Künstliche Intelligenz verstehen

Book Description

Dieses Buch über Künstliche Intelligenz bringt Ihnen die Technologie von morgen näher Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird das Leben von Menschen und Unternehmen nachhaltig verändern. Dieses Buch veranschaulicht, welche Bedeutung diese Technologie im Zuge der Digitalisierung in Zukunft hat. Die Autoren behandeln nicht nur die Grundlagen der KI, sondern erläutern auch, was KI in verschiedenen Branchen und Unternehmen leisten kann. Künstliche Intelligenz ist keine Technologie wie viele andere. Vielmehr handelt es sich um eine Basisinnovation, die in den kommenden Jahren in alle Wirtschafts- und Lebensbereiche vordringen und diese stark verändern wird. Mit diesem Buch verdeutlichen die Autoren das Potenzial von KI. Gleichzeitig untersuchen sie, welche Rahmenbedingungen für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz notwendig sind. Abschließend stellen sie die KI-Journey zur unternehmerischen Erschließung des Potenzials vor. Wo lassen sich KI-Potenziale am besten nutzen? Zunächst klären die Autoren, was Künstliche Intelligenz ist und wie man sie nutzen kann. Erfahren Sie, welche Ziele sich mit KI verfolgen lassen und welche potenziellen Einsatzfelder es gibt. Anschließend setzt sich das Werk mit folgenden Aspekten auseinander: Künstliche Intelligenz als Treiber der digitalen Transformation Anwendungsfelder der Künstlichen Intelligenz KI-Challenge - wie lässt sich Künstliche Intelligenz in Unternehmen verankern? Bezüge zur Praxis stellt dieses KI-Buch mit einem Phasen-Modell her, das die schrittweise Entwicklung einer KI-Journey im eigenen Unternehmen illustriert. Abschließend geben Ihnen die Autoren noch einen Ausblick in die Zukunft. Ein Buch, das viele Menschen lesen sollten KI geht uns alle an. Deshalb ist dieses Buch über Künstliche Intelligenz eine Leseempfehlung für Führungskräfte, Entscheidungsträger, Studenten, Professoren und interessierte Laien.

The Triumph of Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

The book demonstrates to readers interested in social life in an understandable way how AI works and how it will dramatically change all areas of life. From the history of AI to its techniques and its diverse fields of application to its ethical-philosophical implications, all relevant aspects are presented in detail. The author does not remain descriptive, but also takes a critical stance on AI development in clear words. For the reader, the explanations are designed as a professional support corset, in order to be able to act as a knowledgeable counterpart to the AI experts. The last two chapters take the reader into the future of life with super AI. With daring scenarios, the author alerts the reader in an enjoyable way to the breathtaking and socially highly explosive perspectives associated with AI and the ethical and philosophical questions that arise from it. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Machtwechsel der Intelligenzen by Günter Cisek, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2021. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

AI on The Job

Book Description

This book is a practical guide to using artificial intelligence with motivated employees in companies and organizations. You will learn what the prerequisites are for people to look forward to productive collaboration with "intelligent machines". Because this is the only way to leverage the full potential of AI. To this end, you will receive an overview of how and where AI can be used in companies and how to identify the right areas of application for AI in your company. The main issue here is the following: which tasks will be taken over by AI in the future and which should continue to be performed by employees. These decisions change processes and tasks and require practical change management and motivation. In this book, you will learn how to motivate and inspire people for these new tasks, so that the steps towards using AI in the work environment can succeed in the best possible way. About the Author: Prof. Dr. Andreas Moring is Professor of Digital Business, Innovation & AI at the International School of Management. He is founder and director of the JuS.TECH Institute for AI and Sustainability, co-founder of the WeGoFive initiative for productive human-AI cooperation and topic sponsor for human-AI cooperation at the Artificial Intelligence Center ARIC in Hamburg. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition KI im Job by Andreas Moring, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2021. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

GWAI ...

Book Description

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the lives of people and businesses more fundamentally than many people can even imagine today. This book illustrates the importance of AI in an era of digitalization. It introduces the foundations of AI and explains its benefits and challenges for companies and entire industries. In this regard, AI is approached not just as yet another technology, but as a fundamental innovation, which will spread into all areas of the economy and life, and will disrupt business processes and business models in the years to come. In turn, the book assesses the potential that AI holds, and clarifies the framework that is necessary for pursuing a responsible approach to AI. In a series of best-practice cases, the book subsequently highlights a broad range of sectors and industries, from production to services; from customer service to marketing and sales; and in industries like retail, health care, energy, transportation and many more. In closing, a dedicated chapter outlines a roadmap for a specific corporate AI journey. No one can ignore intensive work with AI today - neither as a private person, let alone as a top performer in companies. This book offers a thorough, carefully crafted, and easy to understand entry into the field of AI. The central terms used in the AI ​​context are given a very good explanation. In addition, a number of cases show what AI can do today and where the journey is heading. An important book that you should not miss! Professor Dr. Harley Krohmer University of Bern "Inspiring, thought provoking and comprehensive, this book is wittingly designed to be a catalyst for your individual and corporate AI journey.” Avo Schönbohm, Professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Enterprise Game Designer at LUDEO and Business Punk

Karl Schuhmann, Selected papers on phenomenology

Book Description

-Selected papers on phenomenology offers the best work in this field by the acclaimed historian of philosophy, Karl Schuhmann (1941-2003), displaying the extraordinary range and depth of his unique scholarship, -Topics covered include the development of Husserl's concept of intentionality, Husserl and Indian philosophy, the origins of speech act theory in Munich phenomenology, the historical background of the notion of "phenomenology", and Johannes Daubert's critique of Martin Heidegger, -This book brings together, in chronological arrangement, fourteen papers. Though thirteen of these were published before in some form, several were not easily accessible so far. In addition, a substantial piece of research, Schuhmann's chronicle of Johannes Daubert, appears here for the first time, -All articles have been edited in accordance with the author's wishes, and incorporate his later additions and corrections.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

This book assesses the normative and practical challenges for artificial intelligence (AI) regulation, offers comprehensive information on the laws that currently shape or restrict the design or use of AI, and develops policy recommendations for those areas in which regulation is most urgently needed. By gathering contributions from scholars who are experts in their respective fields of legal research, it demonstrates that AI regulation is not a specialized sub-discipline, but affects the entire legal system and thus concerns all lawyers. Machine learning-based technology, which lies at the heart of what is commonly referred to as AI, is increasingly being employed to make policy and business decisions with broad social impacts, and therefore runs the risk of causing wide-scale damage. At the same time, AI technology is becoming more and more complex and difficult to understand, making it harder to determine whether or not it is being used in accordance with the law. In light of this situation, even tech enthusiasts are calling for stricter regulation of AI. Legislators, too, are stepping in and have begun to pass AI laws, including the prohibition of automated decision-making systems in Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation, the New York City AI transparency bill, and the 2017 amendments to the German Cartel Act and German Administrative Procedure Act. While the belief that something needs to be done is widely shared, there is far less clarity about what exactly can or should be done, or what effective regulation might look like. The book is divided into two major parts, the first of which focuses on features common to most AI systems, and explores how they relate to the legal framework for data-driven technologies, which already exists in the form of (national and supra-national) constitutional law, EU data protection and competition law, and anti-discrimination law. In the second part, the book examines in detail a number of relevant sectors in which AI is increasingly shaping decision-making processes, ranging from the notorious social media and the legal, financial and healthcare industries, to fields like law enforcement and tax law, in which we can observe how regulation by AI is becoming a reality.

New Trends in Disruptive Technologies, Tech Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

This book includes recent research on disruptive technologies, tech ethics, and artificial intelligence. Due to the important advances in technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things or bioinformatics produced in recent years, it is necessary to conduct a thorough review of current ethical patterns. One of the research fields that is in full expansion and with a broad future is technology ethics or tech ethics. Just a few years ago, this type of research was a small part, and they did not have too many technology researchers involved. At present, due to the explosion of new applications of artificial intelligence, their problems and their legal barriers have flourished innumerable initiatives, declarations, principles, guides and analyses focused on measuring the social impact of these systems and on the development of a more ethical technology. It is, therefore, a problem that needs to be addressed from an academic and multidisciplinary point of view, where experts in ethics and behavior work together with experts in new and disruptive technologies. The international conference “Disruptive Technologies Tech Ethics and Artificial Intelligence” (DITTET 2021) provides a forum to present and discuss the latest scientific and technical advances and their implications in the field of ethics. It also provides a forum for experts to present their latest research in disruptive technologies, promoting knowledge transfer. It provides a unique opportunity to bring together experts in different fields, academics and professionals to exchange their experience in the development and deployment of disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence and their ethical problems. DiTTEt intends to bring together researchers and developers from industry, humanities and academia to report on the latest scientific advances and the application of artificial intelligence as well as its ethical implications in fields as diverse as climate change, politics, economy or security in today’s world. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings selected by an expert panel through a peer-review process. All these works will be presented by the experts in the different sessions organized at the DITTET congress to be held at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain) on September 15, 26 and 17, 2021.