La France de Profil

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La France de Profil

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La France de Profil is a tribute to a way of life that still exists in the French countryside, revealing the essence of rural life in post-war France.

Profil de la France Nouvelle

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La France

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Tir A'mhurain

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Tir a'Mhurain is a collection of photographs that reflects the impressions gathered by Paul Strand and his wife Hazel during their 3-month visit to the Hebrides in 1945. Juxtaposing people and landscape, Strand's beautifully sequenced photographs depict the perfect complicity he saw between nature and habitation in their wild terrain. Whether it is a view of the rocks and the sea or a grinning shepherd boy; scuddling clouds hanging over seaside house or the wrinkled face of an old lady framed by a knitted shawl, Strand's images transcend the ephemeral. This extended portrait captures the essence and complexity of a singular place. This is a true masterpiece of photography.


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Son yıllarda Fransız sanat sahnesi ne durumda? Bu sahnenin ayırdedici özellikleri, ağır basan eğilimleri neler? Görünüşünü dönüştüren önemli değişiklikler oldu mu? “Panorama”sını çıkartmaktan çok “profil”ini çizme düşüncesinin ortaya koyduğu sorular bunlar. Panorama ve profil sözcükleri arasındaki anlamsal farklılık, burada yadsınmaz bir ağırlık taşır. Panorama kavramı, duruma genişletilmiş bir bakış yöneltildiğini düşündüren bir yoğunluk, bir kapsam içerir; oysa profil kavramı konuya aynı yönde bakmaz ve daha çok, bir toplu bakış düşüncesini vurgular. Bir özet düşüncesini. Tıpkı modelinin ana hatlarını yakalamak için taslaklar çiziktirmeye koyulan sanatçının yaptığı gibi. Fransa’da son yılların gelişim biçimiyle sanatsal üretimin durumunu öne çıkarmayı hedefleyen ve ‘Fransız Baharı’ etkinlikleri kapsamında gerçekleştirilen “Profiller” sergisi küratörü Philippe Piguet serginin “hiç bir okulun, hiç bir grubun manifestosu olmadığını amacının çoğulcu bir yaratım özgürlüğünün açık fikirliliğini yansıtmak” olduğunu belirtiyor. -- Where does the French artistic scene stand in regard to the last fifteen years? What are its eminent character traits? What are its dominant trends? Did nay notable change come about to transform its physiognomy? These are so many questions brought into play by this idea of sketching a “profile” and not a “panorama” of its present status. The semantic differentiation between these two words is quite imposing here. If the notion of panorama supposes a scope and an extent which imply a broadened vision of the situation, that of profile does not make out the same meaning and sooner accentuates the idea of an overview, a digest, following the example of an artist who endeavours to give a thumbnail sketch of his model in an attempt to express its essential traits. The famous art critic Philippe Piguet put it, this exposition “which intended to highlight a present state of art production as it developed in France more or less in the last fifteen years and what is more insomuch as it is sifted though sieves of public collections” blew like a spring breeze wafting a gentle air from France into the halls of Pera Museum, and gave the contemporary artistic panorama of a country that has always been amongst the vanguards of European Art.


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Paul Strand

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Paul Strand (1890-1976) defined twentieth-century American photography in a prolific career that spanned more than sixty years. His photographs explore the abstract and dynamic qualities found in the natural world, search for humanity in portraits of people and places, and document the experience of life itself. Highlighting the development of the photographer's aesthetic from his early encounters with Cubism to his humanistic depictions of people throughout the world, this book presents nearly forty years of Strand's wide-ranging and powerful work. In Focus: Paul Strand is published to coincide with an exhibition of the photographer's work at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles from May 10 through September 4, 2005. Commentaries on the pictures, along with an introduction and chronology of Strand's life, are provided by Anne Lyden, associate curator of photographs at the Getty Museum. The book also includes an edited transcript of a colloquium on Strand's work that incorporates Lyden's contributions along with those of five other participants: David Featherstone, a freelance writer and editor; Weston Naef, curator of photographs at the Getty Museum; Naomi Rosenblum, independent scholar; Mark Ruwedel, photographer and professor of photography at California State University, Long Beach; and Alan Trachtenberg, Neil Gray Jr. Professor Emeritus of English and American Studies at Yale University.