La Grande-Bretagne Et L'Europe Des Lumières

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Cet ouvrage rassemble seize communications faites lors de deux colloques internationaux sur les rapports entre la Grande-Bretagne et le continent européen au XVIIIe siècle. Une moitié des communications est de nature littéraire, touchant quelques-uns des auteurs britanniques les plus marquants de l'époque, examinés dans leurs liens intellectuels avec l'Europe (qui les influence ou qu'ils influencent). L'autre moitié contient des études sur les mœurs observées par les voyageurs, sur les représentations et images réciproques. Viennent également au jour les rivalités entre les pays (dans le domaine de l'érudition orientaliste), ainsi que la situation des habitants du Nord et l'Écosse, en marge de l'Europe, mais souvent enjeu politique pour l'Europe. La gravure satirique, enfin, a largement sa place avec un article sur les caricatures de Hogarth

The Languages and Linguistics of Europe

Book Description

Open publicationThe Languages and Linguistics of Europe: A Comprehensive Guide is part of the multi-volume reference work on the languages and linguistics of the continents of the world. The book supplies profiles of the language families of Europe, including the sign languages. It also discusses the areal typology, paying attention to the Standard Average European, Balkan, Baltic and Mediterranean convergence areas. Separate chapters deal with the old and new minority languages and with non-standard varieties. A major focus is language politics and policies, including discussions of the special status of English, the relation between language and the church, language and the school, and standardization. The history of European linguistics is another focus as is the history of multilingual European 'empires' and their dissolution. The volume is especially geared towards a graduate and advanced undergraduate readership. It has been designed such that it can be used, as a whole or in parts, as a textbook, the first of its kind, for graduate programmes with a focus on the linguistic (and linguistics) landscape of Europe.

L'Europe des langues

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L’idée de l’Europe

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Face aux défis – entre autres politiques – auxquels sont confrontés différents pays européens, les chercheurs dix-huitiémistes ont souhaité revenir sur des expressions anciennes de valeurs partagées et les interrogations passées sur des questions qui restent souvent d’actualité. Au Siècle des Lumières, nombre d’hommes et de femmes de lettres ont envisagé l’avenir du continent en particulier pour entériner leur souhait de garantir la paix en Europe. Les textes, réunis dans cette anthologie, et signés des grands écrivains du temps (Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Kant, Hume ou encore Staël), comme d’oubliés de l’histoire, présentent, avec quelques excursus chronologiques (de Sully à Hugo) les réflexions de penseurs d’un dix-huitième siècle aux bornes chronologiques étendues – l’émergence et la chute de l’Empire engendrent des bouleversements nombreux –, sur l’Europe, son histoire, sa diversité, mais aussi sur ce qu’ont en commun les nations qui composent, dans leur variété, un ensemble géographique. Ils mettent en évidence les origines historiques d’un projet d’union européenne, le souhait de consolider les liens du continent avec le Maghreb ou la Turquie, l’importance accordée au commerce et les inquiétudes suscitées par les sursauts de l’histoire, mais aussi l’espoir placé dans les générations futures. La Société française d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, l’Université d’Augsburg, l’Université d’Oxford ont généreusement contribué à la publication de ce volume. In view of the challenges—many of which are political—that different European countries are currently facing, scholars who work on the 18th century have compiled this anthology which includes earlier recognitions of common values and past considerations of questions which often remain pertinent nowadays. During the Enlightenment, many men and women of letters envisaged the continent’s future in particular when stressing their hope that peace could be secured in Europe. The texts gathered here, and signed by major thinkers of the time (Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Kant, Hume or Staël for instance), as well as by writers history has forgotten, present the reflections, with a couple of chronological extensions (from Sully to Victor Hugo) of authors from the long eighteenth century—the French Empire and the fall of Napoleon generated numerous upheavals—on Europe, its history, its diversity, but also on what the nations, which, in all their diversity, make up a geographical unit, have in common. They show the historical origins of the project of a European union, the desire to consolidate the continent’s ties to the Maghreb or to Turkey, the importance granted to commerce and the worries engendered by history’s convulsions, but also the hope vested in future generations. The Société française d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, Augsburg University and the University of Oxford have generously contributed towards the publication of this volume.

Living Together

Book Description

The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) works to promote innovations in the teaching and learning of modern languages. This volume contains the proceedings of the third international colloquy which was attended by experts from over 30 countries and was organised in co-operation with the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture.


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History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage. 1. Teilband

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Writing in English, German, or French, more than 300 authors provide a historical description of the beginnings and of the early and subsequent development of thinking about language and languages within the relevant historical context. The gradually emerging institutions concerned with the study, organisation, documentation, and distribution are considered as well as those dealing with the utilisation of language related knowledge. Special emphasis has been placed on related disciplines, such as rhetoric, the philosophy of language, cognitive psychology, logic and neurological science.

The Khilafet

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The Other Languages of Europe

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The book offers demographic, sociolinguistic, and educational perspectives on the status of both regional and immigrant languages in Europe and in a wider international context. From a cross-national point of view, empirical evidence on the status of these other languages of multicultural Europe is brought together in a combined frame of reference.

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