Konservasi Biodiversitas, Teori dan Praktik di Indonesia

Book Description

Konservasi Biodiversitas di Indonesia Di tengah era globalisasi, aspek ekonomi seringkali menjadi fokus utama yang melenakan, menjadikan biodiversitas rentan terhadap tuntutan negara-negara maju yang telah lebih dulu menerapkan standar lingkungan yang tinggi pada hasil produksi mereka. Keadaan ini sering kali memaksa kita untuk mengadopsi kebijakan yang sesuai dengan tuntutan global, padahal banyak aspek mendasar yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Dalam buku "Konservasi Biodiversitas di Indonesia," Jatna Supriatna, seorang ahli konservasi sumber daya hayati dengan pengalaman puluhan tahun, menegaskan pentingnya pendekatan baru yang lebih integratif dan membumi untuk konservasi biodiversitas. Ia menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan inovatif tentang bagaimana mengelola dan memanfaatkan kekayaan hayati Indonesia—yang merupakan salah satu yang tertinggi di dunia—tanpa merusak lingkungan. Jatna mengusulkan penerapan teknologi terkini, pengadopsian kearifan lokal, serta inisiasi kebijakan pemerintah yang pro-lingkungan dan masyarakat. Dengan mengintegrasikan metode keilmuan konservasi yang berkelanjutan, buku ini menunjukkan bahwa bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia dapat berjalan seiring dengan tuntutan global, sambil tetap berpegang pada prinsip pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan. Buku ini menjadi panduan penting bagi semua pihak yang peduli terhadap keberlanjutan biodiversitas Indonesia, sekaligus menawarkan solusi praktis untuk menjaga kekayaan alam tanpa mengorbankan masa depan lingkungan dan masyarakat.

Konservasi Biodiversitas

Book Description

Di era globalisasi ini, aspek ekonomi dalam biodiversitas seringkali menjadi focus utama yang melenakan, sehingga rentan terhadap tuntutan Negara maju yang telah lebih dulu menerapkan standar lingkungan lebih tinggi pada hasil produksi. Keadaan tersebut kerap memaksa kita menerapkan kebijakan sesuai tuntutan global, padahal banyak aspek mendasar yang harus dipertimbangkan. Jatna Supriatna, dalam pengalamannya berpuluh tahun menekuni konservasi sumber daya hayati, menegaskan pentingnya pendekatan baru yang lebih integrative dan membumi untuk konservasi biodiversitas secara tepat, kritis, dan cerdas. Dalam Konservasi Biodiversitas di Indonesia ini, Jatna menyampaikan gagasan bagaimana mengelola dan memanfaatkan kekayaan hayati Indonesia—yang tertinggi di dunia—tanpa harus merusak. Dengan menginovasi teknologi terkini, mengadopsi kearifan lokal, menginisiasi kebijakan pemerintah yang pro lingkungan dan masyarakat, serta mengadopsi metode keilmuan konservasi dan berkelanjutan, bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia tetap beriring jalan dengan tuntutan global namun tetap berpegang pada prinsip pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan. Prof. Sangkot Marzuki, Ph.D., Ketua Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Buku Konservasi Biodiversitas ini sangat relevan untuk dibaca, baik bagi birokrat, perencana pembangunan, akademisi, mahasiswa, praktisi, aktivis lingkungan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan semua pihak yang cinta akan alam tanah air yang sangat indah sekaligus terancam ini. Saya masih berharap dengan terbitnya buku ke-13 ini, masih akan terbit buku-buku baru karya Jatna Supriatna, yang didasarkan praktik dari teori Konservasi Biodiversitas ini, terutama dalam praktik kelola kawasan konservasi yang luasnya 27,14 juta hektar tersebut, sehingga buahnya bermanfaat untuk kemanusiaan dan peradabannya, terutama bagi manusia Indonesia. Dalam pembukaan di Bab I, Jatna Supriatna telah menyentak kita pada definisi dari “conservation”, yang berasal dari bahasa Latin gabungan dari “con” yang berarti bersama, dan “servare” yang artinya menjaga atau menyelamatkan. Tepat sekali arti kata tersebut dalam pengejawatahan nyata sampai dengan saat ini. Bahwa upaya konservasi harus dilakukan bersama-sama. Harus berkolaborasi, bermitra, bekerja sama, aksi kolektif. Tanpa itu, tidak mungkin akan berhasil. Saya lebih menekankan pentingnya membangun collective awareness atau kesadaran kolektif multipihak untuk mencapai collective action. Pak Wahjudi Wardojo, sahabat dekat Jatna Supriatna sejak membangun konsorsium Gedepahala pada tahun 1993, menemukan “rumus” agar kita berhasil dalam kolaborasi multipihak, yaitu perlunya dipedomani prinsip “3M”, yaitu mutual respect, mutual trust, dan mutual benefit. Biologi Konservasi yang memiliki pendekatan “multi-inter-trans disipliner” multipihak akan menemukan tantangan yang tidak mudah dalam penerapannya di Indonesia. Terutama, terkait dengan sumbangannya dalam memberikan masukan pada kebijakan pembangunan berkelanjutan oleh pemerintah dan praktiknya, yang digerakkan oleh sektor-sektor. Kebijakan pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo dengan Nawacita, yang mendorong lahirnya program perhutanan sosial yang masif, dan kebijakan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, khususnya Ditjen Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam dan Ekosistem, yang tertuang dalam “Sepuluh Cara (Baru) Kelola Hutan Konservasi” (2017), mungkin menjadi salah satu jawaban dari pertanyaan dan pernyataan dalam bagian akhir Bab IV, tentang masih rendahnya peran-serta masyarakat dalam turut serta mengelola hutan-hutan konservasi. Ir. WiratnoM.Sc, Dirjen KSDAE, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Advances in Business, Management and Entrepreneurship

Book Description

The GCBME Book Series aims to promote the quality and methodical reach of the Global Conference on Business Management & Entrepreneurship, which is intended as a high-quality scientific contribution to the science of business management and entrepreneurship. The Contributions are expected to be the main reference articles on the topic of each book and have been subject to a strict peer review process conducted by experts in the fields. The conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and implementation of experiences, to establish business or research connections and to find Global Partners for future collaboration. The conference and resulting volume in the book series is expected to be held and appear annually. The year 2019 theme of book and conference is "Transforming Sustainable Business In The Era Of Society 5.0". The ultimate goal of GCBME is to provide a medium forum for educators, researchers, scholars, managers, graduate students and professional business persons from the diverse cultural backgrounds, to present and discuss their research, knowledge and innovation within the fields of business, management and entrepreneurship. The GCBME conferences cover major thematic groups, yet opens to other relevant topics: Organizational Behavior, Innovation, Marketing Management, Financial Management and Accounting, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Green Business.

The Theory of Island Biogeography

Book Description

Population theory.

Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action

Book Description

This report sets the economic and business case for urgent and ambitious action on biodiversity. It presents a preliminary assessment of current biodiversity-related finance flows, and discusses the key data and indicator gaps that need to be addressed to underpin effective monitoring of both the pressures on biodiversity and the actions (i.e. responses) being implemented. The report concludes with ten priority areas where G7 and other countries can prioritise their efforts.

Why Forests? Why Now?

Book Description

Tropical forests are an undervalued asset in meeting the greatest global challenges of our time—averting climate change and promoting development. Despite their importance, tropical forests and their ecosystems are being destroyed at a high and even increasing rate in most forest-rich countries. The good news is that the science, economics, and politics are aligned to support a major international effort over the next five years to reverse tropical deforestation. Why Forests? Why Now? synthesizes the latest evidence on the importance of tropical forests in a way that is accessible to anyone interested in climate change and development and to readers already familiar with the problem of deforestation. It makes the case to decisionmakers in rich countries that rewarding developing countries for protecting their forests is urgent, affordable, and achievable.

Ecology of Nusa Tenggara

Book Description

The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku is a comprehensive ecological survey of a series ecologically diverse islands in the Pacific. It contains extensive baseline data on the region’s people, ecosystems, biodiversity and land use, and discusses these in a historical as well as a developmental context. It also provides guidelines for scientific researchers on worthwhile ecological and socio-economic research projects. This region is the most diverse in Indonesia. Its myriad islands range from small atolls to active volcanic islands rising 3,500 meters above sea level. Each province has extensive coastlines—only 10 percent of the province of Maluku is land. The seas include shallow continental shelves and some of the deepest sea basins in the world. The complexity and vulnerability of these islands mean that development and environment are inextricably linked. If this is not understood and acted upon, there is no possibility for the ecologically sustainable development of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.

Theory U

Book Description

Shows how leaders can access the deepest source of inspiration and vision • Includes dozens of tested exercises, practices, and real-world examples We live in a time of massive institutional failure, one that requires a new consciousness and a new collective leadership capacity. In this groundbreaking book, Otto Scharmer invites us to see the world in new ways and in so doing discover a revolutionary approach to leadership. What we pay attention to and how we pay attention is key to what we create. What prevents us from attending to situations more effectively is that we aren’t fully aware of and in touch with the inner place from which attention and intention originate. This is what Scharmer calls our blind spot. By moving through Scharmer’s U process, we consciously access the blind spot and learn to connect to our authentic Self—the deepest source of knowledge and inspiration—in the realm of “presencing,” a term coined by Scharmer that combines the concepts of presence and sensing. Based on ten years of research and action learning and interviews with over 150 practitioners and thought leaders, Theory U offers a rich diversity of compelling stories and examples and includes dozens of exercises and practices that allow leaders, and entire organizations, to shift awareness, connect with the best future possibility, and gain the ability to realize it.

Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two

Book Description

The Ecology of Papua provides a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge on all aspects of the natural history of western (Indonesian) New Guinea. Designed for students of conservation, environmental workers, and academic researchers, it is a richly detailed text, dense with biogeographical data, historical reference, and fresh insight on this complicated and marvelous region. We hope it will serve to raise awareness of Papua on a global as well as local scale, and to catalyze effective conservation of its most precious natural assets. New Guinea is the largest and highest tropical island, and one of the last great wilderness areas remaining on Earth. Papua, the western half of New Guinea, is noteworthy for its equatorial glaciers, its vast forested floodplains, its imposing central mountain range, its Raja Ampat Archipelago, and its several hundred traditional forest-dwelling societies. One of the wildest places left in the world, Papua possesses extraordinary biological and cultural diversity. Today, Papua’s environment is under threat from growing outside pressures to exploit its expansive forests and to develop large plantations of oil palm and biofuels. It is important that Papua’s leadership balance economic development with good resource management, to ensure the long-term well-being of its culturally diverse populace.