Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning

Book Description

This book examines the various ways in which age affects the process and the product of foreign language learning in a school setting. It presents studies that cover a wide range of topics, from phonetics to learning strategies. It will be of interest to students and researchers working in SLA research, language planning and language teaching.

The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II: Education

Book Description

The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II: Education examines the many methods and motivations for vocal pedagogy, promoting singing not just as an art form arising from the musical instrument found within every individual but also as a means of communication with social, psychological, and didactic functions. Presenting research from myriad fields of study beyond music—including psychology, education, sociology, computer science, linguistics, physiology, and neuroscience—the contributors address singing in three parts: Learning to Sing Naturally Formal Teaching of Singing Using Singing to Teach In 2009, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded a seven-year major collaborative research initiative known as Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS). Together, global researchers from a broad range of disciplines addressed three challenging questions: How does singing develop in every human being? How should singing be taught and used to teach? How does singing impact wellbeing? Across three volumes, The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing consolidates the findings of each of these three questions, defining the current state of theory and research in the field. Volume II: Education focuses on the second question and offers an invaluable resource for anyone who identifies as a singer, wishes to become a singer, works with singers, or is interested in the application of singing for the purposes of education.

Language learning and professionalization in higher education: pathways to preparing learners and teachers in/for the 21st century

Book Description

In this volume, language learning and professionalization are explored by addressing the existing gap between pressing needs for enhanced soft skills in work environments wherein technology-mediated, multilingual communication is increasingly the norm, and current foreign language teaching and learning offerings in higher education. Considering theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical perspectives for preparing language learners and teachers in/for the 21st century, this volume’s eight chapters underscore that research findings should inform the design of learning experiences so that people’s communication needs in fast-changing work environments are met and the link between language education and professionalization, within a lifelong learning perspective, is sustained.

Le concept de plurilinguisme

Book Description

Afin de parvenir à une meilleure entente entre pays voisins, maîtriser une autre langue que sa langue maternelle serait souhaitable Selon ces recommandations, le Conseil de l'Europe et l'Union européenne présentent ici un projet sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues étrangères dans le contexte scolaire. Il a pour objectif de développer, dans le cadre du concept de plurilinguisme, les bases générales de méthodologie de langue tertiaire en les illustrant d'exemples, sur le modèle de la séquence linguistique "l'allemand après l'anglais ". Les organisateurs du projet, le Centre européen pour les langues vivantes du Conseil de l'Europe et le Goethe Institut Inter Nations, coopèrent à cet égard, en collaboration avec des institutions régionales actives dans le domaine de l'enseignement de langues étrangères.

European Dimension in Pre- and In-Service Language

Book Description

This book looks at current practice in language-teacher training in Europe from innovative transitional teacher development programmes to the value systems underlying foreign language teacher training.

Essays in English Language Teaching

Book Description

Essays in english language teaching includes a selection of articles which are based on edited and peer-reviewed papers delivered at the "I Simposio de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés: el método comunicativo en el año 2000" held at the University of Oviedo from 19 to 21 November, 1998, together with two plenary keynote lectures: Carme Muñoz's (University of Barcelona): "The effects of age on instructed foreign language acquisition"; and Ignacio Palacios' (University of Santiago de Compostela): "What's there to know about the learning of a foreign language?". No summary is provided as we hope they should be compulsory/compulsive reading.

The Oxford Handbook of the French Language

Book Description

This volume provides the first comprehensive reference work in English on the French language in all its facets. It offers a wide-ranging approach to the rich, varied, and exciting research across multiple subfields, with seven broad thematic sections covering the structures of French; the history of French; axes of variation; French around the world; French in contact with other languages; second language acquisition; and French in literature, culture, arts, and the media. Each chapter presents the state of the art and directs readers to canonical studies and essential works, while also exploring cutting-edge research and outlining future directions. The Oxford Handbook of the French Language serves both as a reference work for people who are curious to know more about the French language and as a starting point for those carrying out new research on the language and its many varieties. It will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students as well as established scholars, whether they are specialists in French linguistics or researchers in a related field looking to learn more about the language. The diversity of frameworks, approaches, and scholars in the volume demonstrates above all the variety, vitality, and vibrancy of work on the French language today.

La diversité linguistique

Book Description

La conférence sur "La diversité linguistique : défi pour les villes et régions européennes" (Rovinj, Croatie, 22-23 mars 2001) a été organisée conjointement par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux de l'Europe (CPLRE), le ministère de l'Intégration européenne de Croatie et le Comité des régions de l'Union européenne. Elle a constitué la contribution majeure du CPLRE à l'Année européenne des langues 2001 et a été l'occasion du lancement de cette année européenne en Croatie. Cette conférence a rassemblé environ 150 participants et a permis à de nombreux experts, mais aussi aux membres du Congrès et aux élus locaux et régionaux présents, d'échanger leurs vues sur l'apprentissage des langues. Cette conférence a permis de présenter des exemples concrets d'apprentissage des langues, qu'il s'agisse des langues de communication internationale, de la langue nationale, régionale ou minoritaire.