L'autre oreille, l'autre écoute

Book Description

Les premiers mots de la Genèse sont célèbres : " Et la lumière fut. " Et avec eux, la vue d'émerger comme le sens primordial. L'ouïe l'est néanmoins tout autant... Alors, quand après des années passées à assister à l'effritement de ses oreilles, quand après l'impossibilité à lire le monde avec cet organe précieux, Frédérique Granier recouvra une partie de son audition, ce fut aussi comme un miracle, si bien qu'elle aurait pu placer ces mots en exergue de son texte : " Et le bruit fut. " Cela grâce à quelques grammes de technologie, à un implant cochléaire qui lui fit redécouvrir les infinités de sons, bruissements, tempi et chuchotis qui nous entourent, qui font du monde une immense machine musicale à savourer constamment... A votre tour, entendez son témoignage. Mal entendre génère le retranchement de l'être du monde et de la société, de l'environnement et de ses proches. Ne pas pouvoir percevoir les sons du quotidien, la voix des proches ou les attachants bavardages crée des hiatus, une discommunication, l'abysse intérieur. Ce à quoi Frédérique ne s'est jamais résignée, guettant patiemment les avancées des techniques médicales. Ainsi, malgré la souffrance qui peut s'énoncer à travers certains passages, l'espoir et le désir, presque fiévreux, de réentendre demeurent les forces qui animent ces pages. C'est bien la quête de toutes les musiques, l'envie de ressentir tous les rythmes qui habitent cette relation d'un parcours hors du commun, où les mots se font plus que jamais matière sonore, vivante, mélodieuse.


Book Description

Dialogue: An interdisciplinary approach is a pioneering collection of papers that take Dialogue Studies out of its 'classic' narrow definition into the study of the complexities and processes in dialogue. It is a first move toward interdisciplinary research in Dialogue Studies.

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The Royal Dictionary. In Two Parts. First, French and English. Secondly, English and French. The French Taken Out of the Dictionaries of Richelet, Furetiere, Tachart, the Great Dictionary of the French Academy, and the Remarks of Vaugelas, Menage, and Bouhours. The English Collected Chiefly Out of the Best Dictionaries, and the Works of the Greatest Masters of the English Tongue ... For the Use of His Highness the Duke of Glocester

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Comment C'est

Book Description

This book contains the English and French texts and a complete record of the genesis of each. Besides Comment C'est How It Is, O'Reilly has included L'Image and an excerpt from Comment C'est that was published later in another volume.

Rewriting Rewriting

Book Description

Although the storytelling of any time rewrites itself, rewriting became a primary concern in the literature of the twentieth century, an era characterized as having quoted, reenacted, cannibalized, revised, redone, refurbished, and outright plagiarized the texts of earlier times. The modern obsession with literary reiteration manifests itself in a rather unique way in the narratives of Marguerite Duras, Annie Ernaux, and Marie Redonnet. These authors systematically and repeatedly rewrite their own texts, and in so doing, give evidence of three of the more salient aspects of twentieth-century French literature: a trend toward the representation of multifaceted selves, a desire to reevaluate the literary paradigm, and an acute concern for the unreliability of language. This book argues that the rewriting performed by Duras, Ernaux, and Redonnet moves beyond the tacit rewriting that occurs in any text toward a renovation of various features of the literary arena within which they circulate. Cathy Jellenik argues that all writing contains rewriting - an argument grounded in the theoretical apparatuses of Saussure, Bakhtin, Benveniste, Barthes, Kristeva, and Derrida. She then examines and interrogates the ways in which Duras, Ernaux, and Redonnet use rewriting to question and rethink the literary traditions they inherit. Jellenik suggests that the rewriting projects of Duras, Ernaux, and Redonnet promise to lead them, and their readers, toward the creation of a new literary aesthetic capable of responding to the questions of our times.

Samuel Beckett Comment C'est How It Is And / et L'image

Book Description

This book contains the English and French texts and a complete record of the genesis of each. Besides Comment C'est How It Is, O'Reilly has included L'Image and an excerpt from Comment C'est that was published later in another volume.

Interpreting Translation

Book Description

The 30 essays by some of the most prominent scholars on the field of Septuagint studies collected in this volume deal with the Septuagint in general and with the Septuagint of Ezekiel in particular, but also with text-critical, philological, lexicographical and theological topics, faithfully reflecting the wide range of interests of Professor Johan Lust. Edited by F. Garca Martnez and Marc Vervenne.

Sacred Bridge

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