Relations Between Cultures

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In Your Eyes I See My Words

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In Your Eyes I See My Words, Volume 3 brings together the homilies and speeches of Archbishop Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from 2009 through his election as Pope Francis on March 13, 2013. These writings provide an intimate glimpse into the theological, philosophical, scientific, and cultural-educational currents that forged the steady, loving, and nurturing leadership style with which Bergoglio guided the Church in Buenos Aires. That style has now done the same for the Church from Rome, a Church rocked by financial and moral scandals, and a world shaken by the first global pandemic in a century. These writings were kneaded—a word he uses when talking about the work of molding the souls and character of youth and seminarians—in the relationships he formed in his bus rides to work and in his intense contact with all segments of the population. Because of that careful and prayerful process of kneading they have found their full development in Bergoglio’s writing as Pope Francis, especially in Evangelii gaudium (November 2013); Gaudete et exsultate, On the call to sanctity (March 2018); and his encyclical Laudato si’ (May 2015). In this final volume of Bergoglio’s homilies and papers we meet European theologians and thinkers such as Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and Bergoglio’s Uruguayan philosopher and friend, Methol Ferré, the literary figure Miguel Ángel Asturias, and Enrique Santos Discépolo, a singer and composer of tangos that decry corruption. In a prophetic conclusion, the last homily of this volume is an outline of the roadmap Pope Francis has followed throughout his papacy: one defined by ongoing love and care for God’s people and that seeks to spread God’s merciful anointing to those living on the margins of life.

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La Caja de Herramientas para Líderes Pastorales

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La Caja de Herramientas Para los Líderes Pastorales de Hoy es una respuesta a los comentarios que hemos recibido en la Leadership Roundtable en los últimos años; la importancia de apoyar al siempre creciente clero hispanoparlante y líderes laicos en las mejores prácticas en el liderazgo parroquial. Hemos seleccionado varios temas del existente A Pastor’s Toolbox, Volúmenes 1 & 2, y hemos agregado nuevos trabajos para apoyar los líderes. Algunos de los temas incluyen Recursos Humanos, Visión, Gestión de Voluntarios, Pastoral Juvenil, Gestión de Riesgos y Administración y Recaudación de Fondos, por nombrar algunos. Todos estos capítulos han sido traducidos al español por el Padre Juan Molina y su equipo en el Mexican American Catholic College. En la Leadership Roundtable sentimos que esta obra será un gran complemento para la Iniciativa de Liderazgo Pastoral Latino, donde hemos facilitado muchas de nuestras capacitaciones de mejores prácticas de liderazgo en un formato bilingüe tanto para líderes clérigos como laicos. Aprende más sobre cómo la Leadership Roundtable ha apoyado la formación de clérigos y líderes laicos, en las mejores prácticas de liderazgo en

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South

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The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South presents new comparative perspectives on Religious Education (RE) across the Global South. Including 23 chapters written by scholars from the Global North and South, this is the first authoritative reference work on the subject. The handbook is thematically organised into seven sections. The first three sections deal with provision, response to changes in contemporary society, and decolonizing RE. The next four sections explore young people and RE, perspectives on teachers, RE in higher education, and finally, challenges and opportunities for RE. The term 'Global South' is used here primarily to signify the deep economic divide with the Global North, but the concept is also examined in historical, geographical, political, social and cultural terms, including the indelible influence of religion in all four broadly defined regions. Exploring RE from local, cross-national as well as regional and sub-regional perspectives, the handbook examines RE from its diverse past, present realities, and envisioned future revealing not only tensions, contestations, injustices and inequalities of power, but importantly, how inclusive forms of RE can help solve these problems.

Conyugalidad positiva

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La historia cultural

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Desde hace dos o tres décadas la historia cultural ocupa un lugar preferente en la escena historiográfica, aunque con desfases cronológicos y distintas modalidades dependiendo de las circunstancias nacionales y, en este sentido, se impone una aproximación comparativa. El presente volumen pretende inscribirse en esta perspectiva, preguntándose por la realidad de un «giro cultural» en la historiografía mundial. Los numerosos colaboradores han aceptado responder a un plan de trabajo en el que, partiendo de la situación historiográfica de cada país, se analicen las modalidades de surgimiento y de estructuración de la historia cultural. La meta buscada no es normativa y contempla un planteamiento que combina el análisis de las obras, las singularidades de las coyunturas historiográficas y la organización de los mercados universitarios.

The Cambridge History of Spanish Literature

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