L'Ibérie Chrétienne et le Maghreb (XIIe - XVe Siécles)

Book Description

The late Ch.-E. Dufourcq was one of the first to map out the relations between the Christian and Muslim coastlands of the medieval western Mediterranean. These studies reveal the extent of the contribution he made to the subject, and the care and attention with which he handled the scattered documentary sources. There are three main themes to the volume: one group of articles focuses on the political and diplomatic aspects of the relations between Spain (Catalonia in particular) and the Maghreb (the lands of the modern Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia); a second is concerned more with commercial contacts and with a comparison of the economic conditions north and south of the Mediterranean, and with the day-to-day life of the sailors and merchants who formed the link between the two. A third theme, most prominent in the final articles, is the social and economic history of Catalonia itself, a subject to which he returned in the final years of his life. Le regretté Ch.-E. Dufourcq à été l’un des premiers à établir les grandes lignes des rapports existant entre les pays côtiers chrétiens et musulmans de la Méditerannée occidentale durant le Moyen Age. Ces études revelent l’éntendue de la contribution de l’auteur à ce sujet, ainsi que le soin et l’attention avec lesquels il en a manié le s sources documentaires dispersées. On retrouve trois themes principeaux au travers de ce volume : un groupe d’articles se concentre sur les aspects politiques et diplomatiques des rapports entre l’Espagne, plus particulièrement la Catalogne, et le Maghreb; le seconde s’attache plus aux contracts commercieaux, comparant les conditions économiques du Nord et du Sud de la Méditérranee, et à la vie quotidienne des marins et des marchands qui formaient le lien entre les deux. Un troisième théme, plus proéminent dans les derniers articles, écrits par l’auteur vers à la fin de sa vie, est celui de l’histoire sociale et économique de la Catalogne elle-

Politique et Société en Sicile, XIIe-XVe Siécles

Book Description

In the 12th century, under its Norman rulers, Sicily stood as one of the most flourishing regions of the Mediterranean; by the late 15th century it had sunk into the state of semi-colonial depression and dependence that has chartacterized so much of its modern history. It is this transformation ” a process of socio-economic change that went hand in hand with political turmoil ” that forms the subject of this volume. Henri Bresc approaches this both from the viewpoint of particular topics, such as the notarial class or the tiny island of Pantelleria, and that of larger themes. One of these is the composition of Sicily's population. These articles trace the deteriorating status of the Arabs and Greeks on the island, the demographic circumstances that brought in new immigrants (notably Albanians, but also corsairs), and the emergence of a society now dominated by its Latin and Italian components. Other articles contrast the intensive suburban agriculture with the empty spaces of the large estates, and throw light on the development of a new landowning structure, based on these estates which were given over to cereals, grown for export in order to meet the financial demands of the long conflict with the Angevins. Au 12e siècle, sous le règne de rois normands, la Sicile était une des régions les plus prospères de la Méditerranée. A la fin du 15e siècle, elle avait sombré dans l'état de dépression et de dépendance semi-coloniale qui est devenu la marque d'une grande partie de son histoire moderne. Cette transformation ” un processus de changement socio-économique accompagne de bouleversements politiques ” forme le sujet de cet ouvrage. L'approche d'Henri Bresc se fait à deux niveaux: selon l'angle de sujets spécifiques, tels la classe notariale, ou encore la minuscule île de Pantelleria et à partir de thèmes plus vastes; parmi ces derniers, se trouve la composition de la population sicilienne. Ces articles retracent la détérioration du s

The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 2, The Western Islamic World, Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries

Book Description

Volume 2 of The New Cambridge History of Islam is devoted to the history of the Western Islamic lands from the political fragmentation of the eleventh century to the beginnings of European colonialism towards the end of the eighteenth century. The volume embraces a vast area from al-Andalus and North Africa to Arabia and the lands of the Ottomans. In the first four sections, scholars – all leaders in their particular fields - chart the rise and fall, and explain the political and religious developments, of the various independent ruling dynasties across the region, including famously the Almohads, the Fatimids and Mamluks, and, of course, the Ottomans. The final section of the volume explores the commonalities and continuities that united these diverse and geographically disparate communities, through in-depth analyses of state formation, conversion, taxation, scholarship and the military.

The Origins of Capitalism and the "Rise of the West"

Book Description

The origins of capitalism can be found in the Middle Ages.

A Mediterranean Emporium

Book Description

Situated astride the trade routes of the western Mediterranean, the Catalan kingdom of Majorca has long deserved attention. It was established under the will of King James I of Aragon, who conquered Majorca in 1229, but was ruled from 1276 to 1343 by a cadet dynasty. In addition to the Balearic Islands the kingdom included the key business centres of Montpellier and Perpignan, and other lands in what is now southern France. It was also home to important Jewish and Muslim communities, and was the focus of immigration from Catalonia, Provence and Italy. This book emphasises the major transformations in the trade of the Balearic Islands from the eve of the Catalan conquest to the Black Death, and the effect of the kingdom's creation and demise on the economy of the region. Links between the island and mainland territories, and as far afield as England and the Canaries, are analysed in depth.

Berenguela the Great and Her Times (1180-1246)

Book Description

This biography presents a remarkable vision of Spanish society at the beginning of the 13th century by exploring the life of Berenguela of Castile (c. 1179-1246), a queen who dominated public life for over forty years.

Barcelona and Its Rulers, 1096-1291

Book Description

This volume examines the early growth of Barcelona and the formation of its ruling classes. The city did not at first grow because of overseas trade but because of market-oriented agriculture and tribute from Islamic Spain. Only after a difficult adjustment did the city develop the commercial foundations which would later ensure its prosperity. Barcelona's patriciate rose to prominence during the second stage of growth, its rise forming part of a profound restructuring of territorial power in response to the 'feudal crisis' that challenged traditional authority throughout Catalonia. Patrician families did not model themselves after noble patrilineages, but forged marital alliances in which the wife's dowry played a fundamental role. In this new book the family structure of the patriciate receives close examination and many traditional assumptions about the nature of Mediterranean towns are challenged.

Recherches sur l'histoire de la France Médiéval

Book Description

This selection of articles by Robert-Henri Bautier deals with the political and institutional history of France between the 6th and 12th centuries, and is above all concerned with the changing extent of the rulers' power from the rise of the Carolingians onwards. A subsequent volume will focus on the Capetians, while a further pair of volumes deal with economic history. The first studies here examine two general topics: the emergence of Paris as the undisputed capital of France, and the ceremony of Royal coronation and consecration. The following articles, on Carolingian France, reconsider the significance of the battle of Roncevaux and the importance of the region of Neustria, then study the decomposition of the Carolingian empire in Southern France and Catalonia. The last group is concerned with various aspects of the re-expansion of central power under the early Capetian kings and, finally, with the evolution of one of the fundamental organs of medieval municipal government, the échevinage. Cette sélection d’articles par Robert-Henri Bautier traite de l’histoire politique et institutionnelle française entre le VIe et le XIIe siècle, et s’intéresse avant tout à l’éntendue territoriale changeante du pouvoir monarchique dès le début de la dynastie carolingienne. Un volume subséquent se concentre sur les Capétiens et deux autres ont pour thème l’histoire économique. Les premières études inclues dans le présent recueil examinent deux sujets d’ordre général: l’avènement de Paris en tant que capitale incontestable de la France et le développement de la cérémonie du couronnement et de la consécration royale. Les études suivantes considèrent à nouveau la signification de la bataille de Roncevaux et l’importance de la région de Neustrie. L’auteur passe ensuite à l’analyse de la désagrégation de l’empire carolingien dans le Midi de la France et en Catalogne. Le dernier groupe d’études concerne divers aspects de la ré

Latin and Vernacular Poets of the Middle Ages

Book Description

This volume presents a series of penetrating analyses of particular poems and problems of literary history illustrating the many sides of medieval poetry and the interactions of learned, popular and courtly traditions. The first and longest essay, 'Waltharius-Gaiferos', aims to characterize the diverse treatments of one of the major European heroic themes - in modes that include lay and epic, saga and ballad, and range from pre-Carolingian times to the Renaissance. There follow three interrelated essays on the medieval transformations of Ovid, and a larger group devoted to close reading of medieval lyrics. After discussing some brilliant Latin compositions, of the 9th-12th centuries, both sacred and profane, and the work of two of the most captivating 'goliard' poets, Peter Dronke looks at the earliest formations of love-lyric in two vernaculars, Spanish and English. Finally, he explores the unique symbiosis of Latin and vernacular imagery in two key moments of Dante's Divine Comedy. Ce volume contient une série d’analyses perspicaces de poèmes spécifiques et de certains problèmes de l’histoire littéraire illustrant les multiples facettes de la poésie médiévale et l’interaction des traditions érudites, populaires et courtoises. Le premier essai, "Waltharius-Gaïferos", tente de décrire les divers traitements de l’un des principaux thèmes héroïques européens selon des modes qui incluent: le lai et l’épique, la saga et la ballade et qui s’étendent sur une période allant de l’époque pré-carolingienne à la Renaissance. Suivent trois articles corrélatifs sur les adaptations médiévales des textes d’Ovide, ainsi qu’un groupe d’études voue à la lecture détaillée de la poésie lyrique médiévale. Après avoir considéré l’oeuvre de deux des plus passionnants poètes "goliards" et un certain nombre de remarquables compositions latines, sacrées et profanes, datant du 9e-12e siècles, Peter Dronke se tourne vers les pre