La Forma de Encontrar a Dios (Goodword)

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El hombre require guia en su busqueda de Dios. El universe provee al hombre de tal guia en forma visual. Todo el universe parece estar haciendo sefias al hombre para que Is acompane en su inexorable progreso hacia el Senor. Tan deslumbrante es la radiaci6n del eel que parece querer dar en mensaje al ser humane, pero no puede hacerlo antes de ponerse. Los arboles extienden sus ramas. Los rios fluyen con su movimiento pulsante. Todas estas cosas y muchas mas tienen algo que decir, pero el ser humane pasa per su lade sin darse cuenta que es ese algo. Todas las alturas celestiales y panoramas terrestres parecen unirse en una masiva pero silenciosa congregaci6n, que se dirige al ser humane visual pero nunca audiblemente. ,Pero es el universe realmente nada mas que un vasto muses de obras de arte inarticuladas? Para nada. Todo en el carga us mensaje divine, comunicado en el idioma de la eternidad. Sin embargo, tan inmerso esta el ser humane en sus asuntos mundanos que falla en sir este mensaje silencioso. El Profeta debe desempenar el papel de poner este mensaje divine en palabras que podamos entender. El demuestra el tips de vida que Dios espera que el ser humans y toda la creacian sigan. C ps International centre for peace b spIntualoy Islamic Children's Books on the Quran, the Hadith, and the Prophet Muhammad, kids books games gifts activities puzzles on akhlaq Arabic learning and moral values, stories of sahabah, bestselling children's books by Goodword to teach the glory of Allah, islamic school books

Para encontrar a Dios

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Catena Librorum Tacendorum

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Vita coaetanea / A Contemporary Life / Vida coetánea / Vida coetània

Book Description

The Vita coaetanea (A Contemporary Life) is an autobiographical account of Ramon Llull’s life dictated by himself to a friend in 1311 when he was seventy-nine years old. In it Llull reviews his works in the context of a life dedicated to God and motivated by the desire to disseminate the message of the Christian faith among the infidels. Llull, the self-labeled troubadour of books, wrote this account in part as a self-justification of his life and work, in part as self-consolation for his unending toils and travails. It is very likely that he also had in mind the Council of Vienne (1311) which he was about to attend and where he submitted petitions dealing with the establishment of adequate places to study languages for the preaching of the Gospel to every creature and the founding of a Christian military religious order that waged permanent war against the Saracens until the Holy Land is reconquered. Llull wanted to frame these petitions within a well thought-out justificatory account of his life and works that exudes passion, commitment and love for his fellow man. This volume contains the Latin original, as well as translations into Catalan, Spanish, and English.

'Los Invisibles'

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Examining the social, medical and cultural history of male homosexuality in Spain, this book looks at it from the time homosexuality came to be an issue of medical, legal and cultural concern. Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, "Los Invisibles" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain.

The Integration of Psychology and Theology

Book Description

The Rosemead Psychology Series is a continuing series of studies written for professionals and students in the fields of psychology and theology and in related areas such as pastoral counseling. It seeks to present current thinking on the subject of the integration of psychology that grow out of the interface of psychology and theology. The data and theories of both theoretical and applied psychology are treated in this series, as well as fundamental theological concepts and issues that bear on psychological research, theory, and practice. These volumes are offered with the hope that they will stimulate further thinking and publication on the integration of psychology and the Christian faith.

Cleansing the Cosmos

Book Description

Adaptation of the author's Ph. D. thesis, University of Birmingham, 2012.