International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-

Book Description

Dukova, H. D., Mastrantonio, M. (ed.) (2023). International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-. Global Academy Publishing House. DOI: This book consists of eight chapters. In the first chapter, there is information about the Sanjak of Rhodes, an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire, and statements that madrasas and Islamic higher education schools were an important part of the education system in the Ottoman Empire. In the second chapter, there is research into emotional education, which is the process of developing emotional intelligence, which includes understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as recognizing and empathizing with the emotions of others, where teachers play a very important role in emotional education when they interact with students on a daily basis and can provide a safe and supportive environment for emotional learning. In the third chapter explains the development of the roles of sustainable citizenship education in Indonesia and provides curricular recommendations to the education system. In the fourth chapter, it is mentioned that individuals who have developed writing skills in their mother tongue are successful in the writing skills they have learned in the foreign language they have learned and that there is an important connection between writing skills and teaching as a mother tongue in a foreign language. In the context of the fact that students who cannot gain writing skills in their mother tongue, in general, have difficulty writing in the language they have learned, it is also emphasized that Turkish students face some difficulties in the process of learning Persian, considering their writing skills within the framework of teaching Persian as a foreign language. The fifth chapter provides a brief historical account of the Urkun incident, the circumstances that prepared the rebellion, and the consequences of the rebellion. Then, the reflections of this event on Kyrgyz prose are emphasized. In Kyrgyzstan, which gained its independence in 1991, the literature of the pre-independence Soviet period and the post-independence literary environment are not the same. Soviet-era literature is literature that is entirely under the guidance of the state. This has had an impact on the topics dealt with in literature. There were interventions by the Soviet administration in the handling of the Urkun incident, and Urkun was sometimes among the banned subjects. The study also includes the intervention of the literary environment on the subject of Urkun. In the sixth chapter, emphasizes why the Soviet leadership gave importance to the theater genre and the factors that influenced the formation of the theater genre that entered Kyrgyz literature in the 1920s. In the first part of the study, the historical, political, and psychological environment prevailing in the Kyrgyz geography at the beginning of the 20th century is mentioned. The attitude of the Soviet authorities was primarily influential in the rapid development of contemporary theater. Therefore, in the second part of the study, it is discussed why the Soviet authorities attach importance to the theater genre. In the third part of the study, the factors affecting the formation and development of the Contemporary Kyrgyz Theater in the post-revolutionary period are discussed in general. In the seventh chapter, some basic concepts, theories, and practices in educational administration are discussed, emphasizing that educational administration is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. The aim of the eighth chapter is to determine the applicability of the lipogram technique by investigating its contribution to Turkish teaching and creative writing activities. This book has been prepared for academics, researchers, doctoral students, and policymakers working in the field of education.

La Práctica Del Liderazgo Gerencial

Book Description

La prctica del liderazgo gerencial describe al conjunto integral de principios basados sobre conocimiento cientfico incluyente abarcador comprehensivo denominado La organizacin requerida, desarrollada por el Dr. Elliott Jaques y sus colegas mediante el trabajo de investigacin en consultora durante ms de 55 aos en 15 pases. Nancy Lee trabaj con el Dr. Jaques durante ms de 20 aos. Este libro est dirigido a gerentes en todos los niveles, y se refiere al rol gerencial, que es el punto en que ms se necesita contar con guas de accin claras para lograr las metas de la organizacin. La aplicacin de estas ideas tiene por efecto el incremento de la productividad y de la rentabilidad, consolida la confianza y brinda a los empleados un ambiente de trabajo sano, que promueve el desarrollo personal. Su pensamiento fue una reformulacin monumental de las bases de la capacidad humana y de la estructura de las organizaciones, que se refleja en treinta libros. Jaques no slo plante la existencia de ocho niveles diferenciados de pensamiento conceptual entre los seres humanos, sino que tambin elabor las curvas de ese pensamiento durante la vida adulta. A su vez, este desarrollo conceptual sent las bases para una nueva lgica de la estructura organizacional, un campo que hasta entonces haba carecido de esta lgica del liderazgo y de la respondibilidad en las organizaciones. El trabajo de Jaques exige tomar el tiempo necesario para captar su dimensin innovadora. Tambin supone un cambio radical en el modo de elegir a los ejecutivos y de organizar a las empresas. Al igual que todo pensamiento innovador, su trabajo requiere la prueba de efectuar aplicaciones en la propia organizacin. Sin embargo, captar esta complejidad no es necesariamente una tarea abrumadora. En este libro Nancy Lee, ella misma una consultora organizacional consustanciada con los esfuerzos conceptuales de Jaques, ha logrado hacer su pensamiento mucho ms fcil de comprender. Por este motivo, este texto es de suma utilidad para ejecutivos, consultores y universitarios dedicados a construir organizaciones ms eficaces. Harry Levinson, Ph.D. Presidente emrito de The Levinson Institute Profesor emrito de psicologa clnica, Escuela de Medicina de Harvard

Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy

Book Description

The importance of effective use of resources within a business is paramount to the success of the business. This includes the effective use of employees as well as efficient strategies for the direction of those employees and resources. A manager’s ability to adapt and utilize contemporary approaches for maximizing both individuals and organizational knowledge is essential. The Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the application of contemporary management strategies. While highlighting topics such as e-business, leadership styles, and organizational behavior, this publication explores strategies for the achievement of organizational goals, as well as the methods of effective resource allocation. This book is ideally designed for academicians, students, managers, specialists, and consultants seeking current research on strategies for the management of people and knowledge within an organization.

Formative and Shared Assessment to Promote Global University Learning

Book Description

Formative and shared assessment (F&SA) implies a radical change in the way in which we understand the meaning and function of the assessment of university learning. In this sense, assessment is learning: it is not only about what the student learns but also about how the student learns. This means that any learning task involves making students aware of what and how they learn and how this learning can be used successfully in the future. Formative and Shared Assessment to Promote Global University Learning offers an updated and comprehensive review of F&SA in university teaching from an international perspective. In this regard, this publication provides an update of the concepts and approaches to F&SA and suggests a review of the methods, techniques, and instruments of F&SA as well as the conditions of validity and reliability to garner high quality. Covering topics such as feminist pedagogies, learning-oriented tasks, and student engagement, this premier reference source is an essential resource for educational administration, libraries, educators of K-12 and higher education, pre-service teachers, government officials, researchers, and academicians.

CríTica a la EducacióN PráCtica y a la PráCtica de la EducacióN en MéXico

Book Description

El Dr. Omar Gavotto en este ensayo plantea el problema de lo oculto y lo manifiesto de la educación formal, reflexiona sobre cómo la educación se ha convertido en un estandarte del discurso político y lastimosamente se ha encriptado lo esencial del proyecto educativo; actuando de modo contrario a los principios pedagógicos. Se develan así las principales contradicciones del sistema educativo, que por sus efectos ha obstaculizado la educación integral de la sociedad. Quedan al descubierto las grandes paradojas de la educación formal, a través de un análisis profundo del manejo actual de los principales conceptos de la educación y sus prácticas educativas. El autor analiza con un enfoque crítico la educación de nuestro tiempo, invitando a revisar el discurso utópico y demagógico que encontramos en la gran mayoría de los congresos y libros educativos que promueven estrategias para lograr la eficacia de un sistema educativo que no forma integralmente, dando líneas de acción para administrar con calidad un proyecto educativo diseñado de origen para ser ineficaz. Se torna urgente la transformación del sistema educativo, para justificar su existencia. Es evidente la inexistencia de un modelo educativo nacional que de solución a los problemas sociales actuales, proponiendo a los docentes iniciar con la transformación para redirigir a nuestra sociedad hacia otro destino.

Innovation and Research - A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development

Book Description

This book presents the proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Innovation and Research—A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development (CI3 2021). CI3 was held on September 1–3, 2021. It was organized by the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui and GDEON, in co-organization with Higher Institutes: Bolivariano de Tecnología, Central Técnico, Espíritu Santo, José Chiriboga Grijalva, ISMAC, Policía Nacional del Ecuador Vida Nueva; and sponsored by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil) and City University of New York (United States). CI3 aims to disseminate the research project results that are being carried out in different Higher Education Institutions, research centers, and the business sector.

Research Anthology on Instilling Social Justice in the Classroom

Book Description

The issue of social justice has been brought to the forefront of society within recent years, and educational institutions have become an integral part of this critical conversation. Classroom settings are expected to take part in the promotion of inclusive practices and the development of culturally proficient environments that provide equal and effective education for all students regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status, and disability, as well as from all walks of life. The scope of these practices finds itself rooted in curriculum, teacher preparation, teaching practices, and pedagogy in all educational environments. Diversity within school administrations, teachers, and students has led to the need for socially just practices to become the norm for the progression and advancement of education worldwide. In a modern society that is fighting for the equal treatment of all individuals, the classroom must be a topic of discussion as it stands as a root of the problem and can be a major step in the right direction moving forward. Research Anthology on Instilling Social Justice in the Classroom is a comprehensive reference source that provides an overview of social justice and its role in education ranging from concepts and theories for inclusivity, tools, and technologies for teaching diverse students, and the implications of having culturally competent and diverse classrooms. The chapters dive deeper into the curriculum choices, teaching theories, and student experience as teachers strive to instill social justice learning methods within their classrooms. These topics span a wide range of subjects from STEM to language arts, and within all types of climates: PK-12, higher education, online or in-person instruction, and classrooms across the globe. This book is ideal for in-service and preservice teachers, administrators, social justice researchers, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in how social justice is currently being implemented in all aspects of education.

Emotional Intelligence in Education

Book Description

This book highlights current knowledge, best practices, new opportunities, and difficult challenges associated with promoting emotional intelligence (EI) and social-emotional learning (SEL) in educational settings. The volume provides analyses of contemporary EI theories and measurement tools, common principles and barriers in effective EI and SEL programming, typical and atypical developmental considerations, and higher-level institutional and policy implications. It also addresses common critiques of the relevance of EI and discusses the need for greater awareness of sociocultural contexts in assessing and nurturing EI skills. Chapters provide examples of effective EI and SEL programs in pre-school, secondary school, and university contexts, and explore innovative applications of EI such as bullying prevention and athletic training. In addition, chapters explore the implications of EI in postsecondary, professional, and occupational settings, with topics ranging from college success and youth career readiness to EI training for future educators and organizational leaders. Topics featured in this book include: Ability and trait EI and their role in coping with stress, academic attainment, sports performance, and career readiness. Implications of preschoolers’ emotional competence for future success in the classroom. Understanding EI in individuals with exceptionalities. Applications of school-based EI and SEL programs in North America and Europe. Policy recommendations for social-emotional development in schools, colleges and universities. Developing emotional, social, and cognitive competencies in managers during an MBA program. Emotional intelligence training for teachers. Cross-cultural perspective on EI and emotions. Emotional Intelligence in Education is a must-have resource for researchers, professionals, and policymakers as well as graduate students across such disciplines as child and school psychology, social work, and education policy. Chapter 2 of this book is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License at