Emprender con responsabilidad

Book Description

Ni la acumulación de deuda, ni la construcción de viviendas ni el consumo ilimitado de productos y recursos nos sacarán de la profunda crisis económica, energética y medioambiental que vivimos. El futuro pertenece a las sociedades que faciliten el despliegue de la capacidad emprendedora de sus ciudadanos. Bajo esta premisa, Ángel Pes y Norbert Bilbeny se adentran en el papel clave de la responsabilidad social de las empresas y, desde una visión eminentemente práctica, defienden la necesidad de promover la actividad emprendedora sin descuidar la distribución equitativa de los beneficios del desarrollo económico y su carácter sostenible.Para ello, explican cómo dar forma a las exigencias de una economía sostenible a través de numerosos ejemplos de empresas que han sabido ver las ventajas que ofrece la responsabilidad corporativa. Ser empresario responsable no solo es una elección: es una necesidad para construir el futuro.

The Cordial Economy - Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity

Book Description

This book proposes, from a civil perspective —such as that developed by Stefano Zamagni— and a cordial perspective —such as that developed by Adela Cortina—, orientations to design an economy in tune with what the historical moment demands. Among other things, this comes from encouraging institutions, organisations and companies to include in their designs aspects as important for carrying out their activities as cordial reciprocity, mutual recognition of the communicative and affective capacities of the linked or linkable parties, public commitment and the active participation of civil society. The book first shows the conceptualisation of the process of self-interest as operating for one’s own benefit and its inclusion in the orthodox economic model. In Chapter 2 it then displays some of the logical/formal and experimental limits of the axiomatic economics model to discover the possibility of building bridges between theoretical modelling and factual validation. Chapter 3 demonstrates the fragility of a rationality model based on the paradigmatic figure of homo oeconomicus. Chapter 4 reflects on the critical process that has identified reciprocity as a determining factor for human cooperation, turning this behaviour into a paradox in which the lack of a reasonable explanation from the selfish perspective becomes inconsistent in the predominant economic theory. Chapter 5 is from a moral point of view it describes and criticises the different approaches to reciprocity observed by sociologists, biologists, psychologists and economists. Chapter 6 analyses three mutual recognition proposals as possible foundations for human cooperation, highlighting one of them –cordial recognition, developed by Cortina– because it is more closely related to studies of reciprocity, particularly the most recent contributions from the neurosciences. Chapter 7 proposes cordial reciprocity as a horizon of meaning for the various approaches to reciprocity observed. Chapter 8 explores the possible emergence and development of cordial goods, a type of relational and communicative good that enables joint actions to take place in different contexts of human activity. Chapter 9 analyses the application and implementation of cordial reciprocity at the macro, meso and micro levels of the economy. And finally, it proposes guidelines for designing a monitoring and compliance system which, based on the communication, storage and processing of big data and the committed participation of stakeholders, offers businesses the possibility of inspecting their underlying dimensions of morality, emotions and responsibility.

Human Resource Management

Book Description

A balance of practical and applied material which also underpins the crucial theoretical concepts that are being applied in today's human resources. For undergraduate/graduate courses in Human Resource Management.

Corporate Citizenship, Contractarianism and Ethical Theory

Book Description

This study provides a representation of the broad spectrum of theoretical work on topics related to business ethics, with a particular focus on corporate citizenship. It considers relations of business and society alongside social responsibility and moves on to examine the historical and systemic foundations of business ethics, focusing on the concepts of social and ethical responsibilities. The contributors explore established theories and concepts and their impact on moral behaviour. Together, the contributions offer varied philosophical theories in approaches to business ethics. The book will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers with an interest in the theoretical development of business ethics.


Book Description

For Introduction to Business courses. This best-selling text by Ricky Griffin and Ronald Ebert provides students with a comprehensive overview of all the important functions of business. Each edition has introduced cutting-edge firsts while ensuring the underlying principles that guided its creation, Doing the Basics Best, were retained. The seventh edition focuses on three simple rules- Learn, Evaluate, Apply. - NEW- Chapter 2: Understanding the Environments of Business - This new chapter puts business operations in contemporary context, explaining the idea of organizational boundaries and describing the ways in which elements from multiple environments cross those boundaries and shape organizational activities. This chapter sets the stage as an introduction to some of the most important topics covered in the rest of the book, for example: - The Economics Environment includes the role of aggregate output, standard of living, real growth rate; GDP per capita; real GDP; purchasing power parity; and the Consumer Price Index. - The Technology Environment includes special attention to new tools for competitiveness in both goods and services and business process technologies, plus e

Leaders Become Leadership | Los Líderes Se Convierten En Liderazgo

Book Description

Leader and Leadership are management functions that are vital in directing an organization to improve efficiency, achieve goals, and center policies and procedures on the company vision. This how to do book will help the less experienced reader on various aspects involved with leaders and leadership. The sustained analysis and the variety of topics discussed regarding leaders and leadership qualities in the business sector and in the military and ethical behaviors, and their part in decision-making makes the works of the book compelling. This book shows the author deep knowledge and understanding of leaders becoming leadership. Líder y Liderazgo son funciones de gestión que son vitals para dirigir una organización a mejorar la eficiencia, alcanzar objetivos y centrar las políticas y procedimientos en la vision de la empresa. Este libro de cómo hacer ayudará al lector menos experimentado en varios aspectos relacionados con los líderes y el liderazgo. El análisis sostenido y la variedad de temas discutidos con respecto a los líderes y las cualidades de liderazgo en el sector empresarial y en los comportamientos militares y éticos, y su parte en la toma de decisiones hace que las obras del libro sean convincentes. Este libro muestra al autor un profundo conocimiento y comprensión de los líderes que se convierten en líderes.

Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics

Book Description

The Handbook of Business Ethics: Philosophical Foundations is a standard interdisciplinary reference handbook in the field of business ethics. Articles by notable philosophers and economists examine fundamental concepts, theories and questions of business ethics: Are morality and self-interest compatible? What is meant by a just price? What did the Scholastic philosophers think about business? The handbook will cover the entire philosophical basis of business ethics. Articles range from historical positions such as Aristotelianism, Kantianism and Marxism to systematic issues like justice, religious issues, rights and globalisation or gender. The book is intended as a reference work for academics, students (esp. graduate), and professionals.

Comunicación corporativa: Claves y escenarios

Book Description

Todo comunica. Este es el axioma básico de la comunicación, también para las organizaciones. Comunicación corporativa. Claves y escenarios constituye un manual transversal y necesario, que actualiza y estudia las claves, los elementos de interés y las distintas vertientes que comprende la comunicación corporativa en el contexto actual. Los autores y autoras de este manual son grandes conocedores de cada uno de los ámbitos de especialización referidos y, por lo tanto, las voces más adecuadas para explicar cómo la función de comunicación puede optimizarse en las organizaciones. Comunicación interna, comunicación interpersonal, comunicación de crisis, comunicación y responsabilidad social corporativa o comunicación online son solo algunos de los temas abordados. Su mirada analiza las tradicionales y nuevas necesidades que afectan a la comunicación corporativa y la mejor manera de resolverlas. El libro resulta comprehensivo, actual y necesario para alumnos, investigadores y profesores, gerentes y directores de comunicación y, en general, para todos los interesados en este ámbito profesional y del saber.

El camino espiritual hacia el éxito empresarial

Book Description

¿Estás cansado de sentir que tu éxito empresarial está limitado por tus habilidades técnicas y conocimientos de mercado? ¿Te gustaría aprender cómo la espiritualidad puede transformar tu carrera y llevarte al éxito? En "El camino espiritual hacia el éxito empresarial" descubrirás cómo la conexión con tu propósito espiritual puede impulsar tu éxito empresarial. A través de historias inspiradoras y técnicas prácticas, este libro te guiará en un viaje hacia tu verdadero potencial empresarial. Aprenderás cómo la meditación, la ley de la atracción y la gratitud pueden ayudarte a atraer el éxito y la prosperidad a tu vida empresarial. Descubrirás cómo la ética empresarial desde una perspectiva espiritual puede mejorar tus relaciones con tus clientes, empleados y la comunidad en general. Además, este libro explorará cómo el liderazgo consciente, la comunicación efectiva y la colaboración pueden transformar la cultura empresarial y mejorar la productividad y el bienestar de tus empleados. Si estás buscando una nueva perspectiva para llevar tu carrera empresarial al siguiente nivel, "El camino espiritual hacia el éxito empresarial" es el libro perfecto para ti.