La escuela del mundo

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Modern Mexico

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The Soils of Mexico

Book Description

Mexico is an extensive country with an extremely complex mosaic of landscapes. The soils of Mexico have still not been completely studied, and there are few publications available on this subject. This book provides a state-of-the-art view on Mexican soils, their geographical distribution, their use and degradation. This is a first attempt to give a systematized characteristic of the soil resources of Mexico. Land resources of the second-biggest economy in Latin America are critical for its sustainable development, and a demand for adequate soil information is high. The information contained within can be used for any soil-related research done in Mexico and in neighboring countries. The book includes detailed characteristics of soils of all the physiographic regions of Mexico with maps, photos and explanatory schemes. The book is based on the experiences of the authors in research and soil survey, as well as on the existent, mainly ‘grey’ literature on Mexican soils. The book is recommended for researchers and university readers, students of all levels and decision-makers, working in the area of soil science, environmental issues, Earth sciences, land management and nature conservation.

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Mexico City’s Zócalo

Book Description

This book presents a case study of one of Latin America’s most important and symbolic spaces, the Zócalo in Mexico City, weaving together historic events and corresponding morphological changes in the urban environment. It poses questions about how the identity of a place emerges, how it evolves and, why does it change? Mexico City’s Zócalo: A History of a Constructed Spatial Identity utilizes the history of a specific place, the Zócalo (Plaza de la Constitución), to explain the emergence and evolution of Mexican identities over time. Starting from the pre-Hispanic period to present day, the work illustrates how the Zócalo reveals spatial manifestations as part of the larger socio-cultural zeitgeist. By focusing on the history of changes in spatial production – what Henri Lefebvre calls society’s "secretions" – Bross traces how cultural, social, economic, and political forces shaped the Zócalo’s spatial identity and, in turn, how the Zócalo shaped and fostered new identities in return. It will be a fascinating read for architectural and urban historians investigating Latin America.

The Hispanic American Historical Review

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Includes "Bibliographical section".

Catalog of Printed Books

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Daniel Cosío Villegas:

Book Description

Las entrevistas que el profesor de la Universidad de California en Berkeley, James J. Wilkie, y su esposa Edna Monzón Wilkie le hicieron a don Daniel en el año de 1964 no sólo constituyen un espléndido ejercicio de historia oral, a medio camino de la autobiografía y de las memorias tanto como del oficio de historiar, sino un material de lectura e investigación ineludible para quien aspire a estudiar con mayor hondura y alcance el periodo histórico en cuestión, al personaje protagonista, y a su trasfondo y paisaje. La entrevista aquí presentada, en edición y notas de Rafael Rodríguez Castañeda, Adolfo Castañón y Diego Flores Magón, formó parte en su origen de una obra de más amplia envergadura, editada hace más de quince años en 1995, en cuatro volúmenes e incluía a otros dieciséis protagonistas de aquella etapa constructiva de la Revolución Mexicana. En el curso a la par simpático y acucioso de este ensayo impecable de historia oral, pautado por las preguntas hechas por los investigadores, va reconstruyéndose el itinerario, los años de formación y de aprendizaje, las ideas rectoras y la génesis de este eminente historiador, investigador, escritor, maestro y creador de instituciones, "caudillo y empresario cultural" (para aludir a las expresiones acuñadas por su biógrafo Enrique Krauze), que fue don Daniel Cosío Villegas.