can acquire knowledge from its own experience.