Knowledge Revealed

Book Description

After a tragedy, Charlotte Duncan moves to the small town of Puckhaber Falls with one purpose: to end her life. But when the attention of a stranger takes her by surprise, Charlotte begins to reconsider her plan. She finds herself drawn to the mysterious Lucas Tine, and doesn't know why. Soon, Charlotte's life turns upside down as she discovers a shocking truth about her new lover - and of her own past.

Knowledge Revealed

Book Description

Triunity: How to KnowThat the Three Are OneGENESIS 1:1 SAYS, "In the beginning God."God is three in one. For many years, I lacked thedepth of understanding of how this could be. I accepted by faithwhat I could not understand with my finite mind.Ephesians 4:23 says, "And be renewed in the spirit of yourmind."Further study gave me a revealed knowledge of another truththat I will tie into the trinity of God. Many a time women andchildren are not mentioned in the Bible accounts. For example,Matthew 15:38 says, "And they that had eaten were five thousand,beside the women and children."As the husband is the head of the wife and children, hishousehold is a trinity. So Christ is the head of the church andGod the Father is the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is in operationfor and through the church. God the Father, Jesus the Christ,KNOWLEDGE REVEALED 23and the Holy Spirit work as one unit, as the family unit is oneworking together.To emphasize the above fact, wives and children belong tothe husband and are one in him.Genesis 2:24 says, "Therefore shall a man leave his father andmother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh."Even so, we who believe in Christ as our Savior are one in bodywith Him.God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit, areone in the Godhead.Regarding Triunity and further revealed knowledge: A studyof Through the Bible Study with Roper Press booklets. ** Aquestion I asked myself of which I was not sure of the answerwas "should I write "Jesus" or Triunity?" I simply wrote, "JesusTri-umphant." Just then, the Holy Spirit of God revealed to methat Tri-umphant means the whole Godhead. Triunity, three inone, triumphant, Glory to God!** Harlin J Roper, Through The Bible Study, 1978 Dallas,TX: Roper Press (Used with permission).

Rays of Knowledge: Sacred Knowledge Revealed

Book Description

Rays of Knowledge reveals powerful insights about the importance of conducting a positive shift of consciousness for humanity. Author Jason Shurka shares the fascinating details of how increasing our individual awareness will help elevate the collective consciousness, ushering us into the coming Age of Love that will be filled with truth and compassion. He always provides applicable and practical tools and methods regarding how one can reach a more expansive state of awareness. The book discloses spiritual secrets, the mysteries of creation and the Universe, and in-depth knowledge of supernatural phenomena received from the Divine underground organization known as The Light System. Rays of Knowledge is vital reading for truth seekers and a call to action to serve in the planet’s conscious evolution.

The Book of Judah

Book Description

According to the Bible, the Devil will deceive the whole world & prevent many from finding Christ. The Book of Revelations tells us a great mystery which has been ignored by all religions. Yes even that of the Christian Church in America. The Kingdom of Christ has 12 Gates. Each gate is named after one of the 12 sons of Jacob. There is no gate for Buddhist, Muslims, Mormons, Catholics, nor Christians. Finally the secret is revealed in this book for getting in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Revealed

Book Description

'The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Revealed' is a journey into the true meaning, function, and purpose of the Tree of Knowledge. The author provides new scripture based insights into the matter helping the reader gain a clear understanding of the Tree of Knowledge's full significance. Included in the discussion is how the Tree of Knowledge affects man as whole mentally, spiritually, and physically; the role that it plays in the battle between good and evil; how it permeates every area of people activities; and its role in God's overall redemptive plan for creation.

Revealed Sciences

Book Description

Provides a detailed overview of the place of the natural sciences in the scholarly and educational landscape of Early Modern Morocco, this study challenges previous negative depictions of the natural sciences in the Muslim world to demonstrate the vibrancy of an Early Modern Muslim society in seventeenth-century Morocco.