La física de dios

Book Description

Más allá de la concepción material de la ciencia y dejando de lado el sectarismo religioso, se revela una conexión sorprendentemente clara entre la ciencia y la religión. Las reflexiones sobre la trascendencia que nos brindan los santos, los sabios y las personas que han vivido experiencias cercanas a la muerte cuando nos hablan de milagros, inmortalidad, Dios o conciencia, son totalmente coherentes con las teorías científicas en campos como la relatividad, la medicina, la teoría M, la neurociencia, o la física y la biología cuánticas. La física de Dios, como afirma Amit Goswamit, es una aportación exquisita y valiosa a la literatura sobre la evidencia científica de la existencia de Dios. ¿Podemos afirmar que Dios existe? ¿Es Dios científicamente verificable? ¿Existe una física de Dios? Selbie lo argumenta de forma convincente: a partir del testimonio de místicos de todo el mundo como Santa Teresa o Rumi; dando voz a científicos y pensadores como Albert Einstein, Bohm, Erwin Laszlo o Jung; y apoyándose en descubrimientos como la teoría de cuerdas y otros principios de la física cuántica, la biología o la neurociencia nos demuestra que una física de Dios es posible. La lectura de este libro te ayudará a comprender esta nueva perspectiva. Para disfrutar de ella no necesitas más cualificación que la de verte como algo más que las máquinas sin alma que muchos científicos materialistas ven en el ser humano. Convincente y concisa, la física de Dios demuestra que ciencia y religión, lejos de ser incompatibles, son mutua y profundamente coherentes.

Why We Believe in God(s)

Book Description

In this groundbreaking volume, J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD, with Clare Aukofer, offers a succinct yet comprehensive study of how and why the human mind generates religious belief. Dr. Thomson, a highly respected practicing psychiatrist with credentials in forensic psychiatry and evolutionary psychology, methodically investigates the components and causes of religious belief in the same way any scientist would investigate the movement of astronomical bodies or the evolution of life over time—that is, as a purely natural phenomenon. Providing compelling evidence from psychology, the cognitive neurosciences, and related fields, he, with Ms. Aukofer, presents an easily accessible and exceptionally convincing case that god(s) were created by man—not vice versa. With this slim volume, Dr. Thomson establishes himself as a must-read thinker and leading voice on the primacy of reason and science over superstition and religion.

La Otra Gloria

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God's Word Heals

Book Description

Best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince shares exciting results from his own and others’ miraculous healings and explains from the truths of God’s Word how to position yourself to receive God’s provision and power for healing. Through this incredible resource, you can…. Understand the causes of sickness and disease Remove spiritual obstacles to healing Learn why healing happens—and why it does not Release unforgiveness and bitterness Build faith through miraculous healing testimonies Experience the power of God’s Word God desires to heal His people. Be among those who receive healing!

Profetas Menores del Antiguo Testamento

Book Description

En la presente obra te ofrecemos las profecías encerradas en los capítulos dedicados a los libros hagiógrafos y Profetas Menores del Antiguo Testamento. Profetas Menores no significa en lo absoluto que estos hombres de Dios fueran en dignidad 'menores'; sino que sus escritos no fueron tan extensos como los 'mayores', siendo usados en otras tareas diferentes, y en ciertas ocasiones profetizaron hechos que los 'mayores' solo generalizaron; encomendándosele a ellos profundizar y añadir detalles importantes relacionados con la escatología y cronología bíblica.Como libro de estudio se diferencia de otros en que no es simplemente para saciar la curiosidad, sino adentrarnos en el futuro que apremia anunciándonos y explicando las profecías bíblicas al detalle. Es más que nada lo que el Espíritu Santo de Dios ha revelado fruto del estudio esforzado de todas esas profecías bíblicas que señalan indudablemente hasta nuestros días previos al Apocalipsis y anunciado advenimiento del Señor; seguido del prometido y establecido reino del Altísimo. Es por tanto un libro dirigido a aquellos interesados en escudriñar--como se nos dice en San Juan 5:39-las profecías bíblicas, incluidas dentro del Plan de Dios, dedicándole tiempo, paciencia y mucha oración.Deseamos de todo corazón que las Escrituras proféticas te acerquen más al Creador hallando la Salvación y puerta de entrada a la eternidad a través de nuestro Redentor. Esperamos que te sea de ayuda para seguir velando y estar preparados para los ciertos y duros acontecimientos que se le avecinan a la humanidad en nuestros días.Índice :-Notas del autor.-Libro de Josué.-Libro de Ruth.-Libro de Samuel (1 y 2 ).-Libro de Reyes (1 y 2).-Libro de Crónicas (1ro).-Libro de Job.-Libro de los Salmos.-Libro de los Proverbios.-Libro de Eclesiastés.-Libro de El cantar de los cantares.-Libro de Oseas.-Libro de Joel.-Libro de Amós.-Libro de Abdías.-Libro de Jonás.-Libro de Miqueas.-Libro de Nahúm.-Libro de Habacuc.-Libro de Sofonías.-Libro de Haggeo.-Libro de Zacarías.-Libro de Malaquías.-Reflexión Intertestamentaria.El autor de los 'Profetas Menores del Antiguo Testamento' nació en Ciudad Habana, Cuba; y actualmente reside en el sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos. Entre sus escritos se encuentran poemas de diferente temario. Otras obras extensas de carácter bíblico se le suman como el libro '¡Tierra, tierra, tierra! Oye Palabra de Yahweh'; así como cuentos, obras de teatro, escritos políticos sobre el acontecer mundial y de su país natal; además del conocido libro autobiográfico 'Nacido Patria o Muerte'; al igual que dos libros de salmos y alabanzas cristianas; y la obra literaria futurista titulada: 'Aventuras de Victorino Chang', entre otros proyectos.

The Yugas

Book Description

Millions are wondering what the future holds for mankind, and if we are soon due for a world-changing global shift. Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi) and his teacher, Sri Yukteswar, offered key insights into this subject. They presented a fascinating explanation of the rising and falling eras that our planet cycles through every 24,000 years. According to their teachings, we have recently passed through the low ebb in that cycle and are moving to a higher age—an Energy Age that will revolutionize the world. Over one hundred years ago Yukteswar predicted that we would live in a time of extraordinary change, and that much that we believe to be fixed and true—our entire way of looking at the world — would be transformed and uplifted. In The Yugas, authors Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz present substantial and intriguing evidence from the findings of historians and scientists that demonstrate the truth of Yukteswar’s and Yogananda’s revelations.

Averroes' Physics

Book Description

Ruth Glasner presents an illuminating reappraisal of Averroes' physics. Glasner is the first scholar to base her interpretation on the full range of Averroes' writings, including texts that are extant only in Hebrew manuscripts and have not been hitherto studied. She reveals that Averroes changed his interpretation of the basic notions of physics - the structure of corporeal reality and the definition of motion - more than once. After many hesitations he offers a bold new interpretation of physics which Glasner calls 'Aristotelian atomism'. Ideas that are usually ascribed to scholastic scholars, and others that were traced back to Averroes but only in a very general form, are shown not only to have originated with him, but to have been fully developed by him into a comprehensive and systematic physical system. Unlike earlier Greek or Muslim atomistic systems, Averroes' Aristotelian atomism endeavours to be fully scientific, by Aristotelian standards, and still to provide a basis for an indeterministic natural philosophy. Commonly known as 'the commentator' and usually considered to be a faithful follower of Aristotle, Averroes is revealed in his commentaries on the Physics to be an original and sophisticated philosopher.

Let God's Light Shine Forth

Book Description

Though he was a familiar Church leader for many years before becoming Pope, there has been little awareness of the spiritual side of Benedict XVI. [In this book, the editor] offers [an] introduction to the life and work of Pope Benedict XVI and then presents an absorbing collection of his most persuasive words.

El Único Dios Verdadero

Book Description

"The Only True God" is the originator of all the languages of the nations of this planet Earth (Genesis 11:1-9). Does He knows the details of Grammar of those languages? How can we define in synthesis whatGrammar is? Does our wise and sovereign God presaw the need of talking to us in our own language? Does He also presaw that His dealing with the human race should be written in a book? Because these are facts that cannot be denied, it is evident He decreed that every word, phrase, sentence, concepts and complete paragraphs written in The Bible should be grammatically correct. The concept of the Three Persons of deity is evidenced with printine clarity, whenever this Book of God is grammatically interpreted. Inthe last night before His crucifixion, in His prayer to the Father, Jesus said: "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. An now, Oh Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was." "Me" and "I" explicitly defines two persons!

Science Discovers God

Book Description

Does God exist? Did a Master Designer create our universe, or did life spontaneously evolve? Can science retain objectivity in the search for truth while allowing for the possibility that God exists? Does it make any difference? Ariel A. Roth, scientist and Christian believer, examines key issues related to the God question: * the intricate organization of matter in the universe * the precision of the forces of physics * the complexity of the eye and the brain * the elaborate genetic code * the disparity between the fossil record and the vast amount of time necessary for evolution Faced with so much evidence that seems to require a God in order to explain what we find in nature, why does the scientific community remain silent about God? Hypotheses and speculations that attempt to fit data into a predetermined conclusion abound. What overriding influence prevents scientists from following the data of nature wherever it may lead?