La Dottrina segreta dei Rosacroce

Book Description

Partendo da un'analisi dell'antica tradizione e della dottrina segreta dei Rosacroce, l'autore ne approfondisce lasimbologia più occulta attraverso alcuni aforismi fondamentali e l'interpretazione della loro rappresentazione grafica. Tra gli altri argomenti, esamina l'unità della materia, i piani di coscienza, la metempsicosi e i sette principi cosmici che governano l'Universo. Tali principi si rifanno alla tradizione alchemica più classica il cui insegnamento per analogia viene ripreso da Magus Incognito. "Così in alto, come in basso", durante il proprio soggiorno sulla terra, l'anima umana progredisce in una sequenza il cui moto si evolve a forma di spirale e che conduce verso la propria evoluzione e liberazione. Illustrato con i 12 simboli dei Rosacroce.

Suspicious Readings of Joyce's Dubliners

Book Description

Because the stories in James Joyce's Dubliners seem to function as models of fiction, they are able to stand in for fiction in general in their ability to make the operation of texts explicit and visible. Joyce's stories do this by provoking skepticism in the face of their storytelling. Their narrative unreliabilities--produced by strange gaps, omitted scenes, and misleading narrative prompts--arouse suspicion and oblige the reader to distrust how and why the story is told. As a result, one is prompted to look into what is concealed, omitted, or left unspoken, a quest that often produces interpretations in conflict with what the narrative surface suggests about characters and events. Margot Norris's strategy in her analysis of the stories in Dubliners is to refuse to take the narrative voice for granted and to assume that every authorial decision to include or exclude, or to represent in a particular way, may be read as motivated. Suspicious Readings of Joyce's Dubliners examines the text for counterindictions and draws on the social context of the writing in order to offer readings from diverse theoretical perspectives. Suspicious Readings of Joyce's Dubliners devotes a chapter to each of the fifteen stories in Dubliners and shows how each confronts the reader with an interpretive challenge and an intellectual adventure. Its readings of "An Encounter," "Two Gallants," "A Painful Case," "A Mother," "The Boarding House," and "Grace" reconceive the stories in wholly novel ways--ways that reveal Joyce's writing to be even more brilliant, more exciting, and more seriously attuned to moral and political issues than we had thought.

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians

Book Description

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians is one of the many titles attributed to William Walker Atkinson writing under a pseudonym. The book presents the history and background of the Rosicruscians, a mystical brotherhood which uses Christian symbology to communicate otherworldly ideas and meanings. Atkinson, writing as Magnus Incognito, supplies a guide to the beliefs and teachings of the brotherhood, including how to ascend to higher planes, sexual satisfaction as spiritual enlightenment, and the meaning behind auras. Interestingly, much of the Rosicrucisans is taken verbatim from another Atkinson work The Arcane Teachings.MAGNUS INCOGNITO is an alias and pen name of American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932). He only used the pseudonym once, obviously wishing to emphasize the writer's anonymity. Atkinson was editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books under numerous pseudonyms, including "Yogi," some of which are likely still unknown today.

Julius Evola

Book Description

An intimate portrait of Evola and his wartime activities that rebuts many of the Fascist pseudo-myths about him • Traces the Baron’s activities in Italy, Germany, and Austria during World War II • Clarifies Evola’s relations with Nazism and Fascism and reveals how he passionately rejected both ideologies because they were totalitarian • Draws on personal conversations with those who knew Evola, new documentation never before made public, and letters from the Hakl and Scaligero archives Baron Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola, known to the English-speaking world as Julius Evola (1898–1974), was an Italian philosopher, magician, painter, occultist, Orientalist, linguist, and champion mountain climber. Often considered a pillar of Neo-Fascist thought, Evola opposed Fascism and called himself a “radical traditionalist.” In this exploration of Evola’s inner and outer life from World War II into the early 1950s, Gianfranco de Turris, who knew Evola when he was alive and is the executor of his estate, offers a new portrait of Julius Evola and debunks many of the pseudo-myths about his activities during the war. Drawing on personal conversations with those who knew him and new documentation never before made public, including letters from the Hakl and Scaligero archives, the author traces Evola’s activities--including his time on the run and living under assumed names--in Italy, Germany, and Austria from 1943 into the mid-1950s. He shares a thorough account of the Baron’s sojourn at Hitler’s headquarters in Rastenburg, his work for the German secret military services, and his passionate rejection of the racial theories that were the core of Nazi ideology. The author outlines Evola’s critiques of Fascism and Nazism and also explores Evola’s disapproval of the Italian Social Republic because it was destroying traditional values in favor of modernity. Detailing the Baron’s occult and magical work during the war, de Turris shows that the only thing Evola took with him when he escaped Italy was the UR Group papers, material that would later become the three-volume work Introduction to Magic. Sharing details from Evola’s long hospital stays during and after the war, the author proves that the injury that led to Evola’s paralysis was caused by an Allied bombing raid in Vienna and not, as rumor has it, by a sex magic act gone horribly wrong. The author shares photographs from the time period and the Baron’s correspondence with René Guenon on the possibility of restoring the spiritual and magical power of an authentic Freemasonry. Offering conclusive evidence that Evola was not part of the Nazi regime, de Turris sheds light on the inner workings of this legendary occult figure and what Evola believed was the best approach for the magus to take in the modern world.

The Illuminati Handbook

Book Description

The Testament of the Mystical Order and The Secret Teachings that Make them Great - Mystical Christian, Hermetic, Buddhist, Brahmin, Egyptian & Taoist Wisdom. Before the Da Vinci Code and before the Skull and Bones ...By: Magus IncognitoBefore the Skull and Bones. Before the Da Vinci Code. Before Dan Brown. Hundreds of years ago, the Illuminati and Secret Lodges of Europe and the Ancient world had developed secret techniques to master the mind, body and spiritual development. This book gives the real history and delivers the REAL secrets of the Illuminati and Lodges of the old world. This manuscript is a codification of the great teachings that were used by the lodges of central Europe, the Templar Based Lodges, the Lodges of Perfection, and the Ancient French/Germanic and Scottish Scottish Lodges. Keep in mind that this book goes back to deliver summaries of Greco-Egyptian Hermetic teachings, Rosicrucian Teachings, and even techniques and virtues of the more recent Freemasons. Look at the table of contents. Buy the book. When you read the book, YOU will see there is NOTHING else out there that delivers the history, techniques, and exercises like this book provides. All the best in your journey, Kindest Regards, MI

The Illuminati Secret Laws of Money - The Wealth Mindset Manifesto: The Life Changing Magic and Habits of Spiritual Mastery

Book Description

This book is for those who desire to be illumined and achieve wealth and prosperity. The illuminati success wisdom herein is for seekers who are open to new perspectives and who want to live to the fullest. This manuscript is based on the ancient illuminati exercises and lessons and is designed to help readers make a difference in the world by helping people make the best of themselves and their opportunities. For those of you who want more out of life, and who are tired of failure, this collection of timeless success wisdom will show you the path to achievement and the keys to prosperity. Do not sit idly by and reject or deny the abundance of the world

The Rosicrucian Handbook & Hermetic Textbook of Success Secrets: The Original American Illuminati Loge de Parfaits D' Écosse (Tm)- 1764

Book Description

This book contains the practical ideas, principles, and teachings of the Rosicrucians and Hermetic masters and the methods that transform the apprentice into the MAGI. This book will rock your consciousness. This book contains the power and spiritual magic that most never find. If you want to stop settling for an average life and begin co-creating your destiny, you may want to buy this book and keep it close to you until you see tangible results and power. The history and secrets unleashed in this book will shift your thinking. Be prepared for transformation, illumination and positive change.

The Illuminati Mindset - The Laws and Rules for Life Success

Book Description

Herein, we are talking about how to awaken from the illusion and develop your powers of perception, and learn to see the world in a smarter way while being more cognitive, and more responsive than 99% of the rest of the world's population. The first question is do you believe in a intelligent life force, an abundant world, or a beneficent spirit of the universe. The spiritually enlightened person might say I don't believe, but I know there is a framework and force, more powerful than gravity that controls the great laws of metaphysics, success and happiness. To begin with, the key really is to learn to look in the mirror and respect & love creation. Herein, we will discuss further ideas to help you tap into the intelligent force of the universe where we can begin to transcend the unseen laws of nature and reach your authentic potential.

Masters of the Secrets of the Illuminati

Book Description

This advanced executive analysis of the Masters of the Secrets of the Illuminati including the laws of attraction, laws of increase, laws of gratitude, and laws of action, health & success. If you want wealth, health, and peace of mind, this book is a masterpiece and collection of the insights of the greats. Advanced strategies based on: Science of Getting Rich, The Edinburgh Lectures, Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key System, Thomas Troward, Charles Haanel or Wallace Wattles, James Allen, Teachings of the Original Book by Napoleon Hill, Christian Larson, Teachings of Joseph Murphy, and more. This book has several exciting features: Commentary on the following authors is included: Wallace Wattles, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Judge Thomas Troward, Dr. Charles Haanel, Dr. Christian Larson, Dr. Napoleon Hill, Prentice Mulford, and Robert Collier. This book also contains an inspiring version of: The 8 Fold Path, 25 Secrets to Gratitude, A metaphysical Exercise for Health by Wattles, 12 Steps for Abundance, and an prosperity analysis of the Beatitudes.

The Illuminati Secrets to Imagination and Intuition

Book Description

This is a powerful book of illumination with a focus on the latent powers of intuition, inspiration, imagination, and molding your mindset and destiny with the use of your will, metaphysics, and spirituality. This book contains powerful nuggets of truth and mindfulness. The teaching herein can assist your transformation to power, leadership, and service to the world. This is a discussion of the imagination with a focus on the teachings of various self help legends such as: Ben Franklin, Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, Emerson, Thoreau, Napoleon Hill, Thomas Troward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thoreau, James Allen, Wallace Wattles, Norman Vincent Peale, William Walker Atkinson, Neville Goddard, and Charles Haanel. Read this book carefully, underline the passages, use the empowering exercises and meditations that are included. The goal of this book is for the reader to gain even greater control of your ideas, imagination, creativity, prescience, and 6th sense. Any student of mysticism, spirituality, or empowerment can cultivate insight and knowledge from this book. This is not a beginner book, but even a beginner can learn from this manuscript if you read it slowing and carefully.