L'écologie au secours de l'économie

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Comment expliquer notre difficulté à relancer l'économie ? Cet ouvrage explore une hypothèse originale : la reprise ne se fait pas car nous atteignons les limites de nos ressources naturelles. L'auteur travaille donc sur les différentes pistes possibles pour construire le développement durable d'une société et d'une économie qui retrouveraient leur cohérence. Les solutions devront s'appuyer sur des politiques publiques imaginatives, audacieuses autant que réalistes, particulièrement en matière de fiscalité et d'investissement.

Écologie et Économie aujourd'hui

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Le marché aveugle accompagne une croissance infinie du profit, mais la terre n’est-elle pas finie ? Faut-il être économiste pour voir que le capitalisme se base sur une idéologie qui profite d’abord au capital ? Et assister à la destruction de la nature et à la mainmise des multinationales sur les destins de nos sociétés ? Comment provoquer un changement social comparable à celui rendu nécessaire pour lutter contre le Covid19 ? Face aux défis du XXIe siècle, le citoyen et la société civile peuvent changer le rapport de force politique en faveur d’une économie durable respectant l’équité sociale, l’intégrité environnementale et l’efficacité économique. La démocratie politique n’est pas la simple addition des intérêts particuliers à court terme, c'est d’abord le choix et la décision de projets d’intérêt commun à long terme. Les partis politiques conservateurs soutiennent l’arrogance des économistes, malgré l'incompétence de l’économique néolibérale à gérer la catastrophe écologique, le sous-développement, les crises financières et les crises sociales du capitalisme. Ce livre aide à comprendre les enjeux collectifs de notre mode de vie occidental. Il fait ressentir le lien solidaire unissant tous les êtres vivants et le besoin universel d’équité entre les hommes. Il remet donc l’homme et la nature au cœur du débat économique. Et le citoyen dans le rôle de celui qui, en définitive, décidera de la transition durable dont il a besoin, au terme de bouleversements de nature démocratique, scientifique et politique. À PROPOS DES AUTEURS Jean Cornelis, professionnel du management en multinationales, ayant exercé des fonctions de CEO notamment dans le secteur pharmaceutique, est titulaire d’une maîtrise en biologie ainsi que d’une maîtrise en économie appliquée et d’un ingéniorat commercial. Il a publié L’économique, une pseudo-science hostile à l’économie durable, ouvrage prefacé par Olivier De Schutter, Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies, spécialiste des questions liées aux droits économiques et sociaux, en particulier à l’alimentation et à la pauvreté. Olivier Malay, auteur de la préface, est économiste à l’UCLouvain et attaché à la Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale.

Risque, nature et société

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Groundwater Management

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"A joint publication of the FAO Land and Water Development Division, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization with contributions from the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America, and the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Kenilworth, United Kingdom."

Nature is a Battlefield

Book Description

In the midst of the current ecological crisis, there is often lofty talk of the need for humanity to ‘overcome its divisions’ and work together to tackle the big challenges of our time. But as this new book by Razmig Keucheyan shows, the real picture is very different. Just take the case of the siting of toxic waste landfills in the United States: if you want to know where waste is most likely to be dumped, ask yourself where Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and other racial minorities live and where the poorest neighbourhoods are. This kind of ‘environmental racism’ is by no means restricted to the United States: it is very much a global phenomenon. Keucheyan show how the capitalist response to the crisis has been marked by a massive expansion in ‘environmental finance’. From ‘carbon markets’ to ‘pollution permits’, ‘climate derivatives’ and ‘catastrophe bonds’, we are seeing a proliferation of nature-related financial products. Instead of tackling the root of the problem, the neoliberal strategy seeks to profit from environmental risks. Moreover, with the rise in natural disasters, resource scarcity, food crises, the destabilization of the poles and oceans and the prospect of tens of millions of ‘climate refugees’, Western powers are increasingly adopting a military response to ecological problems. The Cold War is over: welcome to the ‘green wars’. From New Orleans to the Siachen glacier via the Arctic floes, Keucheyan explores the landmark sites of this new ‘climate geostrategy’. Through a sharp critique of the way capitalism responds to environmental disaster, this innovative book provides a fresh perspective on some of the most critical issues confronting our societies today.

Knowledge Production Modes between Science and Applications 1

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Inventing isn’t easy! In this book, twelve “valleys of death” are identified which, following a linear approach, correspond to the various obstacles that limit the various passages from an original idea to invention, and then to industrial innovation. These various limiting factors have a variety of origins: disciplined scientific training, weak general and scientific culture, New Public Management, hierarchical support, funding, evaluation, proof of concepts, complexity management, and heuristic and interdisciplinary approaches on the one hand, and attractiveness for the new on the other. After an idea is formulated, these contexts bring small elements of science into play, but above all human aspects ranging from motivation and the quality of exchanges to responsibility. In short, it is a possible dynamic way of living together to promote innovations stemming from science. This is not easy, but if the invention is profitable for society, the downstream sector can greatly facilitate the various stages of commercialization.

The Global Challenge of Encouraging Sustainable Living

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This fascinating book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics, researchers and students in the fields of environmental studies _ particularly sustainability _ and public policy. Practitioners and policymakers concerned with achieving sustaina

Smart Cities

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The intelligence of a city is the capacity to learn: to learn the past, its history and the culture of its territory. Unlike the smart city, we do not build a city from scratch and there is nothing, there is no smart city standard car intelligence is measured this ability to fit into a territorial dynamic, a story and a culture. Continuous learning through instantaneous feedback provides the digital to understand and map the urban system and driver.

French 'Ecocritique'

Book Description

French Écocritique is the first book-length study of the culturally specific ways in which contemporary French literature and theory raise questions about nature and environment. Stephanie Posthumus’s ground-breaking work brings together thinkers such as Guattari, Latour, and Serres with recent ecocritical theories to complicate what might otherwise become a reductive notion of "French ecocriticism." Working across contemporary philosophy and literature, the book defines the concept of the ecological as an attentiveness to specific nature-culture contexts and to a text’s many interdiscursive connections. Posthumus identifies four key concepts, ecological subjectivity, ecological dwelling, ecological politics, and ecological ends, for changing how we think about human-nature relations. French Écocritique highlights the importance of moving beyond canonical ecocritical texts and examining a diversity of cultural and literary traditions for new ways of imagining the environment.